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WhiteWidow (DayZ)

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About WhiteWidow (DayZ)

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  1. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    Battle eye = SHIT

    There must be something more that can be done about this. I dont mean to rage but the hours I put into gearing up just pisses me off to watch it get flushed down the toilet. Its sad to say but, its starting to kill the game for quite a few people. Then again what do I know, Im no in depth tech guy I just want to get blunted and blow kids brains out from a mile away. It is how it is, I just hope they can do something about it without another shaky patch because soon enough there's going to be a crevice in my wall the size of my head.
  2. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    Battle eye = SHIT

    Someone please for the love of god tell me what the fuck is going on with this hacking bullshit. We all spend our time on downloading an add-on to a program that prevents shit like this from happening and guess what, half the time battle eye doesn't even let me play the game I spent 25$ on...........wtf? Not only doesn't it let me play sometimes, but for my last 5 lives ive either been slingshotted 300m into the air to fall to my death or drown 1000m out from the shoreline. So battle eye prevents people from playing sometimes and doesn't do jack shit to stop half a hacker. Don't get me wrong, I love playing DayZ and getting into all the zombie shit, but whats the point if Im getting kicked right in my nutsack every 30 mins? Please fix this shit before I shove one of the 50cal's I lost right up one of these neglected as a child hackers asses. There probably all gingers, that would explain everything. Please fix this shit or get rid of battle-shit and integrate a new anti-cheat client
  3. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    Whos tryna play?

    ill add you now do you have skype or vent ?
  4. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    Whos tryna play?

    added you
  5. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    Whos tryna play?

    Lone sniper looking for a friend or two to hunt with. Splattering peoples brains is nowhere near as fun alone. message me if you want to play and ill shoot you my skype/vent/Teamspeak
  6. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    yo im tryna play message me real quick ill give you my skype or download that dolby thing
  7. WhiteWidow (DayZ)


    Yeah you heard right, tootsie rolls and jolly ranchers for everyone. haha anyway down to business. I've been playing dayz none stop for about 2 months now and ive never really teamed up with anyone other than some of my friends in my town who have this game. Id really like to join a clan or just have some people to play with when i come on because solo journeys and sniping people just isnt as fun alone. Im 17 myself and im very open minded in meeting a new face or two in dayZ. I play this game for the adrenaline rush and the blood spatter. So if your interested send me a message on here or just leave a post. that way i can send you my skype/vent/teamspeak name or whatever and we can speak further. thanks -zach
  8. WhiteWidow (DayZ)

    [Elysium] LF exceptional, high skilled players for Tactial Squad

    Started playing 2 months ago and havent stopped for a day yet. Have a 50cal on me now and id like to say i know my way around snipers. Seeing that you have spotter/sniper open id like to give it a go if thats cool with you. im 17 so i have some free time to get stoned and kill survivors haha. if you want you can add me on skype. I have teamspeak and vent.