I'm always hesitant about calling people hackers but there was definitely something weird about this encounter. I was crawling through Cherno on US 1358 when I noticed zombies attacking a man, named McKinneyTex, in a ghillie suit. One of my friends said he was killed by a man in a ghillie suit in cherno so I assumed it was this guy. I stood up and started shooting at him with my AK-47 but he kept on going and ran behind a wall, as well there were numerous zombies chasing him too. I went to cut him off at the other end of the wall section and found him waiting there with his pistol drawn and several zombies already beating on him. A point blank shootout ensued and I know I'm not the best shot in the world but I definitely hit him several times, along with the several zombies hitting him already. After my gun ran out of ammo I was forced to retreat behind the wall in my vain attempt to reload. Before I could reload successfully McKinneyTex ran out from behind the wall, pulled out his sniper rifle and shot him twice knocking me to the ground and eventually killing me. While I was on the ground bleeding out I noticed something very strange. Even though he was getting wailed on by zombies he didn't seemed to be injured. As well he never once went to reload his sniper rifle (which I think was an AS50? Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that) even though he fired it way over 10 times. This all happened around 3:30pm EST Here's the video I caught of the fight and I hope it proves me right on this. I know my camera work toward the end isn't the best but towards 1:20 I get a good uninterrupted view of him firing his sniper rifle well over 20 times without reloading. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U08j_WhR6Ro&feature=youtu.be