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Everything posted by joshuabeatdown

  1. joshuabeatdown

    Zombie type

    Actually if I remember correctly, the creator of the game referred to them as zeds, and few times zombies. More so zeds. Too lazy to crawl through old forum posts. Not like I wasn't here since almost the start of the mod or anything.
  2. joshuabeatdown

    Being able to strike with a firearm

    We had bayonets, but they didn't do anything but look cool. Well unless you count opening cans, and such. Most likely coming back with or after player controller. But they have been planned to work for a long time, same with firearm melee too. As for throwing weapons I think they won't come into play till they fix the physics engine, and play controller. Throwing is far to buggy at the moment. I feel like they mentioned throwing weapons to come at some point, I might be wrong on that part though.
  3. joshuabeatdown

    Activate buton respawn

    But if you make it easier to get a good spawn, it will be abused badly. It will make the game even more of a death match. It allows your friend to protect your loot, while you run back to get it, and the loot of anyone that tried to take it. To counter it they would have to lower despawn timer. Making it harder to get loot from kills during long firefights. If I had my way I would make it so you can't play on a server after you die for a few hours- to a day real life time. Which would add to the hardcore feeling, make fights even more intense. Since you risk more by dying. Rather than find a spawn close, especially if you have a hidden barrel, or tent allowing you to re-gear, and get back for revenge. But reality is people wouldn't rent servers if it meant they could be locked out for x amount of time if they die. It would probably make the community far more toxic, and bring more KOS. But for me personally it would make interactions more intense, and the feel of the game more hardcore, and add a bit more realism. So maybe could be added as a server option for the people who are ok with being locked out if they die. I could see RP PvP server making use of this function.
  4. I would like to see a utility belt. Which would have a holster, spot for pepper spray if added, handcuff slot/handcuff keys, baton, and two magazines. Maybe even a knife, like a pocket knife, which could be added as well. Make it share the slot of vest, and chest holster. I sometimes do police soft RP, even on PvP servers. It would complete the uniform, and add another storage item/loot to get in a police station. I would also like to see knee pads/elbow pads for the swat type uniform. Also I would like to see more ways of dealing with retrained players. Like being able to lead them, especially when they have a bag over their head. Have the option of putting them in, and out of cars. It would add more to hostage taking over all for both soft PvP, and RP. While on the topic of hostages. I would love to see bolas, and some sort of lasso after the physics engine is fixed. Both being relative easy to craft IRL. So it adds more to crafting, and less lethal ways of dealing with players. More craft-able bags. Such as a hoodie bag. Which you can make with just a hoodie, with smaller amount of room to hold things, or hoodie plus rope to make it hold a bit more. Since with the rope you wouldn't have as much tension on the cloth of the hoodie like if you just made a hoodie bag with the sleeves. I did this a bit as a teen IRL. I would like to make a leather without a barrel. Also being able to make fur clothing. I would also like to have craft-able tents with leather, and even some craft-able tents with tarps and rope. The latter adds some more loot to the shed/barn loot tables. I think there should be more cook-able foods like soup. Where it doesn't mention the meat, so you have the gamble if it made with human meat, or animal meat. Adds another thing to be afraid of, and more for RP moments. It is not hard to make a soup broth IRL, and pots are already in game. As well as cooking times. So you make the broth with bones from animals or fish. Then the next step of adding in meat, and vegetables. Which gives more use for fish, and farming in general. Using open barrels to collect rain water, as well as crafting them with tarp, rope/or duct tape, and sticks to make it collect better. Need to use water purification tablets if you don't use cleaner to clean all the materials. So you get more uses for the tablets, and cleaner. Temporary craft-able shoes. Like using cloth, but when it rains, or are wet are way less effective, but in dry conditions adds some protection over no shoes. It helps bridge the gap when you are unlucky to find new shoes. Also Shoe protectors with tarps, rope/or duct tape to protect shoes from getting wet. Craft-able anti stab vest made from books, and duct-tape. Adds another use for books, and is/was used as prison armor. Possible from wood as well. This one of my favorite ideas, because it would be fun running around with book armor on the beach to protect my self from pointy sticks, and knifes. Bring back tin cans, even if just from eating can goods. Make them be able to be crafted with rope, trip wire, and sticks to make a tin can alarm. Also when they are tripped alert zombies to the location. This is all I can remember off the top of my head, pretty tired at the moment. I didn't get into too many details for balancing some of the ideas. Just a little bit of minor ideas for balancing. Going to bed now, if I remember any of the rest of my ideas I will add them to thread later. Edit: I am sure some are already planned, but I don't remember everything off the top of my head. As well I am sure a lot have been suggested, but I didn't want to necro old threads, and search each one. So I just compiled all my ideas in one spot.
  5. joshuabeatdown

    Suggestions for items, and new craft-ables.

