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About Spillar

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  1. I've not actually played since the update but firewood just seems unecessary based on the terain. As people have said theres no way you wouldn't have a constant supply of dried out twigs/branches from the floors. I do however think matches should run out. Someone also mentioned something about a tyre, I don't like the idea of it being used for fire, but could maybe be used as a daytime signal?
  2. Spillar

    Did i do a survivor dirty????

    Yeah I killed my first player last night felt terrible even though he tried to kill me. It was night and I saw a flare that wasnt mine near a town so I asked on chat who it was. Got no response. So in a quiet are I set of sprinting towards it and just as I almost get there someone to my left blindly starts firing shots off. I suspect he's new the way he's spraying everywhere but he manages to catch me with one, so I drop down and get back to the darkness. I bandage myself up and try and tell him I'm friendly and still no response. From the darkness I toss a couple flares to where he was and sure enough he's still there looking all round. I try one last time but still no response so I take him out. I was panicking that much it ended in a messy firefight but he went down. My heart was racing afterwords, I felt like I was shaking. I honestly don't think I've had a more powerful reaction in gaming ever. Of all the ten of thousands of kills I've done in video games I don't remember any quite having the same impact. This game really does evoke an emotional response.
  3. Spillar

    Becoming Friends With Strangers Stories

    After nothing but bad experiences with other players I finally met someone helpful last night. I was in pretty rough shape after being attacked by a new player for no reason, but I had some pretty decent gear (for me) so was determined to stay alive. Got talking to someone on voice chat who seemed to genuinely want to help, with my blood and ammo pretty low I decided to take a chance and meet up. I was just outside Kamehka moving up the coast and he was at Cherno, however I lied and said I was near Bolata as I didn't want to give my position away without taking a look. So he told me to wait and he'd come find me so I made it to the woods and set off sprinting towards Bolata, barely being able to see. I was almost there when I strayed too close to a road and brough several zombies after me, I start pulling back towards the woods, doing my best to take them out with my limited vision. The guy I was going to meet is on chat saying he can hear the shots asking where I am. Then suddenly someone else pops up right from behind me (I must have literally ran right in front of his face) and helps me to take the z's down. He then tells me to keep still so he can patch me up. He does the transfusion, I thank him about 10 times and he tells me not to worry and begins moving back into cover. I honestly felt like such an ammatuer after watching him go about things. So I'm now back to full health, with some decent gear (although very little ammo). And I have a dilemma, do I try to tag along with the guy who helped me and no doubt learn how to play better? Do I risk meeting up with the guy who genuinely seems to want to help? I know where he is after all I could take a look and see what I think. Do I try to get us all to band together? Or do I go it alone? Well sadly I was robbed of the choice, I don't know if there was some sort of server issue or my connection went but it was game over and I couldn't get back in. Felt absolutely gutted, been dying to meet up with someone and now I potentially had two people and it was gone because of a connection issue. I can't complain my experiences have been relatively good especially considering its an Alpha but of all the times for it to happen. Why then.
  4. Spillar

    An open letter to the silent majority

    Well said! Its great to have passionate fans who want this mod to become the best it can possibly be. But above all else people need to be greatful for the time and deadication gone into this. So once again thanks to everyone who's contributed in any way, its massively appreciated.
  5. Spillar

    How to learn the map?

    Thanks for the help everyone. Managed to find a really nice high quality map image 700cm x 700cm which I've just set of printing onto vinyl, so may even stick it onto a board. Edit - And here she is in all her glory
  6. Spillar

    less likely to shoot female survivor?

    Ahhh women in gaming, once again I'm left wanting to cringe by the misogynistic comments of certain "gamers". Seriously when are we going to grow up about this whole thing? These comments make you, the entire male population and gaming look bad. And in response to the question I'd treat a female the same way as anyone else I meet in this game....very suspiciously.
  7. Spillar

    How to learn the map?

    Thanks for the response everyone, some useful tips there. Any idea where I can find a good full sized maps as I should be able to print one of a decent size at work. I'm sure the chopper method is probably the best way of doing it, but I just wouldn't feel right doing it, I want to actually learn it having properly explored it for myself, the hard way.
  8. Absolutely loving this so far. However, the biggest problem I'm running into is the lack of knowledge of the map. It makes it incredibly difficult to meet up with people or trying to track back to an area. I like to learn from playing and bit by bit its slowly working, I'm now familiar with Elektro/Cherna and thanks to a very helpful person on chat yesterday I managed to work out I was at the most bottom point of the map Kamehka? which was incredibly useful as I navigated myself up the environment taking note of places. Still due to the extremely hostile nature of the game world its difficult at times to try and focus on bearings (usually because I'm sprinting through the woods screaming). I understand due to the size its not something thats going to be learnt over night but if theres some way I can speed it up it would be immensely helpful. I don't know if theres some part of the single-player campaign that would be helpful or just any general tips people can offer. Thanks.
  9. Spillar

    Roaming zombies - Is it possible?

    Yeah I'm definitely in favour of this, just makes it so you have to be that little bit more alert and adds to the whole anything can happen factor.
  10. Spillar

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Perfect! Just what I've been looking for, had enough of going it alone now but most of my encounters with players has ended up with me dead. I did play Arma a LONG time ago so its all still pretty new to me but I seem to be getting it quick. Steam is Spillar. However I didn't actually buy through steam although I have now added it to do so. Shouldn't be a problem right.
  11. Spillar

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Just want to post a quick thanks for all the hard work gone into this, it really is appreciated. Can't wait to see what this game grows into.