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About FoxHoundSnake

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern East Coast, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming, fitness, politics, movies and of course, stealing beans.

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  • Bio
    A 20 something who enjoys gaming in his free time. I work for a family business and also a logistics company. I probably spend too much time on gaming.
  1. FoxHoundSnake

    Preferred sidearm?

    G17 all the way. I don't need a silent pistol because I take a stealth approach to the game. If I have to fire, it's usually because I've failed. Fast and accurate!
  2. FoxHoundSnake

    Nice deathmatch you got there

    This really made me think here...I tend to play on lower pop servers, (20 or less) and I honestly have not died from another player or had to kill anyone yet, as I usually try to avoid them. I don't have the KOS mindset and my SOP is to avoid you, but with the bandit skin back, I was making it a point to hunt them down. About your bandit skin having a "story" has made me think a little different. Perhaps I'll think a little bit more before I make a choice when I encounter a "bandit". Hopefully someday I will meet you in game, but until then, you can have my beans sir.
  3. FoxHoundSnake

    Knocked out and bleeding help!

    @ Crystalviolet and armROenuZ: Maybe you saw me and Caanan on that same server...we saw some of this go down and I must say I'm impressed. I just stumbled across this post after we logged out. It's good to see not everyone is hostile and people giving help to each other. BTW, if we see either of you again, we don't shoot on sight unless you are wearing the bandit skin...we'll keep an eye out if it's either of you on the server again, as that tends to be our home server :)
  4. FoxHoundSnake

    55 day old character. Killed by hacker.

    Man I've been alive for 16 days and thought I was doing well...by luck or chance, I have not yet died to a hacker. After reading this, I won't be picking up any dews for sure!
  5. @ OP: Very well thought out post and this is exactly the way I was hoping the standalone will go. I'll be directing some friends here to check this out as well, since we've discussed similar ideas. I also rather liked the tone of it too...make me chuckle a bit :)
  6. FoxHoundSnake

    DayZ and crafting

    I'd love to see additions to the food. I know it's only meat right now, but being able to find spices or seasonings and making different dishes would be interesting. Maybe they could keep that hunger at bay longer or put your blood higher than normal for a set amount of time. This of course will have to be in the standalone, but I do hope to see some variety in the food and see effects from them.
  7. FoxHoundSnake

    Are tents ok now

    What me and my buddy have found is that sometimes they are there, sometimes not. If you check out this link: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent towards the bottom it says "Tents sometimes don't appear after a server restart, restarting the server again will fix this problem." My buddy and I have went to our camps only to find nothing, but we've waited and logged on after a server restart and there it was. This has happened a few times and our stuff never gets wiped, (except for those pesky raiders that take all our good stuff!). Just make sure you hit that save tent button a few times for good measure, and if it's not there one time, wait awhile and try again.
  8. I think what Desync was saying might be correct. When I logged in at the update, my humanity was 2500. When I logged back in, it was 4200. Now it's at 4100 after many times of logging in and out. During this time I didn't kill anyone, not even any zeds. It could just be a bug or something, since I'm not sure how it went up by so much after one time.
  9. FoxHoundSnake

    What is Humanity?

    Since the update, I logged in and my humanity was 3500. I haven't killed any players or bandits. When I logged off and came back, it was then up to 4200, and the next logon on was 4100. It now seems to be holding at 4100. I don't quite understand how it's working at this point, because during the logoffs all I did was find some tents to raid. In any case, thank you all of the info your posting...it's explaining a good bit :)
  10. FoxHoundSnake

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    While this has been said, I feel the main focus should be on the standalone, but I'd continue to keep the mod going with new things to see how the player base responds. Like bringing back the bandit skins and the hero skin thing...these types of things should continue to be tested on the mod so there will be somewhat of an idea of what the community likes going into the actual game. Pretty much in nutshell of what Zeromentor said...try out the stuff like that on the mod.
  11. FoxHoundSnake

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello everyone! I'm Morshu and have the same in game name. I partner up with my good buddy Caanan and we have alot of fun exploring. Thus far I've only died once and that was my first day...due to starvation! I've been playing about a month now and really enjoy it. So far I haven't even had to kill another player as I try my best to avoid most other players. I won't shoot on sight unless I know you're a bandit. Maybe it will get me killed one day, but I will help a fellow survivor if he/she is in a tough spot. I work for a family business and a logistics company so I tend not to have much free time, but DayZ does tend to get a good bit of attention from me :) Stay safe out there and remember not all of us are heartless bandits!