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Posts posted by B0BLAW

  1. Just my opinion but if he is not actually breaking any rules that are put in place by the creators, he should not be banned. However morally wrong his actions are and of what he "should not" be doing, I do not see it as a "ban-able" offense. Regardless of past conflict with the admins in L4D2, I see this as a the admin simply removing someone from the his server in an attempt to provide a pleasing gaming experience. Again, however if its a public server everyone is allowed to play in it how they would like. Banning someone for an opinion of which seems to be committed is not just. Yes it is cruel to kill fresh spawns. Banning is not the answer, because no rules seem to be broken, and as for the "harrasment" I think someone said something along the lines earlier. He is essentially being banned for PVP; essentially spawn trapping. So if he or her and his band of misfits you could say are banned for killing, then anyone killing someone can be considered harassment. The problem lies of since not rules are broken, banning should not have been done, but what else could have been done?

  2. want: M4A1 HWS M203 +M203 flares/nades (would prefer M16A2 M203)

    will trade: L85A2 AWS +STANAG mags

    want: M4A1 HWS M203 +M203 flares/nades (would prefer M16A2 M203)

    will trade: L85A2 AWS +STANAG mags

    ive got the m4a1m203 w/ 2 flares and a HE.

  3. So my character has the head garment, im guessing associated as a bandit. I dont have any murders, and I have administered blood transfusions, painkillers, morphine and bandaged people up. How am I supposed to remove this head garment to not look like a bandit?
