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About SlntHntr27

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SlntHntr27

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Personally my clans server is on After the fix for the instances ID's vehicles started spawning. We ended up repairing several, dropping some gear in the vehicle and saved it. After a server restart said vehicles were in the same spot with all the correct loot. You may want to consider rolling back your server till they can get hotfix in for this way you can actually enjoy the vehicles. On a side note we have looked everywhere for a heli and can not seem to find it. I'm curious to know like Qweets asked eariler if the Heli spawns are 7 days from when vehicles spawn or is it suppose to be there once all vehicles spawn. I can't seem to find a very clear and precise answer on that.
  2. SlntHntr27

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    OMG I love you! Just restarted my server and found a bus in like 2 mins! Thanks for fixing the issue for those up to instance ID of 12k. :D Hope everyone else has as much luck!