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slartibartfast (DayZ)

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Everything posted by slartibartfast (DayZ)

  1. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Trading 1 Mountain Dew for any repaired vehicle

    Does anybody have a spare sense of humour for welch? I'll give you a can of dew.
  2. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    How do you DEW!

    Death stalks you. I imagine a long, slow, painful demise awaits you after such riches. Heed my warnings. HE comes for you.
  3. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Hackers. Hackers everywhere.

    It would be more helpful if you could list servers you were on and times and dates. It really sounds like you are having a torrid time of it. In six weeks I have had no confirmed Skiddie encounters - apart from logging into servers with burning skies and dozens of dead players. And there was the guy with the axe that seemed to be bullet proof, but I could just have been a crap shot. I have found the occasional corpse with out of game gear - which i promptly 'hide' after removing any yummy beans and drinks, but NOT mountain dew.
  4. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Admin abuse by BEDYR on US 2804

    Sweet I'll bring the mountain dew and beans. On topic though. OP if you are being genuine then post in the server forum. I am sure that your complaint will be dealt with much more efficiently in there. Byder, if you have banned and hacker and his Skiddie mates then kudos and beans to you. Can't wait to find out who has egg on face at the end of this one. :D
  5. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Hero Skin - Question

    Thanks for the info Icecaps. It isn't really resetting as I still have the hero skin and I still get the glitched humanity points every 20 minutes. I should probably take my pack off and change to my camo skin. I heard that displays the correct humanity. I was really just wondering if there was another, less buggy, exploit way of doing it.(yes, I will destroy the 'new' pack by picking up my old one ;) )
  6. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    People finding tents little bit too easy?

    My favourite tent spot is the top of the hill just north of stary military camp. It is nice and easy to use without being a 'tarp' and gets most business for my wares. I tend to fill it with food, medical, tools and ammo of the none sniper kind. People have even started leaving useful items in it now. It is like a little wilderness honesty box.
  7. No worries. I want to keep this at the top of the thread. Just to let posters read what a friendly, approachable chap you are.
  8. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Trading 1 Mountain Dew for any repaired vehicle

    You want to trade your cursed beverage for a vehicle. You better get out into the wilderness and catch yourself a rabbit, for the foot, because death is coming for you.
  9. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Hero Skin - Question

    How are you chaps reading your humanity? Mine isn't showing in debug properly. It is always zero at log in and climbing 150 every 15 or 20 minutes of running/walking.
  10. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Tents still aren't fucking saving.

    I disagree. My style of play is slightly different. That doesn't make it wrong. There is no need to take what you can't use from tents. There are those that are too greedy and will empty every tent they see - but that is more a measure of their character than anything else. I am willing to take the risk of raiding in cities and airfields because I know how to do it safelyish. I will then happily share my spoils. Not with an overpowered mob, sorry clan, but with strangers that just don't want to risk being sniped for some morphine or a watch. I think I add to the survival element. I believe that I am adding something positive to a game where negative seems to prevail. I also mark my loot piles on maps for those that want to use them before any server restarts.
  11. Here have another free bump. What a pleasant child. Are all the morons in your 'killer clown' gang so friendly?
  12. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    How to get rid of a noob in your clan...

    Next time he gets mauled, loot his dead ass and hide his bloody corpse. Don't re-kit him. Tell him to get his own basic survival gear. Primary, secondary, axe, knife, matches and a water bottle. Make this an initiation for all your new clan members. (You'll know the cheats, they'll rock up geared to the eyeballs.) Let your buddy know that if he can do the basics then he can be an active, useful member of your clan.
  13. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Tents still aren't fucking saving.

    Same. I never put anything important to me in my tents. Ammo and food and medical. I am quite happy for these items to be 'raided' as I always leave my tents in very easy to spot areas. My tents are a service to the survivors.
  14. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Anti-hacker hackers?

    The really unfortunate thing is that the only time hackers are actually 'seen' is when they teleport to your location in 'god mode' and chop you to death with a hatchet or teleport you 200m above them to freefall to your death. You have to remember that the vast majority of these 'hackers' are nothing more than skiddies, moronic children that can't play in the spirit of the game. They haven't the time,patience or skills required to scavenge for gear like the rest of us. They aren't doing it to show off their software skills - they have none. The simplest google search affords all the tools they need to cheat the weapons that they use to hide on a hill and 'kill' from 1600m. Fortunately battleye is doing a great job and banning them fairly quickly. Unfortunately their Mothers just hand them the credit card to purchase another cd key. I imagine them as Cartman whining to his Mum. 'Mo.o.o.o.m! They big boys are better than me and they keep killing me and.......'. I'm sure you get the rest. Or they could be 'sponsored' by insidious competitors in an attempt to destabilise the dayZ fan base.(but that would be unlikely ;) )
  15. slartibartfast (DayZ)


    Why do you need a clan for anything? Clans are for lazy bustards that can't be arsed hunting and gathering their own gear. Tonight I have been in all the major airfields, and a fair few of the rest of the military spawn areas, in a four hour visit to chernarus. I don't have any vehicles, I did it all on foot, I do not belong to a clan. I have had enough time to create 4 loot piles(for respawn purposes) and get everything that I need to survive quite handsomly(I also had to respawn medical twice for antibiotics after getting an infection). I managed a little indulgence by slaughtering 200 infected whilst I was at it. You can keep clans - I have never survived more than one session when teaming up.
  16. slartibartfast (DayZ)


    Ok - I can't see my humanity score. How do you know your humanity is -530,000?
  17. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    This has to happen. Let everybody start on the coast with the starter gear. Every single tent and vehicle scrubbed. We could call it. "Day One.0"
  18. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    What are infected hunters?

    Of course, you could do much better.
  19. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    My dayz is running off arma 2 free

    Have you taken some major damage. Never seen the screen that bad, but you should get a blood transfusion from your mate.
  20. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Debug monitor gone HELP

    Oh, umoremad.
  21. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Debug monitor gone HELP

    Oh, umad.
  22. Are parents completely oblivious to the ratings and classification of games? I wonder if they would allow their children to watch a movie that depicts graphic horror, murder and war? Never mind participate in a game that encourages these actions. Must just be me being an old foddy doddy. And why are the people responsible for a forum, that is obviously filled with extremely adult themes and language, letting children participate? I have the BBQ set for my flaming. :)
  23. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Stole CD key ?

    Did you install through steam? If so, try running arma2 and OA through steam and then using commander to load DayZ.
  24. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Stole CD key ?

    And being helpful isn't your best attribute.
  25. slartibartfast (DayZ) - Problem with tents still?

    So, you are saying that tents are working because they are still duping.