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Everything posted by Serjekk

  1. Name: (Public/Veteran) - 114557 Host by XxNokiaHeadxX Regular 114557 Address: Port: 2302 Admin keeps kicking everyone joining the server. Have screenshots but can't figure out where the screenshot folder is.
  2. Serjekk

    Admin Abuse - kicking all joining

    Lots of good input here. I apparently read the wrong rules as well. I am also aware the forum mods cannot do anything about him kicking players from his server. This post wasn't meant for the forum moderators to moderate his server but was instead meant as a warning to others. As for reporting the issue, I have no way to find out if the server host has more stringent rules as I do not know who hosts his server. NokiaHead is not an official server hosting service that I'm aware of so it could be a private host. Anyway, I figured since I like to know ahead of time before wasting my time with a server, I thought I'd extend the courtesy. This was also meant as a heads up for the devs to point out a problem, from my point of view, caused by people on public servers which I feel shouldn't be an issue. Not everyone will agree with my views, but my opinions are mine to express for this up and coming Alpha. Agree/Disagree and share your views and opinions. That's what we're here for right?
  3. Serjekk

    Admin Abuse - kicking all joining

    I was under the impression public servers, not private hive servers, were not allowed to do such things as banning/kicking players without cause. I read the server hosting rules a few times, maybe I was mistaken?
  4. Serjekk

    Skype breaks game sound

    Some programs have to be run as administrator on some configurations for your operating system when playing games in order for everything to work. I've noticed this over the years of gaming and owning different systems.