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About ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    RIP GB Wireworld Server - it was a lot fun.....

    Dayz on Arma3 looks like High Definition compared to Arma2! Inventory system also looks so much better. Will take a bit of time to adjust to the looks and controls, but it is the next step. Standalone? I'm not too fussed at the moment. RealDayz still the best Arma2 Dayz server.
  2. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    RIP GB Wireworld Server - it was a lot fun.....

    Mac, do stashes count towards the tent count stat?
  3. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    RIP GB Wireworld Server - it was a lot fun.....

    Mac, relieved you were away on a holiday. Other thoughts had went through my mind, which I didn't want to express/discuss on a public forum. Glad you're back in one piece and ready to save the day.
  4. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    RIP GB Wireworld Server - it was a lot fun.....

    Will we be up and running soon, Mac? Missing the old girl now that she is much more playable than!
  5. Good news on this script. However, really need antibiotic spawn chance increased as still too rare to provide game balance re infection. They may have a chance to spawn everywhere, but they're just not spawning in anywhere near balanced numbers. I've found more tents than antibiotics. If only empty tin cans cured infection...
  6. Mac, my tuppence if I may regards new patch? Please have the chance of being knocked to the ground by zeds reduced bigstyle! It is bloody awful as it stands. Awful. Will be glad to see back of all that crafting loot, but wish the ammo exploit could be sorted once and for all, eh? How many times has my survivor been blown away by magically restocked ammo? Maybe Titor could pull down some figures?! Finally, have I mentioned how overpowered the zeds are now that they appear to have a 50/50 chance of knocking you down on hitting? Please have it turned down - 10% or less is reasonable. +++Jake S+++
  7. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Saucy put in a lot of effort to fix up my broken leg yesterday. I recommend him to everyone.
  8. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still looking for a trusted Medic who is willing to treat me for a broken leg in Zeleno. :(
  9. ast5e@yahoo.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Broken leg in Zeleno needing fixed! Ladder glitch was the culprit. Have tried PMing listed Medics thru Forum and Steam, but nothing positive in the last 22 hours. Will a trusted Medic please help?! PM if available.