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About Bongfu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bongfu

    The Map

    So I picked up a map recently and noticed it had some spots marked out on it. I made some of my own, but when I logged in this morning, I noticed that the marks were gone. Are markers server wide or just for your map? Why I really want to know is if me marking my camp down last night led to it being empty this morning.
  2. Bongfu

    The Watch is now recruiting

    This isn't going to be one of those, let me see how many members I can get, groups. I want dedicated, intelligent, and badass people.
  3. Now recruiting players who want to operate in the northern expanses of the map. We will not tolerate bandits or bandit behavior, but we will defend our territory. We are lead by real military combat experience and training. We hope to form a small, but elite squad that will be able to take on any challenge Chernarus can offer. Add Bongfu on Steam to set up an interview. We do have a Teamspeak server.
  4. I am pretty new at this game. Just started a few hours ago. Already got chased down by zombies then killed by a player with an axe. I am in the US, 23, ex-military. Looking for a group or at least another buddy to play with. I play nights mostly, but sometimes I can play during the day. Hit me up on Steam: Bongfu