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-=BwA=- karms

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About -=BwA=- karms

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. -=BwA=- karms

    DayZ Server: Host Identity Created.

    We're having the same final problem, getting stuck on the "Loading" screen. If you get a solution to this, please post it.
  2. Our server has the same problem, eventually (20 minutes of "Loading" screen after the player selection screen but before "Character created...please wait" screen), the server would say Authentication Timeout. Tried changing the authentication from 2 to 1, even from 2 to 0. None of these worked. Re-checked that we updated our keys, nada.
  3. -=BwA=- karms


    SixLauncher says it's "out of date" because SixUpdater hasn't had pushed to it by the devs yet, which is exactly what they said would happen, as they are not ready for to be released on SixUpdater yet. Rocket said they'd have on SixUpdater as soon as the devs were happy that it was working properly. It's quite obviously not (5 minutes of browsing around the forums shows that), so it's not released yet. DayZ Commander releases patches based on the torrented manual files, so always has the latest build, even if that's an unstable build. The game is in Alpha, so the devs are fighting two battles. One is making a game better with each release, thus releasing newer versions full of bugs they're unaware of, and hoping for a caring community to help them find problems and get them sorted out for future versions. The other is dealing with a community of people who cry about instability and paying for servers, so they leave SixUpdater on the last "most stable" version of an update, so that people who ignore the words "Alpha" can play the game with the least amount of crying possible. Just my $.02 in trade for all your beans.
  4. Second post in 2 days asking this question. We've been waiting since the 8th for our approval. There was one who said the same as me, and someone who said they'd been waiting since the 11th.
  5. -=BwA=- karms

    Explain this rocket?

    While I don't condone the hacks that guy is using, I'm all for him walking around with an axe scaring the hell out of people. Make people scared to play. You should be scared. It's a zombie apocalypse.
  6. -=BwA=- karms

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    Pretty sure SixUpdater is still hosting, seems the devs aren't "satisfied with the update," so why were you running it on your server and then complaining?
  7. We applied on the 8th as well, still waiting.