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About binaryman010011

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  1. I think it's looking great. Here is a quick and dirty bevel & emboss with PS:
  2. I think its ok, I had the link in my sig and it appears that it still works ok
  3. I absolutely can't wait for the new servers and website :) I thought it would be a good idea if some more experienced players would want to host some scheduled "intro/training missions" just to go over basic tips to get noobs (like me, who bought Arma 2 when I discovered DayZ) better acquainted to the game in general, from a range of topics such as how to manage inventory/backpack, how to bandage yourself, to more stuff like getting used to the map (mission editor is awesome I found out, explore Cherno safely in a chopper :D), setting waypoints, etc. PvP practice missions would be cool too. I am SOOO glad I came to the meeting! Thanks again smKes for getting this organized and all your hard work. It makes such a difference of enjoyment when you have people who really are friendly to play with. Now if I just had more time to play! :D
  4. I'm glad you posted this because I would have had the time all wrong. I need to learn about the GMT thing a little more. So I guess it would be 6:00pm EST for those of us in the US.
  5. binaryman010011

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I bought Arma 2 just for DayZ, and I would pay double for the standalone. Personally I'd like to see monthly fees for game access which would help weed out immature players. Anyone caught hacking gets perma banned. That said, I've been thoroughly enjoying the regular Arma 2 missions. I've seen some videos of what looks like an awesome Vietnam mod but I don't think anyone is playing it, or else I'm looking in the wrong place. Just my 2 cents.
  6. I thought it would be neat if you could use a spade to dig a random hole in the ground somewhere to store your goods. Much more secure than tents.
  7. binaryman010011

    noob question about tents

    I know tents are kinda bugged atm, but I was just wondering about how they are supposed to work. If I had a tent and loaded it with gear, am I the only one that can access it or can anyone that comes along help themselves to all my stuffs? TIA!
  8. binaryman010011

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  9. binaryman010011

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Talk about Shock and Awe. I was thinking maybe it meant "someone who lives in New Zealand".
  10. One way would be to make the standalone Pay-To-Play with a monthly fee. Rocket makes millions, community becomes *somewhat* more mature (OK, debatable), hackers get perma banned.
  11. binaryman010011

    You play to much dayZ when... (REAL stories please!)

    When I read and respond to a post entitled "You play too much DayZ when..." ;)
  12. binaryman010011

    Trust nobody! Not even on a non - pvp server!

    If a server says that PvP is a bannable offense, then it must be a private hive, or else they'd risk having their server banned from the official hive, no? A "non-PvP server"
  13. binaryman010011

    Computer Specs Info?

    You don't need an i7 and a $400 graphics card all overclocked until it's ready to set your house on fire to play Arma/DayZ with high settings. I have an old emachines ET1331G that was $299 at Wal-Mart (2+ years ago). I replaced the power supply with an OCZ 700w supply and put in an Nvidia GTX 460 which was $100 factory refurb job from eBay. All in all about $470 I think. I run very high textures, normal anti aliasing and normal post processing, other settings anywhere between high and very high and at 1680x1050 resolution and my gameplay is silky smooth. Nothing overclocked either, IMHO thats a great way to reduce the lifespan of components. For price/performance/repair/upgradability go with a desktop unless you absolutely have to have a laptop. Just my 2 cents.
  14. binaryman010011

    Gameplay Recording Program?

    MSI Afterburner is probably the best FREE game recorder out atm.
  15. binaryman010011

    Night Time

    One of my biggest peeves are server admins that set the GMT in the title but have the server running 12 hours off :/