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slartibartfast (DayZ)

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Everything posted by slartibartfast (DayZ)

  1. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    im about to commit zed suicide.

    Yup I definitely know that feeling. Hence my soon to be death by zed train. ;)
  2. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Humanity problem.

    Does humanity maintain through death? I am about to throw myself under a zed train cos I lost my civvies to the ghillie suit/back pack bug and have never seen a set of civilian clothing spawn.
  3. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    im about to commit zed suicide.

    Well done. Obviously your skills in changing suits is much higher than mine.
  4. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    im about to commit zed suicide.

    I did try with the pain killers - hoping for some kind of psychedelic, trippy, 'chase the dragon' run through cherno to my inevitable death. Alas no such luck. Can't wait to see how many zeds I can pull tonight. Here comes the zed train, choo choo! As long as I get my glock back then ill be happy. And restocking meds should be a dawdle. It is hard enough convincing people that I am a loner EMT. Without the ghillie suit covering my hero skin this would definitely be easier.
  5. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Accidental Weapon Discharge

    Hmm, I have been in groups where this has happened a couple of times. To the point where we asked one perpetrator to put down his 'dinner bell' and step away from the group. He also liked to take wee peaks into other's packs. After he 'accidentally' shot another zed in the nwaf and we then proceeded to fight off 30 or 40 more in the large shed, we decided it was time that twitchy and his ND's(negligent discharge - as we call it in the military) could do one and we booted him from the group. Sans Enfield and the glock we had helped him scavenge. It sounds mean, but ffs we wasted two blood bags an epi pen and two morphine patching up after this clown managed to shoot team members in the shed firefight. Against zeds, at least sixty rounds of ammo wasted and all because some clown couldn't keep his index finger under control.
  6. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    im about to commit zed suicide.

    Excellent. Thanks for the quick, informative response. Have some beans.
  7. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    What's The Lowest Blood You've Survived At?

    212. I had just started being a medic and was looking for my next patient when I got hijacked by someone with an akm. I hurt - A LOT! Wouldn't have been so bad. If I wasn't armed with a torch at the time. At least the panicked shooter took an epi pen and blood, after a wee chat with him in direct, and healed me. :)
  8. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    question on auto hide corpse?

    Guys, what is alt-f4? I have read so much about it recently that I gave it a go. All it does for me is open a comms menu on the lhs of the screen.
  9. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Remember, no Whitelists

    Ok. I was intrigued by this debate. Especially the alt-f4 thing. First. Killing medics is the absolute lowest point that you can take in this game. Anybody can sit on a hill with a hacked as50 and pick off survivors whilst duping ammo. It takes someone special to get down into the mix and take a risk to help. Second. Alt-f4 only brings up a communication side menu when just tried it. I really don't see why you griefers are so annoyed by that. Oh, btw, there really is no escaping a head shot. To fight against combat logging you really should learn how to use your hacked/duped gear more effectively.
  10. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Free stuff (Closing down server 26th of August)

    not surprisingly - there is no camp at 134 - 034 either.
  11. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    you just need to remember - a bandit may need to call for the assistance of a hero(healer) but a hero WILL NEVER need to call for the assistance of a bandit.
  12. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Free stuff (Closing down server 26th of August)

    confirmed - no camp at 007 068 - I'll have my beans back.
  13. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    How to gear up on respawn while avoiding zombies?

    Or you could have double tapped CAPS LOCK and chatted.
  14. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    Yes click the 'versions' tab in commander and you can change to most versions of dayz and arma2 on the fly.
  15. I want to change my player name but the profile editor won't let me. Is there some way to do this without having to start all over again with a new profile? Assuming that I can even do that without having to purchase the game again of course.
  16. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    is there some way to change my player name in game?

    If you have nothing positive to add then please STFU! From the question and many responses it is quite obvious that 'we' did not kinda know that.
  17. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    is there some way to change my player name in game?

    I'll take your beans and give you some back too. I'm glad I asked now cos it really seems to have been the daft, unasked question. You have also explained the actual process perfectly. :D
  18. slartibartfast (DayZ)


    Find an online map. When you log in watch the bottom right corner it will tell you roughly where you are. Learn how to crawl on your belly like the noob you are. Zeds have a hard time finding you then. Barns are your best bet for starter gear, the Winchester rocks but try to only use your side arm when there are loads of zeds around. Always try for head shots. Use the 7 marksmanship principles. Remember to breathe. Search the bodies of your zed victims. Trust no-one!
  19. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    is there some way to change my player name in game?

    Load arma2 OA and then you can get to the options menu. If you use commander or six then it takes you straight to the server screen. Remember though that you probably won't be able to play dayZ from here unless you have modified the start up options in the shortcut.
  20. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Dealing with death

    I'm looking forward to dieing and being able to come back and play as a zed.
  21. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    What happens when I put a filled backpack in a tent?

    Damn, how I miss the days of 20 sided die(plural of dice).
  22. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Is gender really bound to your CD key?

    You should find that relogging changes it back.
  23. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Zombie : Player Ratio

    Zeds spawn within a range of players. I reckon that if a player is in an area for a certain amount of time then he should eventually draw zeds, no matter how far from a city he is. This would certainly make the griefer's lives a wee bit more difficult. There should also be hordes. If you draw the attention of one zed for too long then the building you are hiding in then becomes a target for other zeds and dead players should attract more zeds. All that lovely fresh blood. Yum! It would definitely make looting more of a challenge.
  24. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    Is gender really bound to your CD key?

    Just be aware that when you first put on the ghillie or camo suit then there is a good chance that you will reset your backpack to the one you were wearing when you last logged. It will also be empty. It is always best to remove your backpack first. Of course remember to replace the empty one on your back with the full one on the ground at your feet. ;)
  25. slartibartfast (DayZ)

    So on DayZ My Ping Seams To Be Round 300 Help!

    Nice attitude. How about you give US some information and we might actually be able to help.