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About qwertyboat@hotmail.com

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    Lying in ure grass sniping ure people.
  1. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Gas station roof, any ideas?

    Ok thanks for you feedback guys, sadly we have no other chopper... But the whole situation resolved itself when the server restarted and i logged back in to see my chopper in flames. im ust glad i managed to parkour my way off the roof and survive.
  2. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Gas station roof, any ideas?

    Alright so i recently landed a heli on a gas station roof, any of you clever folk know how/if its possible to either get up there or to give loot to a guy that is up there from the ground? Basically im stuck on the roof with a chopper that has 0 fuel and need one of my friends to hand me a jerry can, is there any way? Any ideas will be greatly appreciated and +1 for swift answers as the situation is ongoing atm.
  3. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    ATI HD6950 Micro Sutter

    Restarting my computer fixes the stuttering for a little while but it comes back again its a solution but is there a lasting fix?
  4. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    ATI HD6950 Micro Sutter

    Hey i have the exact same problem but im horrible at computers, would anyone be willing to walk me through the process? Would greatly appreciate it! I watched the youtube video above and have done all it said but im a bit confused since my files are in the steam folder, also the sixlauncher is a newer version.
  5. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    Im still here if anyone got more advice!
  6. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    Yes have tried switching between aswell, it does nothing really.
  7. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    i did, but i removed it.. nothing happened.
  8. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    It seemed to work for about a minute or so but then it started again.
  9. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    Alright i will try that @ST
  10. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    Nope never Spilled anything on the computer, this freezing only happens in dayz have no issues with any other games.
  11. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Game freezes every 1-2 seconds runs smooth inbetween, PLEASE help.

    so say it freezes every 2 seconds, wich means between those 2 seconds of each freeze i play at 55-60 fps. Sorry if my english is bad.
  12. So as the topic states my game freezes every second or so but runs smooth with no problems in between it isnt random fps drop every 2 seconds it freezes for a sec. any solutions? Specs : 2x Nvidia gtx 670 AMD FX 8150 Eight core. 3.6Ghz 16G ram W7 64Bit attached a picture of my cpu`s while im ingame anything wrong here? And here are my ingame settings : http://imgur.com/ZvZJW Now if you need more information ust ask! If you have any suggestions at all ill gladly try them, getting really sick of this :( Thanks!
  13. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    SE 7 - Relaunched with Private hive!

    Is there no way to make it daytime 24/7?
  14. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Should my game be laggy?

    ping on the server i play on vary from 15 to 70
  15. qwertyboat@hotmail.com

    Should my game be laggy?

    Only got skype, dayzcommander and Google chrome with facebook this forum and my email. and my inet is at 12Mbps, not good but good enough right?