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Everything posted by Szanyi1995

  1. Szanyi1995

    Looking to join with someone

    without a mic its almost impossible to play but if you really wanna join us let me know
  2. Need a few new people to join our slowly expanding group, we have 4 so far but are still seeking new people, noobs or vets, it makes no difference. Add me on steam: mattyszanyi or on skype: szanyimatty95 and tell me abit about yourselves, thanks for your time and hopefully see you soon.
  3. Hello this is my first post so i will try to keep it brief. Im looking to make a team on dayz so we can work together and hopefully make survival more of a possibility, I wouldnt exactly class myself as a noob but im not a veteran to the game as dayz is all ive played whilst using the armory to improve my accuracy. if you are interested either post on here with your steam profile id and in game name. Or add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049885500/ and we can chat there. Hope to hear from you guys soon, bye for now!