    I play private servers only these days. I get a better chance to avoid dupers, can have multiple characters without a second account. Better chance of hackers/dupers being cracked down upon. Also I get to avoid server hoppers, and seem to find a bit more loot over all because of it. But yeah, I was hoping there would be more crafting. A lot of what I listed is pretty basic in terms of crafting, and survival. Hopefully after the engine is finished, and we see the backlog I hope there is more crafting. I want to see more uses for crafting items, and items that are everywhere north that I just gloss over, because I just need to check for items in the clothing, and already have clothing I want. Not to mention it gives uses to the useless clothing besides rags. Things like new craft-able bags help starting out as well, where I have to ditch things, or not pick up things because I have no room. Since I got unlucky, and didn't find a bag, or burlap. When in real life I could make a bag easily. Which I did a lot as a teen. I am not hoping the whole game becomes a craft game over a loot game, I just want to see more uses for loot-able items. Just a basic crafting like now expanded upon. People do craft, and I've seen a lot of people who prefer the improvised bag over others for PvP, because it is low profile. Only time will tell. I don't remember any of the SR's getting into crafting recently. Would be nice if they brought it up in the next one. So we know their plan on crafting, but it has been awhile since they've talked about crafting.
  6. joshuabeatdown

    Replace written status cues with verbal 'thoughts'

    Well considering there is not bathroom function atm, the bladder thing is irrelevant. You stomach should rumble louder, and more frequent. Have you never been starving IRL? because my stomach sure as hell makes more noise the more hungry I am. I don't think I am hungry till I get cues from my body, my mind is not just randomly like hey I am hungry, there is a reason for that to happen. Hence stomach rumbling. There have been times I've gone without food for long time in real life, and of coarse its annoying hearing your stomach, that would add realism. Sure the water one is bit harder to replicate, but I would rather the sound cues than text. Since you cannot feel those those thing from a game avatar, sound cues is closest we can get to realism. I am not against icons for now, but the text has to go, and also the text for eating, and drinking. I know I am drinking from a well, or eating a can of tuna, I initiated those actions. Also some people don't have mics, or afraid to use them. So it would be hard to see "friendly" amongst the text spam when I am eating, or at the well. The thing is audio cues, can also be paired with visual actions. Such as holding your stomach. I wish the engine was capable of things like your abdomen stretching when you need to pee, or take a shit. These are just suggestions, and bit from real life. Atm my stomach is rumbling up a storm, because I am waiting to go to out to eat with my girlfriend. Which has increased in the past hour. I really want fish 'n' chips as well.
  7. joshuabeatdown

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I got bandit skin just from defending my self from hostile players. Skin feature was a bad idea, and poorly implimented. caused a lot of bugs. Such as hero skin plus silenced pistol caused a dupe.
  8. joshuabeatdown

    Replace written status cues with verbal 'thoughts'

    Well IMO I think the pain sound is fine for injuries. What I think should be done is moving away from the text cues, and use rumbling stomach for hunger. Use a refreshing "ah" type sound for being filled, and a gagging sound when over full. I think the thirst should be some sound of cotton mouth sound, like being sticky I suppose. Then same with the food, "ah type sound when filled, and gagging when full. THe straving/dehydration sounds could become more frequent the more you need either. Would clean up the text spam, as well as add realism. I don't often think to my self wow I am hungry with audio, so I don't see why would in game. I get my stmoach rumbling, and think what I have to eat. Which I can do while palying anyways. IMO sounds like stomach rumbling would be better. No offence just my opinion.
  9. joshuabeatdown

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    Doesn't like snipers, kills people he assumes are bandits. Maybe someone is doing over watch while their friends get stater gear before heading north, or to get blood. Not all friendlies sit in the north, because cars, and choppers spawn on the coast as well. Not all bandits are bad, just to let you know. Sometimes friendlies shoot at you as well, they might have just decided to turn bandit, or fresh to the game. I have killed more friendlies trying to kill me than bandits. I have zero bandit kills on this play through. All four of my murders are friendlies shooting at me to steal my backpack, or gun. So just to sum this up, there is a huge chance you are what you hate. Don't act so righteous, because you cannot confirm all those kills are just murderers.
  10. joshuabeatdown

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    You are clearly retard, it is not only little kids who cause problems. Adults do these things as well. There is not an age limit on trolling, and abuse.
  11. joshuabeatdown

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    I have spent a lot of time trying to fix the issues. The pending patch notes admit there is a problem with tearing, it suppose to be fixed. I have tried all the fixes I can find, and same thing. Military zombies cause screen tearing, a lot of people have tried to fix it. Some it is a temp fix, some it is random, but a lot of people cannot fix it. So next time think before you post, and making your self look like a ass.
  12. joshuabeatdown

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    GG OP you are clearly retarded, and sucking up. The post said there is no such thing as abuse, and you just said hacking is abuse. There for the game is not always fair, and you do not have a chance to kill them.
  13. joshuabeatdown

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Every kill is not fair, and no there is such thing as abuse, and grief. People will jump you, and dc when you actually start to kill them. Also hacking is abuse, and griefing. so there for making your post completely retarded, which I guessing you are. Btw sucking rockets dick isnt going to get you anything.
  14. joshuabeatdown

