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About lorvack

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I was wondering if one of you guys can give me a blood transfusion im in electro, and i have run into your group before let me know if you can help.
  2. Now to get the hero skin......
  3. lorvack

    How lucky are you?

    I got lucky once and found a coyote backpack in the firestation in Electro.
  4. lorvack


    It wouldnt work because heatpacks take up inventory space.
  5. lorvack

    Hacked items - Ban?

    I read somwhere before that you wont get banned for using them.
  6. lorvack

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could use some medical assistance I'm at berezino Unconcious and bleeding in the southwest supermarket with only 3000 blood if you can help message me on steam or PM me, My steam name is StrongLTMike