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Everything posted by Mrdk

  1. Also running real Bliss hive (be sure your running the real thing not one of those shitty forks of it) No issues with logging in on DarT for me. Your password must be wrong somewhere. Goto your battleye folder, you need to set it in Bliss\Battleye\ folder as well.
  2. Mrdk

    Banned from Born to Lose Private Hive

    Well you know, if he plays on a good private hive server with admins that know what they are doing and are decent people, it will actually be very easy to contact them.
  3. Just wanted to say I'm still using 0.4 and with that version pings organize properly. Possible bug report (note, version 0.4 still): The count for ban list in the top right does not appear to be correct. All 3 of my servers have identical ban lists, yet list slightly different numbers.
  4. Big update worthy of a post: we now have automated whitelisting! See our forums for more information! Top post edited!
  5. Mrdk

    Looking for Private Hive with Whitelisting

    Do not use VILayer. If you want to run your own server, get a VPS or dedi going somewhere (i'd recommend NFO servers), learn about bliss software @ dayzprivate.com and get it up and running. DO NOT USE VI LAYER! They are selling you a MANAGED solution using FREE software! YOU WILL NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR ENVIRONMENT IF YOU USE VI LAYER! Alternatively, you could give us a try if your just looking for a server to play on that fits your requirements, and dont want to be bothered setting up/maintaining one: http://dayzmod.com/f...726-beta-96751/ (I posted in your reddit thread as well)
  6. Helping you fix this on my forums (set to earlier arma 2 beta patch, they are usually backwards compatible, commander lets you choose what version to use)
  7. Check us out if you get a chance, here is our thread on dayzmod forums. Our hosting runs out of Chicago, but your ping will be around 50 or 60. We rock some good solid hardware with a 1gbps connection. 3 Servers. 2x Chernarus, 1x Lingor. Whitelisting keeps most hackers from taking the trouble to join. Maybe we'll see you around. Have a good one.
  8. Image album: http://imgur.com/a/oK9gQ Status: ALPHA TESTING, NO PUBLIC RELEASE AVAILABLE YET! (read below for information please!) I'm planning to release it when I finish working on the "Player Module". So the initial public version will have 3 modules you can access. The Server module lets you start/stop servers with a simple keypress. The Objects module allows you to run various Objects database cleanups and spawn vehicle scripts on the server of choice. I am now working on the 3rd module, a "Players Module". This will allow you to do a few tasks at the push of a button. The currently planned tasks for the players module are: } add reset health function (1 time fix for unconscious bug) } add reset death function } add reset state function It will work by asking you what Player ID to change. It will then print how many living/dead entries it found for that Player ID and ask you which one to modify. We're already using and testing it over at Atomic now to manage our 3 server setup. When this tool is released, it will have at least 3 modules unless I can think of more things to add to it. It will be made for managing multi-server setups. The idea is to make it easy and quick on the server-side to manage multiple servers. The most ideal setup is to be able to simply press a few keyboard buttons to do anything. The requirements for this utility will be: - At least 2 or more servers Admins will also have to fill in their server-specific information into a few bat files and such (of course, a readme file will be included with the utility that walks you through what you need to setup). If you have any suggestions for more modules or options you would like to see in this utility, please let me know!
  9. Its currently designed for Bliss but I can probably rollout saintly/sanc versions.
  10. I am 100% sure those are not legit boxes. The biggest thing that stands out to me is both were accessed/spawned in the same second according to your log. Also, the names of those boxes are not legit as everyone else has pointed out.
  11. Its designed to Work on Bliss servers (information provided). Which if I'm not mistaken are private hive only. I may port it to work on other server versions if people request it! Perhaps even public. Though, a public server version would have virtually no options because your not allowed to do a lot of things on those.
