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Everything posted by DrainBamaged

  1. My apologies to all of my regular players, but US 1550 and US 2522 are down due to a glitch with setting the crosshairs, third-person, and nametags. It seems that the servers aren't recognizing any changes that I make to them. Both servers will remain down until I can get HFB tech support to take a peek at the files and get the servers reconfigured. Hopefully this will be resolved sometime on Monday. I'll post here as more information becomes available and when the servers come back on-line. Again, my apologies to everyone. ~DrainBamaged aka Gravel
  2. Posted in server section here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91644-arma2oaserverrpt-question-us-1550/ It seems I'm not the only one having issues with this. My arma2oaserver.rpt file is spamming this message about 20x a second. Currently the file seizes up and I have to force close it because of the spamming. 21:39:39 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1b1e080# 1055693: tt650.p3d, "damage"] / UID: 7386626430157"" I have tried restarting and that didn't work, so I turned the server off for several hours and was hoping for a solution via the forum posy (linked above) or through my server tech-support. Nothing yet. So after trying those ideas I ran around for several hours and located every single vehicle on the map except one. Finally I had to ask a friend for help. The vehicle in question, a motorcycle, is parked in the ocean just to the east of Cherno. (I didn't ask how he saw it, I sure can't, and I don't want to know how he can. However, if you swim out you can see it under water.) Grenades won't reach it. I can't set a Satchel Charge while swimming. Battleye will ban me if I try to script it out of there. Can a Dev possibly move it? Even if you have to move every vehicle on the map at once This is seriously screwing up my ability to admin my server. Thanks, ~DrainBamaged
  3. Not really. Pretty bored with all sides of it already.
  4. DrainBamaged

    random tents

    *a little bump* I'm actually following this thread. Hoping someone that knows will actually chime in and help out. We'd like to do the same kind of thing.
  5. Lee-Vilayer, I (and I'm sure a lot of other people as well) would like to know what happened with the DayZ Planet Hive over the last couple of days (October 17-18, 2012.) Yes, it's all pixels. Yes, it's just a game. Yes, it's just a mod. But seriously, what happened? Because myself and a lot of other people lost hours of time invested in playing. I logged off and went to bed with multiple helicopters and vehicles fixed up and parked at an established base (on the Fallujah Map.) I wake up and can't log in. After roughly a full day we're given an emergency code update and when we log back in everything we had just spent many hours of gameplay to put together was gone. Tents, gone. Gear, gone. Vehicles, gone. Helicopters, gone. And no idea when they (the vehicles and helicopters) will respawn on the map. The only thing my character(s) have is the gear they logged off with. And, quite frankly, I have several pissed off players on my servers because of this, and I can't say I blame them. Can we eventually work it out and get our stuff back? Certainly, but that doesn't fix the lack of trust my players now have in DayZ Planet. It would have been nice to at least see a post on the forums advising us of a major glitch and what to expect. If this wasn't a DayZ Planet issue then I apologize. However, that's what I was told by my server company rep ... that DayZ Planet had glitched and caused this problem. So, please, enlighten us. Regards, DrainBamaged
  6. I think you're misunderstanding or not reading all the way through. 1. I don't want locations. I just want to know what should be there, so by default, I know what should NOT be there. When this map (Fallujah) started there were multiple vehicles that "naturally" spawned on my server that are not in the normal DayZ. Including three CH-47 Chinook helicopters, three UH-1Y Venom-Super Huey helicopters, three Mi-8 Russian helicopters, two MH-6 Little Bird helicopters, a Russian fuel truck, and a brand new black Chevrolet Suburban SUV. All of those would have had to have been hacked into "regular" DayZ. 2. If admins want to send people out on a private hive and collect all vehicles and aircraft before anyone else can play there they will do it regadless of whether they have a list of vehicles and/or their spawn points. Having (or not having) a list of legitimate vehicles doesn't help (or hinder) admins that wish to take this aspect of the game away from their players. It does, however, help good admins who are trying to be proactive and watch for illegitimate vehicles. 3. As far as the loot and hive going down ... I pay for my servers (multiple servers) all I'm saying is that some warning would be nice. As an admin I have to deal with my players when something like this happens. It's pretty shitty to have to tell them, "sorry, I don't know what happened," only to find out the hive was crashed and wiped on purpose. Give us admins advance notice of something like this. It's happened twice (that I know of) in the last couple of weeks. On the 18th and 24th (might have the dates a day off and I'm not going back to double check) of this month (October.) Logging in to everything gone is bad enough, having to deal with regular players and not having an answer is worse. 4. As far as Lee and advancing the maps. Sure I love it. Fallujah is my favorite so far ... kudos to him. I just feel like there's a huge rush to get more maps out there without getting the bugs worked out of the ones that are already active. And again, to much lack of information. If you're going to change stuff let us know somethings about to happen.
  7. IP sent. Add to (and/or subtract from) what I've already posted as a possible list of benchmarks. Once we've established and agreed on that I'll purchase a server normally, just like any other client. Also, I'll run it as a private hive, on one map only (Fallujah) and I'll pass the password on to you.
  8. Leadcatcher 22, I'll tell you what. I'll purchase an actual Vilayer server for 30 days. You and I work out some "benchmarks" such as the following: Ticket response times Server uptime/downtime Vehicle (initial) spawn times Aircraft (initial) spawn times Vehicle (initial) spawn locations Aircraft (initial) spawn locations Loot spawn times (for instance, how long does it take one building type to completely spawn a cycle of loot?) Loot spawn locations Loot spawn % Zombie spawn/despawn distance Zombie spawn/despawn times Tent I'll bring myself and two or three other people in, and we'll run through it as gamers. I'll give you an honest run, and you're welcome to pop in any time to make sure we're not just standing around making crap up. At the end of 30 days we'll post the results here for all to read. You up for that? I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is, as they say.
  9. Leadcatcher22, or should I say J.B., Since you're one of "the guys" working at Vilayer I think your troll answer is pretty moot. If you spent more time addressing problems and less time pretending to be a satisfied customer then maybe my servers would work properly.
  10. Six days since the last hive wipe. No vehicles. No aircraft. Loot doesn't spawn when or where it should. Some "rare" loot (like Coyote Backpacks and GPS) spawn so often we consider them trash. Some buildings (like the school-office and the super market) take upwards of 15 minutes to complete a spawn cycle of loot. Zombies don't spawn when or where they should. Sometimes they spawn before we're within 300 meters, sometimes (and this is more common) they don't spawn until we've finished doing something in an area and are moving back out past the 300 meter line. Sometimes 15-20 of them (for an area) will just pour out of one building. Zombies aggro at night, from across the airfield, on stationary-crouched players who are surrounded by other (non-aggro'ing) zombies. Tents won't save. And I mean the actual tent, not the gear inside. Every tent I put up disappears when the server restarts ... and that's if you can find a tent, they're rarer than satchel charges or Mountain Dew. And finally ... No answers. The Fallujah map is my favorite. Unfortunately I have to be connected to Vilayer-DayZ Planet to play the Fallujah map on any of my servers. Honestly, if my server hosting company (HFB) doesn't figure out a way to disconnect me from Vilayer-DayZ Planet soon they will be losing my business. Sad to say because otherwise I have nothing but good things to say about HFB and the support I've gotten from them.
  11. DrainBamaged

