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About Mrdk

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Yes there is, goto Options and Gameplay Options. Head Bob is a slider you can turn it down.
  2. Used to be able to turn them off, but as of the last recent DayZ version(s) you cannot. I had them off in on the old Atomic Gaming servers.
  3. Admin from BMRF here yet again. Origonal "post" on these forums where evidence was presented of his hacks, then he was reminded appealing a private hive ban on these forums has no effect and a dayzforum mod locked the topic: dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109133-banned-bmrf-server-3-fake-teleport/ Speaks for itself. Come play at BMRF and we'll do our best to protect you from hackers and teleporters like this guy. Someone is mad his teleporting got found out by dedicated admins. Edit: To confirm, this guy will remain banned, we did confirm he was a hacker using teleportation and we did provide evidence to the fact on our own forums and even here.
  4. Thank you gentlemen for the free advertising. Now everyone that reads this will know we are vigilant about hackers and got their backs.
  5. lol. Because when I was viewing the survivor_history table I organize the timestamps by descending so I can see your latest actions first. Like I said, you read it from bottom to top. I guess you're surprised we caught your teleporting.
  6. ForrestGump here, the admin from BMRF who banned you. 1) We are a private hive server. Appealing your ban on the dayzmod forums will have absolutely no effect. 2) You did in fact teleport and now you're angry that we actually caught you. For anyone watching from the outside, his friend also tried to claim on his behalf that he picked up a camo skin. I duly informed them that we can tell the difference between any possible skin teleports and a script kiddie using 1337 scriptz to teleport. This person was in fact using a teleport script to move around. There are multiple jumps but the coordinates I showed him are obvious in themselves. We have a survivor_history table that tracks every change all survivors make to our database which allows us to bust hacks like this. Just so everyone knows, no admin aboose. Its all legit over at the Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation. Also relevant though mostly explained in this post: http://bmrf.me/vbforums/showthread.php?1229-Note-regarding-bans-for-teleporting Maybe some of you would care to join us? Looking for a server with good and active admins? BMRF is what you're looking for!
  7. Then whats this community github I've been hearing about? Rocket posted on twitter once about it, I figure its for servers but I am having trouble confirming that.
  8. 2) You will have problems when you have many players driving vehicles at the same time - especially multiple helicopters can and will cause mass server-wide desync. This is due to limitations in Arma 2. Atomic Gaming used to suffer these issues before I moved over to BMRF. Also many other servers suffer from it as well. Most notably multiple helis in the air seem to cause it the most often if the server is full. Active vehicles in general can cause it. The more active vehicles combined with more loaded objects on the map can cause various sync issues. Again this is a limitation of Arma 2. 3) HFB? Anyway, with the arma and bliss configs, if crosshairs are on you can move your mousehweel over a player and get a name and range printout on screen just saying. Nice server.
  9. With a release date of december now being officially announced the priority of getting an answer to this question in an official or definitive way is now more pressing for many communities. Edit: Rocket did post this on twitter, though it does not mention private hives specifically it is promising. An official answer regarding private hives would put a lot of us at ease.
  10. We had a big discussion on this months ago. I'm very surprised the same sort of thing is not happening now. Fellow admins of private hives, care to weigh in some more?
  11. I understand the devs are busy, would be really nice to get some sort of official answer here. Would also be nice to see more discussion on the subject at hand. Preferably without a bunch of generic arguments against the subject. There may be valid arguments against this idea but there are also arguments against it that are blatantly wrong or very misleading.
  12. Mrdk

    Vilayer Servers Down?

    No. Bliss does not have these sorts of exploits in it. VILayer was (likely) hacked due to any number of SQL injection methods (they dont lock their stuff down). They also weren't running automated backups (wtf?). They also gave out root access to a few customers. So its possible one of them used that access to perform a complete wipe of everything. Either that or a hacker got into their unsecure setup and had some fun out of protest. Its their fault and they are blaming Bliss hive software. They are passing the blame torch. They are scumbags.
  13. I have heard there is a community github of sorts but the bottom line is we really need confirmation on what kind of freedom to access we will have. We need to be 100% sure we can run this on our servers of our choosing. Like I said, force us to license and pay for the support of running a private hive if you must. No problem there. We just need open access and the ability to host where we choose.
  14. Mrdk

    Vilayer Servers Down?

    Pretty scummy. They publicly blame Bliss but in reality this was most likely a mysql injection attack via any number of buffer overflow exploits. Passing the blame torch along instead of taking the flak themselves. Really professional.
  15. Hey friend, fellow admin from another server here. Got some info for you: Assuming your resetting time using your servers system clock, stop it right now. This messes with logs and various things in your database can go wonky if you mess with that time/day too much. Manage your daytime by forcing it via mission.pbo or server.pbo modifications. Especially if your running Bliss this shouldn't be very difficult and wont break anything. Manually changing the system time can cause a lot of problems. The least of which is making logs harder to read. Lots of issues can occur in the database and relevant cleanup scripts and so on. Do it with pbo edits instead and it wont cause problems. Don't rock 150+ vehicles or 300+ vehicles or whichever it is. I know it sounds fun but the issue is that if there are a lot of vehicles active on the server at the same time you will get serverwide desync problems. I can't understate this enough. It is no fun at all when every player on the server has red bars for 30 seconds, then 5 seconds of ok gameplay, then yellow/red bars on every player again. Better server hardware wont make any difference with this problem, its related to the server software. The best alternative is to have like 500+ possible spawn points with a global vehicle cap of 100 or less. Give the spawn points lower odds so vehicles spawn in a staggered somewhat random fashion every restart across all spawns. This will also increase playability for your players (because they will be finding new spawn points for a long time). Enabling crosshairs also enables the scroll wheel-rangefinder and it also enables mouse-over-player nametag display. This is a veteran server, just my recommendation that you disable them and tell people to aim down their gun sights (right click). Don't advertise 99% hacker free (we whitelist at BMRF and we can't even claim that). Just advertise that you have a lot of active admins policing the server. Warn people about walking into debug land. As long as you got Gotcha Anticheat, if a player walks off the map they will be teleported up into the air and die as a result. (more of a suggestion here) get a website or forums online. There are many different kinds of forum software out there you can use that are completely free. You can't get globally banned for actions on a private hive server. You are globally banned for something you did somewhere else or you downloaded something which stole your cdkey and a hacker got you globally banned - you don't have to try and download hacks to get your cd-key stolen either it could've been any number of things. Some installers for Lingor island stole cd keys at one point.