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Everything posted by joshuabeatdown

  1. I agree with this, and its not like you would run out into an apocalypse with no weapon. I would not leave my house without some sort of weapon, blunt object or a knife. The knife would be better, as I would be able to slash wrists to cut tendons to disable them using their hands. You could also stab shoulders, jab eye sockets, and other range of tactics. To have no weapon means griefers can just kill you with no risk of dying. I would at least like the chance to sneak up on them, knock them unconscious with a blunt object, or cut their throat. I, and many other tried to argue that it would be a bad idea, because the truth it is a terrible idea. Like you said it does not promote cooperation. What it does promote is making your friends buy the game. Yeah I just said it, since no one else will.
  2. joshuabeatdown

    You are listening to the wrong people Rocket.

    My argument was about griefers, not zombies. I guess when I said, "I know the internet, and the internet likes to grief" I was using too much hyperbole. It means that people are going to die not by zombies, but by griefers who are farming kills on the coastlines. It takes all of 5 seconds for someone to scope you and shoot you. think you can find a gun to defend yourself in that time? Many said this is what would happen when Rocket talked about removing start weapons. Spawns are to close, and someone might have already farmed the town you spawned in/near. Leaving you defenseless. In real life I could find plenty of weapons to fight off zombies. I would also not leave my house without a weapons. So I have no idea why you are out in the open spawning with no weapon. You should be spawning in an empty house if anything. I think this whole patch is a mess, and I will be taking a break from the game, till either a starting weapon, or melee is put in. I do not feel like being killed by griefers, with no way to defend my self. This patch was made for griefers, and people who play in mass groups. Not the people trying to get a kit starting. I do not want to here the dumb argument about playing with randoms. I do not want to follow a random just because he has a gun. When you find something he wants, he will just kill you so he gets both. That is all this update did. It does not actually promote teamwork, because the guy with the gun doesn't need you in anyways. You are just dead weight.
  3. joshuabeatdown

    Dallas 1

    Admin kicked me off the server, then locked it. I am guessing to get his friends on. Since not everyone was kicked. I didn't say anything in chat, just fresh spawn. It is hard enough to get on a working server, since I get either stuck at loading, or retrying to authenticate, other the reciving data. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558692204775037950/292B7BF5BF5CA10E5824A4E40CE721868FC2512C/
  4. joshuabeatdown

    Dallas 1

    I only came back here to get a screenshot of a mod admitting to be friends with AG. I am clearly not spamming, not talking, I just just spawned, was killing zombies. Then kicked randomly they have been caught on admin abuse multiple time, and by multiple people. A mod is friends with them, and he has conflicting interests. So he won't move the issue to the devs. He is burying the multiple post of admin abuse by them. By claiming we are harassing, or trolling. When clearly they are, on top of multiple issues of them dcing in combat if it goes bad, or abusing admin powers. So yeah you still still look bad.
  5. joshuabeatdown

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    This announcement corresponds with the entry here: Shows that BEC lost link with the server. This is indicative of a server restart. This also shows BEC automatically controlling the server flow by locking and unlocking. Furthermore, my chat logs show that user "=AG=wutno" was being very disruptive, rude, and disrespectful in chat. If I had been present, I would have removed you. The day before the same thing happened, and the server had already gone down 15-20 minutes before he killed one person. Also it does not look like much info. Also hunter had not posted in chat about server going down, looks like the log is from another time, or the logs have been edited. I am sure is not hard to do I constantly look at chat, so if he knew that why would we drive the boat away from shore? I am sure by now the server logs It is also funny how wutno has a screen shot of brandon disconnecting after being shot to avoid death. So if he abuses disconnects what stops him from shutting down the server? I also like how more nit picking that has nothing to actually do with the problem. Plus all the other reports of abuse. Like I said an official dev should be the one reviewing it, not the people in question. You can say you are not biased, but clearly you are if you are an admin on the server in question. I'm not supposed to reply to you, but I will anyway. (<3 Gaius) Unfortunately, due to the latest DayZ security breach, our RDP details are no longer distributed to the Staff as is the same with most servers. However, if some investigation by the Staff was to be initiated, every effort on our part would be made to assist them. Our logs are publicly available, you just need to know what to type in your address bar. I will not give the link because IP's are not censored. And yes, my statement about "conflict of interests" was ill-backed, but it's true. I understand that you do not believe this and that is fine with me. Regardless what you say, it is a conflict of interest, because you are an admin on it. Not that hard to lie about your conflict of intrest, because those people are probably your friends. Yet no one addresses the fact Brandon disconnected when shot, or that the same thing happened the day before. After the server had gone down 15-20 minutes before it happened. Clearly you are avoid both those issues as well. You are trying to use some other tactics to get away from the other issues. Brandon should be banned regardless of admin abuse is true or not. He he dc'd to keep from dying. Like I said the logs are from another time or edited, because there was no server warning of the server going down. Yet you miss this point as well. Yet everyone who posts helping your posts, are all members of your server. Yet other people keep coming forward that it has happened before. So if you post the link to the logs, then they are not publicly available. Sounds like you are trying to hide some stuff. Not to mention in my experience before server goes down there are warning signs. You know on, and off yellow chain minutes for it it happening, and not being able to loot anything. Also why would the camp just disappear in a normal restart. Seems like it was force shut down, and caused some issues. Yet the issue wasn't fixed till much later, when you could safely movie your camp.
  6. joshuabeatdown