  12. Does it do anything? Make zombies more ruthless or anything? Looking for ways to buff the zombies slightly. Once you get used to them, they are pretty easy to avoid/lose as you all know well :) Edit: Found this: UltraAI=0;// Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sses more and has better tactics. This is for both friendly and enemy sides. Found it here. Does it work in DayZ? Does it work on zombies? Any known adverse effects on servers like mega cpu usage or something? Edit: A good source has claimed this setting does not work in DayZ. If anyone can confirm otherwise please share, thanks!
  13. Private hive will give you actual control over your server and all that. You should probably go ahead and do that. Should just use the SSD for the server. Use the ramdisk as temporary test server before you rollout changes on other servers, or just use it as normal ram.. More stable than a ramdisk. If the system crashes right now for some silly reason, your ramdisk will fail and youll have to resort to an automated backup of the ramdisk, which is probably a few hours old at least assuming you run automated backups of the ramdisk at all - which would mean your networking to another drive because you wouldn't want to store those on the SSD. And yeah, major over kill. You won't be able to run a 100 man server, have it full and give people instant load times. Its just not possible, the server software is much too finicky to handle it. You'll be able to however: Run as many 25 man servers as you want, have them all full and give people instant load times. You're going to have to figure out how to run multiple servers from 1 directory though (assuming you want to run more than 2 or 3 servers) Good luck with that mess. If you get that figured out, your hardware should easily handle TEN servers running, all full with 25 people each and still produce instant load times for players. Its just a matter of figuring out how much you want to or have the help to manage. If you use the current and best software solution for dayz servers, restarts should only be needed every 6 to 8 hours. If you want a recommendation for software, PM me. Tip: Avoid software that uses xampp databases. Go for something that uses a master mysql database installed as a windows service.
  14. Question: is there any way I can copy a list of all the stored GUIDS for use with the whitelisting tool (besides going 1 by 1)? Possibility: Can I somehow connect to the local sql lite database that dart runs to store that information using navicat? If so, what is the connection information for it?
  15. They already know how to fix it and have the fix. See notes on new dayz version. They've known how to fix it for over a month now, they just didn't release it until enough people complained. I didn't want to complain, so I just applied the fix server-side. The fix in the new version is client and server side. Seems they only fixed it for dead bodies though. They are aware that it can happen (client side only) with barbed wire. Don't know why they aren't fixing that as well...
  16. If anyone is curious, we've applied a server side artifact fix over at Atomic servers. It removes over 90% of artifacts before you even see them. Also working inventories.@Lady Kyrah, you have no idea what your talking about. Go run a few servers for a few different games and take a look at your level of administrative control. This type of control is required in such an environment. We need the ability to control our own servers and if you want to come play with us, your more than welcome to it. Taking the powers of all admins away because of a few bad apples is not fair to the majority of server admins nor is it fair to you guys the community as a whole. It is a blatantly unfair system. You cannot justify taking administrative power away because of a few bad admins. Those bad admins ought to be blacklisted or punished. Most of us are decent people just trying to provide a secure and fun environment for those to play the game in. It is not about "hunger for power" at all as you try to make it out to be. But I can see there is no getting through to you. Good day.