    Avoid this server at all costs.

    Reading. It is your friend.
  12. DrainBamaged

    DayZ Namalsk map, anyone tried ?

    In the first 10 minutes I had to use 3 heatpacks ... although I did spawn at night, in the rain. Never did find the third heatpack in time to keep me from getting sick. Love the sounds. The map seems a bit spartan to me. The cities/towns are really small ... Chernarus style, definitely not Fallujah style. A lot of the same old, regular buildings. However there are some new additions. First impressions (having played it in both night and day) ... somewhere between a C plus and a B minus. I guess really my love for the Fallujah and Lingor maps taints my decision though. So don't take my word for it, download it and play it yourselves and form your own opinion. Some people will love this map and some will hate it, it's just really going to be based on the type of game style and game map you prefer. (Edit: fixed spelling errors)
  13. Did Vilayer wipe DayZPlanet-Fallujah database/hive again? Logged off last night with a new camp and saved gear, logged in this a.m. to find it all gone. Multiple restarts and the tents are still gone. Before you ask, this is a passworded server.
  14. DrainBamaged

    Vilayer-DayZPlanet Hive Wipe?

    I'm guessing that we're to the point where a rep from Vilayer isn't going to respond officially.
  15. DrainBamaged

    DayZ Quickscoping w/ KAR-98 Rifle!

    Really? REALLY?
  16. DrainBamaged

    Something Different...

    Something different ... definitely ... but not sure, because I can't read it.
  17. DrainBamaged

    Vilayer-DayZPlanet Hive Wipe?

    I'm certainly not denying that they've done a lot of good work with all the add-ons. However, as far as I'm concerned, what's the use in all the add-ons if I can't keep the gear for longer than a few days before it's wiped away. A simple notice posted in advance would have been nice. I don't even know anymore why I am still paying for multiple servers that connect to the Vilayer-DayZPlanet Hive when they've become unplayable. It's frustrating and really pissing off my players and me.
  18. DrainBamaged

    Night time private hive gameplay and finds!!

    Welcome to the nightlife. :)
  19. DrainBamaged

    Vilayer-DayZPlanet Hive Wipe?

    Follow up question as well: Does this "performance tweek" restart the timer for vehicles and aircraft spawning? Because at the time of this incident we were still waiting for our vehicles and aircraft to start spawning back in after the last one on the 17th-18th of October, 2012. Just curious so I can tell my pissed off players something.
  20. DrainBamaged

    Vilayer-DayZPlanet Hive Wipe?

    I'm pretty sure "issues" and "data loss" aren't "performance tweeks," ... I could be wrong though. However, I'll wait and see what Lee has to say.
  21. DrainBamaged

    Vilayer hiwe wipe?

    Asked the same thing here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101996-vilayer-dayzplanet-hive-wipe/
  22. DrainBamaged

    Vilayer-DayZPlanet Hive Wipe?

    Trolling doesn't help the issue.
  23. Although, as a caveat, he does have kick/admin power on their TS3 ... ... still claiming that NO server company gives you vehicle information is absolutely asinine.
  24. Yup. Proved it and Moron kicked me from the server. You're an absolute credit to Vilayer. [/sarcasm]