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Posts posted by DamianOgre

  1. I have been loving this game, except for the hackers. I have however, been getting very good at gearing up and finding my way outa town. My most recent time in game I was roaming around Chernogorsk, my favorite stomping grounds. The server had over 30 people on it and I knew that this sort of population brings out the hackers. Usually I just get sniped, even when I'm in the middle of the woods. Lately I get teleported to the middle of no where, with the rest of the server, and everyone starts shooting.

    I get a "Ready Check" come up on my screen, thats the only way I can think to describe it. I click on my name and suddenly I'm teleported several klicks away. It takes me a few moments to realize that I no longer have control of my character. The hacker starts running me around. Shooting off all of my ammo and pissing me off. The only thing I can think of to do is log off quickly.

    I come back the next morning. For some reason all my morphine is gone and he has replaced them with blood bags. I am also wearing rags around my head now. I forget what that means.

    Is this happening to anyone else? I thought I was getting used to the moron hackers, but if they can take conrol of me... its a new low.