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    This announcement corresponds with the entry here: Shows that BEC lost link with the server. This is indicative of a server restart. This also shows BEC automatically controlling the server flow by locking and unlocking. Furthermore, my chat logs show that user "=AG=wutno" was being very disruptive, rude, and disrespectful in chat. If I had been present, I would have removed you. The day before the same thing happened, and the server had already gone down 15-20 minutes before he killed one person. Also it does not look like much info. Also hunter had not posted in chat about server going down, looks like the log is from another time, or the logs have been edited. I am sure is not hard to do I constantly look at chat, so if he knew that why would we drive the boat away from shore? I am sure by now the server logs It is also funny how wutno has a screen shot of brandon disconnecting after being shot to avoid death. So if he abuses disconnects what stops him from shutting down the server? I also like how more nit picking that has nothing to actually do with the problem. Plus all the other reports of abuse. Like I said an official dev should be the one reviewing it, not the people in question. You can say you are not biased, but clearly you are if you are an admin on the server in question.
  7. joshuabeatdown

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    Look at the screen shot I posted no links. Then bam it went to red right as the server de-synced. the server went down. Both days this happened. From my experience the chains come minutes before the actual crash' date=' on an off a few times before it actually goes down. Not bam right as it crashes. Also the people who are putting the post down are all Adrenaline Gaming members. [hr']
  8. joshuabeatdown

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    First day, this happened. The screen shot was taken by another player, since wutno was driving under fire. Then this.
  9. joshuabeatdown

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    See you actually didn't read the post, that I posted. You took it out of context. The title alone is a question. With a question inside. Trying to use MY post to discredited is pretty funny. Nit picking looks desperate. It is so convenient every time we get close to your base, and kill some one the server goes down. This is twice in 24 hours that wutno has killed someone in your group, and then the server goes down. Not to mention the various complaint about your group I've seen people making in chat, days before these things happened. The devs really just need to check the server logs of how often one of them dies, then "server start."
  10. Considering I spawn mostly right out side of cherno, and elektro, all it takes is a player on a hill sniping, or on his way with a gun to kill you. There for removing "natural selection" theory. I've already outlined multiple problems with the idea. Everyone agreeing, because it will "end the bean war" cannot even give good reasoning. I can go all day about how it is a bad idea. You've tested it alone, or other devs. So in theory it is a good idea, but on live after a few days it will be chaos. No it reinforces the kids you think are "cod kids." Since your "cod" kids are just griefers, and just want to grief, doesn't mean they play cod. They could then just kill all fresh spawns with no chance to die. Increasing the rage factor, in creasing their numbers, and reasoning to keep doing it. People are not actually thinking it out. It looks like Rocket already made up his mind, and when it goes all wrong you Yes people for the "bean wars," and "cod" reasons will be crying it was a bad idea.
  11. NO Until there is melee it is useless. In real life you would not be defenseless, there are weapons everywhere. I never even leave my house without a knife. It is already a pain to meet up with friends and most the time I spawn the area has already been looted. So then we would have to take the time to loot before even going to find them. I do not want to have to team up with a random just just because he has a gun, pretty much my goals differ from theirs. I do not want to have to follow them in hopes to find a gun. Lets say they have a rifle, or vise versa, and we find a pistol/rifle so he is greedy, and wants both. Then he puts a shot in my face, and I just wasted time following him around for nothing. That or they want the whatever weapon you have, so they kill you for it. Then you have bandits who just kill fresh spawns for the hell of it. This will just gave them no chance to die at all. Lets say you clear a town, only find bandages, bag, food, drinks. Then you come across a bandit, its GG. You have to find all that stuff again, because you got unlucky to find a gun. Since that bandit just looted the gun, or all the ammo for a gun. Also have people spawning near you, which then goes back to my point about finding stuff in the town. As I have gone through multiple deaths to find nothing at all. Then get shot by cz, winny, enfield, and get knocked down in one hit. I do not want to spend all night dying, and when I log have done nothing the whole night, or spend all night dying not being able to meet up with friends to play. I feel it will cause more grief, and annoyance. How about working on servers warning about servers shutting down, or de-syncing. I've died so many times the past few days being teleported out of boats, and losing all my gear. Before anyone says boats suck, the pbx is a great boat. Or what about fixing the spawning in ocean. There are enough problems that cause grief that need to be dealt with, no need for anymore.
  12. joshuabeatdown

    Tracer rounds?