  17. We operate two private hive servers over at Atomic Gaming. I have decided to advertise here, now that it is allowed. Edit: Just to confirm, both servers have identical settings. They are hosted from a good dedicated server with a 1gbps internet connection. The only difference between them is they each have their own hive. - BOTH Servers are hosted in Chicago and have a max ping setting of 205. Many server related details can be found on the forums! We have some specific things and custom rules that are enacted to keep the community happy and secure. Please pay close attention to them. Join us by heading over to http://www.atomicgn.com register on the forums, then follow the instructions to apply for the password. Once accepted, you will have access to the current password via the forums (again - pay attention to the instructions and you will not have any issues!) For those wondering: The servers are both running Beta 96493 as of this post. If you use DayZ Commander, the new beta might not be listed yet. Just go here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php install the latest version then launch our server with your DayZ Commander. Commander wont tell you the new version # but it should use 96493 so long as you have installed it! See you all in DayZ! Edit: Some server-specific notes: - Heli crashes spawn 2 times their normal loot count (not more item variety, but its simply possible for more items to drop on average) - Mic over side chat is bad! If its an accident, we understand. You can prevent getting kick/banned for using your mic in side chat if you simply unbind CAPSLOCK from global and rebind it to direct communications only. - We have a low tolerance threshold for trolls. Bandits are welcome, trolls not as much. - Code of Conduct: NO SNIPING FRESHLY SPAWNED AND UNARMED CHARACTERS AROUND CHERNO OR ELEKTRO! (you spawn with a hatchet - if you have your hatchet equipped you are not unarmed and therefore fair game for snipers) - Code of Conduct: You can loot bases, steal vehicles and all that. Just do not drive over tents. Anyone caught doing so will be punished. - Spawn Loadout: 1x painkiller, 2x bandages, Hatchet, Compass, Military Flashlight. (sometimes the default loadout triggers alongside our customized loadout and you end up with an additional painkiller, flashlight and bandage. I am working on fixing this but it is a low priority right now) - In-game admins will have a [GM] tag on the end of their names. Anyone who uses this tag who is not an admin will be banned and will have to file a ban appeal on our forums. See you on Atomic! Of course, if you have any questions feel free to ask here.
  18. Mrdk

    Is it really worth it?

    When Both Atomic servers are full, our dedicated box has a solid 12mbps in bandwidth usage. Two private hives on 1 dedicated server. We would run 1 server if the software wasn't as shoddy as it is, requiring multiple resets a day just to maintain performance despite our good hardware. Make sure your on a 1gbps connection if you want to host something good.
  19. Whats wrong with the maxping? Our target audience is the Americas. Most people in Europe or other places should be able to play so long as they have decent connections. I see pings from Europe sitting around 140 or so.
  20. We're not a bank. We're server admins of a server that hosts a video game. We require full control in order to maintain a secure environment. Your arguments are invalid. Go look at virtually any other game and look at admin rights. A few people will always abuse power, that does not mean we should all be punished. Like the other guy said, I do wonder if you even read my actual post. You failed to respond to any of the points that were really made. By the way, if the bank messes up your balance, which can and does happen they do have the ability to change it back or modify it and they will if you report a problem.
  21. I would as well. I will state that the biggest benefit of a private hive right now is security. Simply put, our ability to readily kick and ban users, control the environment and so on. besides that there are other reasons that users would want the option to play on a private hive. Isolated saves are a big thing. People like having the option. It seems as though support of some kind will be offered for private hives in the standalone version. I do hope this is true, I do also hope that private hives get just as much support as hive servers. Clearly, more power needs to be delegated to the admins of hive servers again. There needs to be a better way of running things besides taking all power away from server admins. Hive admins would need to be policed differently in their actions compared to admins of non hives. If anything, I would think the non hive admins would not require policing at all. Any policing would probably be best suited to the hive itself. Though to be fair, all hive servers do is share a main character database. Everything else is isolated to the server. They should have some form of control over that environment. They ought to have the right to ban users from their servers. If a player gets banned from a single server and makes a complaint, I think admins should only receive some form of punishment if a series of complaints has been made. One user should not be able to get a server shut down because he claims he was "unfairly banned". It needs to take multiple users. Non hives were born out of the problems with the hive. But they are now established and will be around so long as DayZ is here. They were born out of necessity but will remain because of player demand. We need to all work together and find a common ground here. When support for non hives is enacted, non hive admins will need full access to all server files so they are able to run their own server environment. Any restriction of access to anything will simply drive them to use server emulators. A suggestion for DayZ standalone that is already possible with some server emulators: Create an admin spectate mode. You will never have all of the hacking removed from this game, but if Admins can enter a spectate mode and check on players in realtime in the game they will be able to perform their jobs much easier. Spectate mode for admins exist in virtually every online game you can think of. A few bad apples will abuse this, sure. Thats not the point. The point is that the majority of admins will use such a feature to stop hackers. You could try to restrict the spectate mode, maybe prevent the admin from entering playmode for X amount of time - but again any such restriction will simply be bypassed by those earlier mentioned bad apples and just be a waste of your time. I would like a spectate mode in the standalone though. That would be a very useful and rather essential thing.