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    No it is not, do not waste your money. It is going stand alone with in a few months, so you will have to shell out more money. At this time it is buggy to be worth spending all this money on it. It also get boring with no cars, or helis in sight. Everything good gets horded off map, and if you want a car you need to get a ton of food, and water. Then spend hours walking outside the vast out side of the map. Which never ends. The whole 7 day with no use rule does not work, because they only have to get in the car once every seven days. On my friends server we have cleared all the inside map, and cannot find the chopper, or the trucks. There is only so much you can do right now. Which gets old fast. Not to mention server hoppers farming out gear before you get to a spot, or people dcing in combat. The dcing is really bad right now, worse than ever. Get jumped, and about to kill the guy, and then he panics boom gone. No kill, no loot, and you get left with low blood, and sometimes worse if you get a broken leg. So to sum it up, if you want to waste $30 on a mod that every patch something breaks. While having to deal with hackers, server hoppers, dcing in combat, and walking simulator. If you like getting pissed off then spend $30, or wait till standalone to see if it improves, and end up spending less money.
  15. Well really what needs to happen is being locked to one server, so we can build actual bases. Not just some tiny little camps. Then you can setup up trading posts, safe zones, medical camps, and other camps for long term survival. Allowing people to then get jobs. After that we need some sort of AI event, where the military comes in to wipes everything out. Which gives you a chance to get rare, and new items. Also we need side missions of clear out so, and so town/city. Which makes the zombies have a longer spawn timer if city is cleaned out in set amount of time. Giving you time to find loot, and building materials, or even build trading zones, fortify churches for refuge. These things would add to realism, rather than perks/bonus for not killing people, or killing a lot of people. As the only thing you get for doing either in real life is what you get now, whatever you can steal of the people/camps, or what people give you for helping them.
  16. joshuabeatdown

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    I do not agree, and do not alt+f4. What really needs to happen is being locked to one server, then people cannot jump servers to change their spot. A log out timer can fuck over people who are not even in a fight, but got to log off/legit dc, and a guy just stumbles upon them. I have decent internet, and still get random dcs. There are also such power outages, and its summer time so everyone runs ac's. So fuck you sir, you are wrong.
  17. joshuabeatdown

    Currant server system.

    The whole not being tied to one server was great when there were not many servers, and you had to fight just to get on one. Now at this point almost everyone has a regular server, or a friend hosts one. There are also a lot more servers, and more popping up all the time. So don't you think it is about time your character gets tied to just one? It would stop farmers from barricading building from the inside so no one gets in, or getting killed from behind in building because a farmer logged in. It would also stop people from dcing, then logging into another server to go to another spot. So they can then log in behind people. It would also allow people to have multiple characters, so they can play with out friends. I really see it as the only way to fix those problems, since they have been on going for awhile with no fix in sight. I see no reason to even keep the current system, as it only benefits dcers, and farmers at this point. Since those are two huge problems right now, and it would make actually setting up enclosed bases useful. The only people I see crying about this are farmers, and dcers. Edit: No one called me out on it, but I know the title is misspelled. It is suppose to be a joke, because its sort of a rant.
  18. joshuabeatdown

    Currant server system.

  19. Like they really care if people got fucked over. Hence not shutting down the hive, preventing people from actually getting fucked over. INB4 Slurp Slurp Slurp from the rocket cocksuckers.
  20. I was at the fire station in the nw airfield, and I saw a guy on the roof so I unloaded a clip of g17. Then he teleported to another spot on the roof in prone, so I unloaded another two clips into him. He then teleports yet again, and so I unload another clip. Then bam I dead in one shot from him. He was in ghillie, with a L85A2 AWS. There was no chain, nothing else was lagging. He just kept teleporting after each clip, and you could see the blood with each bullet hit.
  21. joshuabeatdown

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    "* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)" Does this mean helicopters are coming back?
  22. No one, not even you, has the right to say people aren't allowed to voice their opinions. I'm offering my feedback on the direction that the game is headed. If my feedback isn't wanted, then so be it, but what you're saying is that I shouldn't be allowed to have this mod installed on my computer if my opinion is different than yours. That's the stupid thing I've heard regarding this whole ordeal. You hate to be that guy? There's a reason for that. And In regards to Rocket "trying it out", I am under the very clear impression that things are only supposed to become more like this in the future. I hardly ever see a post by him. The twitter feed is completely silent in regards to the backlash from the community regarding this patch. I have no reason to believe that the problems I have with the game will ever be fixed unless I make it known that I'm displeased, and provide the reasons why I'm displeased. Don't even bother OP, it is either you are part of the circle jerk, of people with kits who lie, to keep people playing so they can kill them, or you are just a cry baby. Their arguments don't hold validity, nor do they have an intelligent response. It is always the same circle jerk responses, I we get enough of the "lololol I can suck rockets dick response." Actually stop to think people. This is the internet not everyone should agree.
  23. Here we go with another kitted out person, and/or who has groups to play with. To shit on players, because doesn't matter to you. When you die to a guy on the beach, because has a gun, and you don't you will be annoyed as well. Its not like OP is saying remove PvP, he is making valid points. What is yours "QQ more, trolololol?"