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Everything posted by joshuabeatdown

  1. joshuabeatdown

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Does this mean these stupid PvP threads will be deleted?
  2. joshuabeatdown

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    To everyone that wants girls skins, I would shoot them all on sight. I would just assume it is a guy like any mmo, and that they want stuff given to them, or not to be killed.
  3. joshuabeatdown


    Doesn't matter I have Steam Guard. Change my password weekly, and I have a few cd key from games I bought in IRL. Plus I only have 27 games, valued at $332.80.
  4. Kill bandits, take their gear. Which is usually better than survivors. Being friendly doesn't mean don't kill bandits. Also if this was "CoD with Zombies" then the map would be tiny, less people, and no loot. Not even close to COD. If you don't like PvP play the single player version floating around, or play Dead Island, or L4D for co-op zombie killing.
  5. joshuabeatdown

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    Best friends?
  6. joshuabeatdown

    Longest survival

    Day 8, 510 zombie kills, 2 murders, 1 bandit kill. Though it is 2 bandit kills, a newbie caught me off guard with a pistol. He didn't move in for the kill, and I bandaged, and got the kill when he finally came in. Though the server didn't save the half hour worth of work, and that bandit kill. Yes I hit major PvP places like airfields, towns, and camps. No I do not have a NVG, have yet to see one. I did however miss out on a working heli, didn't know how to start her up. Less than 5 minutes later, some dude flies off with it. A little piece of me died watching it fly over me.
  7. joshuabeatdown

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    Didn't realize in COD zombies you go around shooting other people, and I don't remember such large maps, or even looting. I mostly play solo, and rarely have trouble with people. I either avoid them, or sometimes group up. Playing solo is scary as hell seeing a group. I never stay on the cost for more than 15 minutes if I do die. Though I haven't died in a long time. I am a very long play through atm. It's not the game, its how you play it. Stop crying just because you got killed. It is part of the game, and if you don't like it play another game that doesn't have PvP, or the single player version.
  8. joshuabeatdown

    Corpse Removal

  9. A lot of people didn't actually read this "Go to barracks, clear first room then install a barbed wire kit on the lenght of the corridor." The length is the whole hallway, from the door to the back. Meaning OP could not even aim on the posts. Since the posts where inside the building. Edit: Also OP could not vault over it.
  10. joshuabeatdown

    One thing that piss's you off in DayZ

    Yeah I am annoyed with these servers that actually updated, or refuse to update. I feel like they do it so just them, and friends can play. Then they can farm everything up, and when they have it all they will update. Just so they can go hunting.
  11. joshuabeatdown

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    I dropped from 12, down to constant 9 now. Doesn't seem to be getting better, only worse.
  12. joshuabeatdown

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    I went from 60-12 fps. Also if I shot, I lose fps doing stuff from gear menu, I've gone to 5 fps using matches, bandage, and all that stuff. It is unplayable.
  13. joshuabeatdown

    1.5.8 Glitches

  14. joshuabeatdown

    1.5.8 Glitches

    I cannot right click anything, cannot eat, cannot drink, and cannot bandage. About to lose an entire play through to this retarded fucking patch. The other menu was better. Also how are we suppose to use blood bags now? I assume it makes them useless.
  15. joshuabeatdown

    friendly server

  16. joshuabeatdown

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    I have encountered mostly friendly people, and have only died to bandits a few times. It more sounds like you need to get the hell out of major cities.
  17. joshuabeatdown

    fell of a ladder

    Date/Time: May 14, 2012 8:30pm EST What happened: I was climbing ladder, and just feel for no reason near the top. Where you were: Northwest Airfield What you were doing: Looking for supplies, and zombies came up in front of me, and behind me. So I thought I would climb on the building to avoid them. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: Chicago 2, or 3. *Your system specs: x6 phenom 2, 8 gigs ram, 450gts. *Timeline of events before/after error: Looking for supplies, and zombies came up in front of me, and behind me. So I thought I would climb on the building to avoid them. After I got so frustrated being that far into that play through, and I just fall randomly off a ladder. Is there anyways I could get reset?