  22. I would like to hear some actual constructive comments and or debate regarding hive vs non hive servers. Emulators are not illegal in their truest state so just drop it. Come on community, lets hear some pro and or non-hive server pointers and debate. Why aren't we talking about why rocket does not allow non hive servers? Why aren't we talking about possible benefits of non hive and hive servers? I'll tell you why, because some guy came in here and started derailing using bogus comments about emulation being illegal.
  23. Yeah, thats what happens when you also hand out a modified client. And make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month via hosting a very popular mmorpg without consent from the parent company. Its called priority. The guy made millions off their software without permission so they threw everything they could at him. But does that mean server emulators are illegal? No. They are not. Its really very simple. So long as an emulator contains no origonal code from what it is emulating then it is technically legal. You can sit here, and derail this topic all day long with your self vindicating speeches about emulation, but its not going to change anything. Close, but no cigar. A console emulator is legal. Period. So long as it is emulating the console, its legal. As for the bios - the bios itself is illegal and unless you own a physical console it is 'technically' copyright infringement to download and use the bios file. PCSX2 for example uses bios files. The emulator itself is legal. The bios (which they do not provide and require you to find one) is a copyright infringement issue. A test: Goto your local police detachment. Tell them you have a pirated copy of Microsoft Office 2010 and you are there to turn yourself in. Do you know what they will tell you? Go home. Uninstall it. Get lost. Unless microsoft brings a civil suit against you, or unless you are reproducing and selling pirated and or copywrited material it is simply not illegal. You brought that example up, not me. That is incorrect. Maybe if you take the bigger picture and compare every console emulator in history you could possibly be right. You're missing something though, virtually every emulator created in the last 10 years for any system created after 1993 (excluding SNES) actually REQUIRES you get the bios file. These emulators are legal. The bios file is not. You can claim I have a "misunderstanding" all you want, but I don't. All nintendo DS, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, N64, gamecube, Xbox emulators require you find, download and install bios files. Anyway, I'm done debating "emulation" in general with you. Based on the copyright law snippet you posted I'm assuming you don't live in Canada like I do. Technically, piracy is not even against the law here (nor is it in the United States, btw). What is actually against the law is reselling copyrighted goods. These laws are intended to target people attempting to make a profit from pirating. As for non hive servers, I dont know about the antirocket build but the one I rock right now is completely emulated. The database and all files within the build are created from the ground up. The only thing it "uses" outside the emulator is those files within @DayZ itself. Is that legal? In my country it is. I downloaded a free addon for a video game called DayZ. It is on my computer, and is on a physical medium I own. Therefore, so long as I dont reproduce or sell it, its legal. End of story. Its not a big argument. Its really rather simple, and your tactics of claiming I misunderstand you simply will not work. Agree to disagree if you want. Whatever. The world doesn't revolve around your country of origin nor does it revolve around its laws. Emulation is a legal practice. Posting information of a guy getting sued for making millions of dollars off of something that he did not have permission to make money with (much less use) is not evidence that emulation is "illegal". Thats evidence that you shouldn't take a server emulator for (at the time) the most popular game in the world and use it to host a server capable of allowing over 5000 players. Actually that is probably okay, whats really wrong is the fact that he was making serious money from this project of his. Was it illegal? yes, because he was making money from it which allowed Blizzard to move forward with legal action. Its really that simple. If he wasn't making serious cash from the project, they never would have went after him. Please, cite a credible source that shows his settlement was directly attributed to emulated software and not everything else he stole - such as potential income, copyright infringement of their Wow game client software (NOT THE SERVER EMULATOR. But the client) and even webpage graphics at one point. If you make a server software for something, and you charge people $50/month to use it, but I then turn around and create a server