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mark starkiller

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About mark starkiller

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  1. mark starkiller

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I cant start dayZ alpha or standalone. Anyone else get error46: not released yet ?
  2. mark starkiller

    Re-Discovered First Person View

    I played arma for years only in first person, dayZ forced me in 3rd. Af5er a few months pause( i was waiting for SA) i started to play again and only on hardcore servers. Much, much better in my opinion. I strongly recomand to try it. I totaly removed head bob in gameplay settings. I have box version of arma, maybe you cant on steam version?
  3. mark starkiller

    DayZ SA rough release date?

    When is ready to be relesed and before RL infection outbreak.
  4. mark starkiller

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I can understand why people arent happy with latest changes. I belive standalone will be similar to 1.7.7. Patch. I liked how it was before but also how it is after latest patch. truth is you cant make happy all people.... Maybe they should make 2 kinds of servers. One with more loot, weaker zombies (lets call it arcade ;) ) and one hardcore, like it it is after patch 17.7
  5. mark starkiller

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Its hard, zombies are dangerous, loot is scarse.... its really dificult to survive... and i love it. Looks like a survival game and not CoD with big map :). I find everything i need to survive, yes, knifes, matches, axes, etc...antibiotics are maybe a bit scarse, but what the hell, its end of the world :)
  6. mark starkiller

    Noobie questions

  7. mark starkiller

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    Looks like lot of people accually didnt see the video: walk trough with rocket. He explain lot of things there. Watch it, its the third video ;)
  8. mark starkiller

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    But it is, for closed alpha release. What they will do, or did already...
  9. mark starkiller

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    I like what i saw. I like Rockets and devs are honest and showed us dayZ work in progress. They could put a shiny video or demo like other triple A games do (wich were developed for years with millions of $ and houndreds of programers, artists, etc). I wont say title of youtube video wich shows some map locations, (because is old build and was published without permision) but is AWESOME. Cant wait to play dayZ SA. p.s. if you have more brains than zombies, you can easly find the video yourself. And sorry for my bad english, its late and i am tired...
  10. mark starkiller

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    About seven or eight zombies chased me at balota airfield. You cant hide in a bush anymore, but i managed to lose them in 2-5 minutes. You have to be more claver now. And i like it :)
  11. mark starkiller

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Finaly i didnt spawn in debug area. Played for some hours. I love this patch. I got infected and i was losing blood very slowly. I survived so long, i could find antibiotics :). When i was infected, zombies didnt attack me (i was unarmed too). Is this intended? if yes, ♥♥♥
  12. mark starkiller

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I just installed 1.7.7 patch and every time i spawn in debug area. Lot of players there and even more dead bodies. I restarted several times and then i spawn randomly on the coast. once in kamenka, once in solnichniy. Is this unexpected bug beiing fixed?
  13. I dont really care if someone alt +F4. More anoying are hackers or people who ghost behind you, but i solved this playing on private servers with whitelisting... I would suggest if player has aggro and log out, he doesnt die, but stay in game for few more minutes, even if he is already offline. So if you quit with aggro and you dont know it, you will not die and lose all. (if you log off in safe position) Keep up the good work and i cant wait for DayZ standalone.
  14. mark starkiller

    After update spawned on beach without items

    You need to join the server with same arma 2 beta patch and dayz patch, if not you will respawn on beach
  15. mark starkiller

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I will stick with cherno map. My fps is great, i (notice I, not rocket) resolved my problem with glitches, dayz rules and i want to become a hero :P. Some people shouldnt sell their consoles and buy a PC, it seems too complicated for them, lol