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slartibartfast (DayZ)

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Everything posted by slartibartfast (DayZ)

  1. Ok. My plan was to get to the southern edge of the map, in a central area. Gather up a zed train and lead them to a quiet spot and let them chow down on me. I just couldn't do it. Even virtual suicide seems a little....... wrong. You see, I lost my civvies to the ghillie suit/backpack bug. My idea was to lay down some Jasz buffet and return to my warm, bloody, chewed on corpse as a new spawn. Reclaim what gear I could and get back to healing in my hero skin. I have to admit that I bottled it. Nothing to do with the gear I have. G17s, toolboxes and CCOs are pretty easy to come by. It is the nearly 400 zeds deaths with nearly 300 head shots. It is the 30 to 40 hours of game time, It is the fact that this is a survivor game. Not 'a take the easy way out' cos I look like a walking yucca game. Therefore, here is my new plan. I need to find someone that will trade me a set of civilian clothing for the ghillie suit that I am wearing and i'll even throw in the 'duped' backpack if it procs. Last time, when I lost my own civvies, it was 24 slot coyote. That is it really. I play in New Zealand using and 96061. I will gladly 'hop' to any server for the trade as long as it has battleye 1.169. I will restore older versions of arma2 and dayz though.
  2. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    jump aboard the zed train - ok, maybe not!

    PM sent.
  3. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Am I the onyl one who LOVES this weapon

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons Definitely mentions a silencer here.
  4. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Tents dont save?

    Tents are random just now. Go check them after next restart and you may find all your gear is back. Or..... Someone found your tents and pillaged them. If this is the case then go back to them after the next reset. You may get a wee surprise.
  5. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Am I the onyl one who LOVES this weapon

    Could be the chemical composition of the powders used in manufacture of the rounds, coupled with the huge silencer screwed onto the front of it. ;) And if it is as awesome as the cco then I look upon you with envy.
  6. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    I refer you to my post then. Go ask your Mom how to check properly. Read the information about the server you are joining properly. Sometimes the server description and the real software versions are different the tab in the centre will confirm this for you. Stop trusting that a piece of fan boy software will get it correct every time and use your peepers to check for yourself. I bet you are the type of person that goes when the light is green, without first checking that it is actually clear to proceed.
  7. I seen one of those ubiquitous 'feel good factor Friday emails' recently. It had something like. Silhouette of stressed dude in office with a think bubble. "bring on the zombie apocalypse. Then I get to shoot every one of these mother fockers in the face!" Definitely beats that damn cat 'hanging on in there'.
  8. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    I'm from Kilmarnock on the West Coast. Oh, you mean another west coast. Sowwee.
  9. Red Dawn style.(the original not the most recent version or the family guy musical version) :)
  10. Real life reflecting art. :) With your axe and my pillow cases we would be invincible. (double taps CAPS-LOCK) friendly! Friendly! Have some beans.
  11. I have hundreds of pillow cases. Let's see the bastards try to bite me when they have one of those on their head. Preppers scare me though. Discovery ran a series of shows with a bunch of loonies 'prepping' for just about every major catastrophe known and every single one of them had guns, guns and more guns. Ffs. One family had 60 guns in the house, strategically strapped to chairs, under tables, in the car and Dad had the local minister come in and bless the gun VAULT he kept most of them in. 40% of American adults say they have at least one gun in the house. You do the math.
  12. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Good grief. There are hundreds of posts on why this happens. Se mine above. If you are going to server hop, I do it as I love to chase the night and I have many friends in many countries that I hook up with. Then use commander to install the correct 'versions' in the 'versions' tab. It is so unbelievably simple to avoid the beach trip and a naughty exploit if you don't want to run the length of the map. ;)
  13. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    It isn't a feature. It is a bug caused by trying to log into a server with the wrong software versions. You get stuck on the loading screen and have to ctrl_alt_del to get out of it. Next time you log into a server with the correct versions you will be transported to the beach - with all your gear. FIX - make sure you log into a server with the correct software version. If you aren't sure how to check then ask your Mommy. She will know.
  14. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Bollocks. This software could be a social science experiment. I think that it gives us an opportunity to be who we are inside. To express our ID. If you want to climb to the top of a tower and execute complete strangers, without motive, from 800m, then you can do that in this game. Given how many people that play in this style, I am quite glad that I live in a country with no 'right to bare arms' (although I don't see why wearing a T-shirt gives someone the right to own 60 guns) I am just glad that there are also social groups and loners out in chernarus that want to help, they have no KoS and think nothing of laying it all on the line to help said snipped stranger. There is a moral compass in this game. Where does yours point?
  15. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    I agree. Killing without provocation, taking direct fire, is vigilantism. Heroes are NOT vigilantes. This goes out to all the potential heroes out there. Imagine a scenario where you come upon an injured bandit. He tells you he has -100,000 humanity but asks for your help. He has a broken leg and slips in and out of consciousness. You have morphine, an epi pen and a blood bag. You also have an m4a1 cco. What would you do?
  16. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Can we have a new forum started for the idiots that post rubbish like this? I'm sure that with encrypted's sense of entitlement he would just love to have his own wee niche in the forum. Shhh(just don't let him know that it is for morons only) I have to day that after many, many hours of real game time, the 'game breaking bugs' tend to be nothing more than a log out, log back in to fix. Yes, tents are broken - hence all the duping. Yes there are artifacts. Yes donning a ghillie suit is fraught with the danger of losing a backpack. But there are workarounds and dozens of posts on these forums have detailed them. This is an ALPHA test for a full release. If you spot a new bug then report it. Stop whinging or your Mom won't let you have bitty. ;)
  17. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Your "hidden" camps.