    [AG-1] Hunter on Dallas 1 was shooting at me with tracer rounds. I could tell by the look they are tracers, and his buddy had another gun shooting at me, the rounds did not look the same. I saw him in chat earlier in the day saying he was going to kill someone with racer rounds, I thought he was trolling since I've never seen any tracer rounds. I have been to all military areas on the map, and seen ammo for every know type of gun. Are there even tracer rounds in Dayz? I was with a buddy, and he saw them too. It also seemed like they did even have to reload once while shooting at me.
  13. joshuabeatdown

    Eu 27

    Saw a crash, and fire, found these filled with hacked weapons. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558692741799844377/3911662268E53A8DA54973240A5CAFA95AFC5D10/ This guy looted the creates. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/558692741799834221/72E1ABE6E262B8B5727F1376A09DF96CFC2A3E74/ Heres the guy admitting to hacking. http://cloud2.steampowered.com/ugc/558692741799847071/EDEEA970D0308DDD8EDCC84270795FC15EB2816D/ It was 3 guys rolling together, 8n0wF14k3, Daniele, JackpotTappey, and Ven0mtail. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558692741799849878/DB19121C3E198FCE3BFE37575F87F4EC83FA44C6/
  14. joshuabeatdown

    Tracer rounds?

    It's more like one out of every 4-5 rounds. Claiming that every single round was a tracer is pretty absurd, as they were the only rounds you could have seen. If you saw how they came at me you, you would assume the same.
  15. joshuabeatdown

    Tracer rounds?

    LOL~ first time I been called a hacker for being good in DayZ, i guess it happens in all FPS tho :P also not every round was a tracer... and you woulda known that if you combined the listening with the seeing. Implying that I said you were using an aim bot, and that calling out tracer rounds have anything to do with being good. There were two guns shooting, one non tracer, the other tracer rounds. The tracers were constant. So you imply I wasn't listing, nor watching tracers, and none tracers fly by me.
  16. joshuabeatdown

    Tracer rounds?

    Well you bragged about having them in chat today. None the less wutno, and I saw tracer rounds shooting at us.
  17. joshuabeatdown

    Tracer rounds?

  18. joshuabeatdown

    Tracer rounds?

    I edited my post about how he was bragging about having them.
  19. joshuabeatdown

    PvP threads.

    Mods can you start deleting PvP threads. Every page seems to have 2-3 of them. There is clearly a thread for it with the title "THE PvP Discussion Thread: ALL OTHERS WILL BE DELETED." It is not like they even have to search for it. It is in the important threads at the top of the first page. I am sick of seeing mislabeled/misleading titles, just to find it is yet another PvP. I know plenty of other are sick of seeing them too. A lot of them say "Oh well I like the PvP, just not the way it is." Meaning they like to kill other people, but when they get killed they rage. Also people reading this, you don't need to make a thread about PvP every time you die. Learn from your mistakes. If you don't like PvP this is not the mod for you. They are just beating a dead horse with a stick, and wasting the time of people who want to discuss things other than PvP. So mods can you please start moderating these thread.
  20. joshuabeatdown

    Knifes & Nades

    An odd argument considering how every survivor is a trained professional with any gun in the game. :dodgy: This guy has right. I love how people think you can only slash knifes. Even though some well aimed jabs you can disable limbs. You can even penetrate the skull with a large enough hunting knife, or a job to the eye penetrate to the brain. Enough with the cod argument. Like there are no melee weapons in real life. I am pretty sure sure Rocket has expressed interest it.
  21. Bugs: 1. Zombies going through walls. 2. Zombies acting spastic, like jump crazy forward into you, and teleporting. 3. The monkey zombies not alerting even though you are 10-20 meter behind them, and crouch walking. Features: 1. More building/fortification 2. More vehicles/weapons/melee weapons/skins 2. More lootable buildings
  22. joshuabeatdown

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    Crying over PvP, and not playing smart. See you later, you won't be missed.
  23. joshuabeatdown

    Did crossbows get nerfed in 1.6 patch?

    You can retrieve bolts, but they are very glitchy. I won't use the crossbow again till they put in a quiver. With the glitchy bolts, and taking to many slots atm its not worth it. You can find silenced weapons/ammo pretty easily, and they last a lot longer than the bolts do.
  24. joshuabeatdown

    A real use for Humanity levels

    Awesome response. "If you start adding artificial advantages or disadvantages for any choice in the game, you ruin it." Voidsheep is right, it would ruin the game. Eventually there would be no bandits at all. Then the game would be boring as hell. Just another Dead Island/L4D. I play this game because it is not like those games. Those games I play for a week, two tops when new. Randomly play them time to time, and bored in 30 minutes. As there is no risk at all.