emulator that emulates your software and I release it for free (like how all these emulated servers are released, btw) thats fine. You could try to sue me in the United States I suppose - but only because you can literally sue for anything down there. What would you sue for? Server emulation? Loss profits? My software is free and I'm not making money from it. Case dropped. The very notion that emulation is "illegal" is ridiculous. Its simply not illegal. Nor is piracy (in Canada) unless you decide to sell pirated copies. Selling a server emulator without permission would be a violation of copyright infringement, but there is a certain bracket of profit that needs to be reached and proven before the charge becomes an actual federal, criminal charge here in Canada. If that limit is not reached its up to the parent company to sue. Pretty straightforward stuff over all, and mostly common sense for most people that know a little about computers. Emulators are legal. You're wrong. Now stop derailing the topic. Talk about non-hive. Explain to me how a ground up emulator that is built on original code with an original database which is using free modded files that I downloaded and now own on my physical medium according to the laws of the country I live in is any way "illegal"? Again I reiterate: A test: Goto your local police detachment. Tell them you have a pirated copy of Microsoft Office 2010 and you are there to turn yourself in. Do you know what they will tell you? Go home. Uninstall it. Get lost. Unless Microsoft brings a civil suit against you, or unless you are reproducing and selling pirated and or copyrighted material it is simply not illegal. Please I beg of you, show me some sort of law that in any way pertains to "emulators" of any kind. A console bios is not an emulator btw, its a separate thing you download but I covered that. Do you know what that law is intended for? Its intended to create a criminal offense for people that crack software and release things like no-cd cracks and the like. Thats nothing to do with server emulation. False. If it were then non hives would not be still listed by gamespy - or are they just that lazy that they cant respond to simple blacklisting requests? It could become a civil liability and a company could come after you if you charged for access to said server. But I'm not. By the way, the guy from WoWscape also modified the world of warcraft game client (on top of illegally mirroring the client itself for his userbase to use (read: real client, not an emulator, server was an emulator) to connect to his server. That is not proof that emulation is "illegal".
  24. The samsung galaxy tab is a piece of hardware. Its not software. My iphone point may be a gray area but when it comes to software emulation I am 100% correct. Go ahead, google. nintendo emulator legality. 100% legal. Wii emulator legality. 100% legal. The galaxy tab is a peice of hardware that was made to compete with the ipad. As a result of the horrible justice system in America (that place where you can literally sue anyone for anything) and controversial laws in germany, the hardware was disallowed for sale. The rest of the world however, has no problem selling this hardware. None at all. Apples cases were dismissed in Canada, England and Australia just from what I've read. The wow server was given a cease and desist via Blizzard because it attracted a huge amount of attention. The server Op refused, got taken to court and lost. So what happened? Well, his emulated server was in fact completely legal. He got bit by Blizzard because he was selling pay2play access to the server on a monthly basis. The payment was monthly and cost roughly half of wow. They didn't go after him for the emulator, they went after him because he created a business out of an emulator and made no effort to communicate, share or change his system to a donation policy (legal) system. He kept his payment system. he got sued and lost because he sold a product he didn't own. It was nothing to do with him running emulated software. Emulators are not illegal. Look it up online man, the internet is right there at your fingertips. The intention of the thread is not to disrespect Rocket. On the contrary, I have the utmost of respect for him and his team of devs. I don't know about anyone else but this is the first thread I've ever posted here. Also, from what I can tell it is the most reasonable and non-flaming post. It explains the situation, breaks it down for you and tries to show you what is wrong. Its not up to you where and what we can "share and speak". As for advertising, give me a break. I didn't advertise anything here and I even stated at the top of the post that there would be no links to my nonhive server posted here. But maybe if you had actually read my post you would understand that. This is a discussion about nonhive servers. This discussion has been authorized by the DayZ team. Its not up to you.