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About k1infran

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. @cRy Your forum name suits you to a FUCKING HUMONGOUS extend. Kk I'll be nice and just say, if you're unhappy with the mod, stop playing stop hating since it clearly upsets you this much, better still don't get the standalone. They stated their reasons for not producing 1.7.3 as promised( with dogs ). They weren't dodgy about it and mentioned there were issues with the animations. Rocket was given an opportunity to develop a standalone by a company which sponsored him a team. The mod was created in alpha, carried over to standalone by a company with an engine more conducive for coding. This Arma2 engine has a surplus amount of bugs that Rocket can't fix. So works on standalone will be more productive than the mod. From common sense, that team doesn't work for the mod. Pulling the community to help was the best idea yet, and they delivered an update. Once again, you did not pay for the mod, you paid for the game to play a free mod. You did not play Arma2 for its gameplay that's your problem. Suck it up cRy baby. :) Also, from the ways you try to prove a point, a kid lives within you, which is why you're playing a game. So many games in the market now, move on if you don't find this acceptable. Seems like you're a working adult, don't cRy over cash you "spent at the wrong place". Unless, hypothetically, you cRy and beg on the streets for cash to buy games. seewhatididthere?
  2. still looking for a few more to fill the squad. A lot of action recently on the servers we are on~ join in quick ^_^
  3. bump~ need active players who are ready to learn :)
  4. sorry. Want to uphold the requirements I set for the group so no exceptions. :) thanks for applying though~
  5. Bump~ still looking for members, we have found hives to play on pm me for trials :)
  6. Hi there. So I'm looking for members to join this squad, within my gaming hours preferably. I'm also making videos and streaming the progress should this squad work well. As title says, Oceanic players preferred but if you fit oceanic playtime go ahead and apply. We will be playing in private hives where traditional DayZ still exists without the scripts and hacked weapons. I consider myself a veteran at this game and I expect players in my squad to be equal if not better. The squad's objective is to gear up legit and head North ASAP to play against other squads. There will be NO camping in Cherno/Elektro unless to help fellow mates out. I personally spend less than 15mins in those towns. Scripting/Duping/Combat Logging or any form of exploits will not be tolerated in the squad. Requirements is strict for this group as such: - 18+ only for maturity - Speak proper English - Have basic squadplay idea - Map Knowledge (Know how to go Stary Sobor without map or compass) - Weapon Knowledge (Which weapons kill zombies with one hit) * - Tackle zombies with minimal ammo/blood cost and loot fast. * - Know how to read peripheral dots. * For those with a * at the back are a plus but can be taught in a short process, the rest are required. Roles in the squads are Snipers/Assaults/Scouts 2 each, total of 6 with room for more if there is.(Doubt it -_-) If interested pm me directly on this forums or add me accordingly with the following details: IGN: k1infran. Age: 22 Location: Singapore Playtime: Anytime currently, Schedule will change in few weeks though. Comms: Working Mic with Teamspeak installed Contact: Skype/Steam both IDs => k1infran Role: PDM(Permanently Designated Marksman) aka sniper for the team. Happy DayZ-ing, k1infran~
  7. Bump~ looking for more Oceanic players to join my squad play in this group. I consider myself a veteran at this game and I expect players in my squad to be equal if not better. The squad's objective is to gear up legit and head North ASAP to play against other squads. There will be NO camping in Cherno/Elektro unless to help fellow mates out. Scripting/Duping/Combat Logging or any form of exploits will not be tolerated in the squad. Requirements is strict for this group as such: - 18+ only for maturity - Speak proper English - Have basic squadplay idea - Map Knowledge (Know how to go Stary Sobor without map or compass) - Weapon Knowledge (Which weapons kill zombies with one hit) * - Tackle zombies with minimal ammo/blood cost and loot fast. * - Know how to read peripheral dots. * For those with a * at the back are a plus but can be taught in a short process, the rest are required. If interested pm me directly on this forums, if you are already in the brigade pm me on steam, same user name in the steam group. k1infran~