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About ImRight

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    On the Coast

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  1. The fact you mention this worries me, surely they would not remove 3rd person entirely? i pretty much use this view 90% of the time when climbing ladders crawling ect.... it's fluid and for me actually helps the immersion by giving you the kind of fov you would have irl without hindering you by needing another button press or switch (due to auto down the sites toggle), the fact that you can see your own charcter model is a moot point and something that once again helps immersion, ....for me atleast.
  2. I think we should appeal to the team responsible for Mirrors Edge for input :P (googled)....... that game had some really nice fluid gameplay to it, some sort of fatigue system would obvioulsy be needed with the ability for evasion/movment ....... Edit: Dice/EA... Dafuq.........Did not see that one coming
  3. I feel exactly the same everytime i go back after not playing for a while..... would be a nice change, but i just have this strange feeling the ability to do an ..?'Unscripted'? jump would leave potential for some nasty bugs, as i wouldnt imagine the map was ever diesgined for this?, althought i dont know jack about programming and am probably under estimating the team, and should just sit back and sip on my cup of stfu.....
  4. I think if you take into account the size of the newly opened indoor areas, (even the old one's for that matter), that is more than just the one story/level, and roof area's the area would be substantially larger than the 13 tiles you mention. I think 150 sounds like a good number mabey just slightly high, but if people are mostly playing with some realism, I.e Caution, then the area is plenty big, i would wager about 100 or so would be a nice feel but as rocket has said himself more than once on other issues, it would only be speculation, untill the new map is released.
  5. ImRight

    will dayz stand alone come to consouls

    Must..... Not... Feed.... Troll's.......