    People aren't even bothering to hide tents any more. Us 252 last night(for me) I arrived just after some catastrophic event had set the sky ablaze in cherno. There were dead bodies everywhere, the fly buzzing kind, and I couldn't search or loot any of them. It was in the night time cycle but the place was bright as day, with an orange tinge. Anyway, I found tents at the military base, right outside the military tents and in front of them and two at the firestation, just outside the back door. On another us server, might have been 2087 or something, there was a tent on the well at the barracks. With the current glitch, there is no point hiding tents. If someone raids your gear then you will get it all back next server reset.........unless! ;)
  18. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Your "hidden" camps.

    All of which the owner of the tent will have back, right after the next server reset.
  19. I did not know that about the 'football war' - google rocks and you have made me learn something new. I hope you are happy with yourself. lol B)
  20. this sounds like a good idea and a load of fun. I would suggest that Elektro is a HUGE nut to try to crack staright off though. One of the smaller cities would be a good place to start and get your tactics worked out. I would suggest that where ever you do take over, lay barbed wire in the most common sniper points if possible. This will stop the server hoppers from ghosting in as there is a good chance that they will spawn right on top of the jaggy stuff and I believe that this really does put a damper on your day. And try to herd the zeds with tank traps and sand bags. this could also be a good tactic when you have blind spots or want to protect a particularly vital area.
  21. oops cody - I really need to get into these debates when I am at home. Not when I am sitting on the bus with my phone. I have ammended my post to reflect my mistake. :blush:
  22. Well, at least you realised what I was talking about before you said somehting. ;) it is bean sharing time. nom nom nom.
  23. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Your "hidden" camps.

    I put one in the middle of NWAF on us 1584. I was clearing the tents to speed up the loot respawn and needed somewhere to put all of the goodies that I wasn't using. Sniper mags, grenades just stuf that is no use to a survivor. It wasn't bait, mate. It was another one of those random acts of kindness that some people just don't seem capable of in this game. Rather than destroy the contents. You guys have to remember - NOT everybody in this game wants to kill you.
  24. I was recounting an actual in game event. I also have to say that a torch looks like a torch and when you have an as50 or an akm or even a Winchester then it would have to be extremely lucky for some one, who is running toward you with a pistol to get the shot necessary to kill you. You don't feel threatened at all. You just don't understand the game mechanics and use it as an excuse to KoS. But it is a valid way to play. Just stop making excuses and accept you are potentially the next Jeffrey Dahmer. ;) Oops - cody makes a valid point later in the thread - I should have directed my KoS at the OP. sorry cody - have some beans.
  25. I really do not see where you think that I have changed my stance. And some one running toward you with a weapon displayed is NOT threatening in a game where there is no mechanic to do anything else. Unless you would have everybody that deals with you go prone, equip a torch a roll into comms range. ;) in the mean time you continue your policy of LoS. It is a valid way to play. Let us hope it isn't a reflection of your humanity. As for real life. I know what 'direct fire' is Edward. And I definitely know what 'blue on blue' is. I served as a member of 7 Armoured Brigade during the '100 hour war' and spent a fare bit of that inside a Warrior armoured personnel carrier with a bright orange roof in the hope that the halfwits flying A10s knew the vehicle silhouettes of their comrades.