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Everything posted by Amizaur

  1. Amizaur

    DMR/M14 any tips?

    My DMR tips: 1. 2. 3. 4. I made only the graphs. The gunsight corrections & range estimation data I used was taken from DMR description on Dayzdb.com page, and from sinigang93's comment below. Enjoy. P.S. I found DMR - at last - at military tent, but didn't have much fun with it. Equipped with Ghille suit and this DMR, I positioned myself very carefully inside some pine tree at the edge of woods south of NW Airfield, in a spot that would not trigger any zombie spawns. Some populated DE 3xx server. Waited some time, then carefully poked my head a bit out of the tree to look at the airfield. Quiet and empty. No zombies anywhere. I had good sight to hangars and control tower, good to about 500m, at further distances there was some fog/mist. I seen also the "sniper hill" on south edge of the airfield, but it was almost completly covered with fog. I only managed to note this much, because 10 seconds later I was dead with a bullet in my head. Oh no, not again...Didn't hear anything other that bullet whizz... I believe it was a med range headshot, because I dropped dead at the spot and there was no way someone could see me from 600+ meters because of the fog... Didn't hear anything other that bullet whizz... I only wonder where was he, because I could swear that there were no places from where I could be visible (<500m) that would not spawn zombies if occupied. The only place was sniper hill, but it was covered with fog... Maybe he was quite close to me, with a silienced weapon...I prefer believing that it was some close positioned sniper that noticed me somewhow and hit to the head, than that there was just a AS50 TWS equipped hacker on that hill 800m away...
  2. Amizaur

    Players as Zombies?

    If a human would become a human-controlled zombie, IMO it would be a smart move to "play" an AI-controlled zombie, moving slowly just like one, and only if being close to a player - actually attack him violently by surprise :). Because if a player sees a not-usually behaving zombie, he would know it's human-controlled and kill him from far away. No, I would rather try to look just like every other zombie and not look suspicious untill I can "accidentaly" position myself close enough to attack... and the attack should be more brutal and aggressive than AI-controlled zombies do. Maybe human-controlled zombie should ba able to catch and keep and bite a player. Well, it should be more dangerous than ordinary AI-controlled zombie... It would be also interesting, if a human could become a tactical "controller" of a zombie group - able to move his viepoint and order a move orders to zombies. For example, to surround a player, or set a trap for him inside a building ect. He would not control attack, zombies would attack automatically when seeing the player - he could only control their routes, or order them to stay in place (make an ambush of several zombies inside a builiing for example). Game would be harder for players and zombiec COULD be more challenging sometimes, surprising...
  3. Amizaur

    Headshots: Instant Kill or Not?

    Maybe the headshot is coded just as some multipler to the bullet damage. So it usually leads to an instant kill with most weapons, but a weak weapon from range, or with unfortunate dice roll - maybe sometimes just don't take enough points to kill at once, even with multipler... ?
  4. Amizaur Debug .. Bug

    Unfortunately, this is NOT solving the bug. Doing so will update the status of the HUD icons to their current state - they will show thirst, hunger, blood, wounded, as their current state is. But with Debug window on, they will NOT update further, for example not show when you become bleeding... Learned this in the hard way - not bleedieng, great... but wait, why is my blood pressure decreasing ??? I was bleeding but the cross never showed up.
  5. I am. Noticed that when I was blooding, blood pressure decreasing - there was no "cross" indicator on the HUD blood-drop icon. It's possible it happened after I enabled the debug window.
  6. Amizaur

    Aren't zombies moving too fast?

    IMO the Zombies could/should be made slower (easier to hit), but at the same time - much more dangerous at close range. In a way they could catch and bite you, so it could be hard to get free, once catched. Instead of that - now they only hit or kick, quite slowly. The second thing that I believe should ba changed is the ability to kill zombie with axe so easily, with one hit, hitting it ANYWHERE. First, kiling a zombie with a hatchet should not be not SO EASY. It's a zombie/infected, it's resistant to shock, the only way to kill it with one hit should be by hitting it in the head. The corpse should require several hits from hatchet to kill. Additionaly - swinging a hatchet over and over is not so easy for an average man, it's just as tiring as running fast, if not more. Charakter should be able to make only few hits/swings with an axe, after that he should be tired and slow down, untill he recovers a bit. After those changes, zombies would be much more dangerous at close, and much more dangerouse en masse. A player could not - as currently - feel COMPLETLY SAFE from zombies and just IGNORE them, because he has a hatchet in hands. Using hatchet would be less effective - it would be like crowbar is now - and letting zombies close would be much more dangerous too. That would promote using firearms against zombies and fighting them from the far, which is I believe realistic. Also, hitting a zombie with a hatchet should alarm other zombies in close proximity, like 10-15m. After all, it's quite a sound...
  7. Amizaur

    Rope ladders ?

    Is it possible in mod ? A portable rope ladder that could be dropped down from some building for other people to get up, and raised up again for safety ? I did a forum search for "ladder" and didn't get any results with similar idea. P.S. Other ideas I would personally suport and like are: sleeping bags, sleeping to heal somewhat, drastic reduction in number of sniper rifles and specialised military weapons, rifles harder to find, removing completly heavy anti-material sniper rifles from the game (totally unpractical in post-apocalyptic zombie world, just like tactical ballistic missiles), increase of zombie's health points (harder to kill with gunshots to body), zombies harder to kill with a hatchet. A way to quickly drop weapon in hand and take a hatchet, or to have the hatchet in hand while keeping rifle on back and not in the backpack. Reduced speed could be the price to pay, for being overloaded with a backpack, sidearm, rifle and hatched simultaneously...
  8. Amizaur

    Rope ladders ?

    It would not allow you to climb anywhere where you could not before. First you had to get up on some building or roof somehow. Then you could block the normal entrance by some barbed wire or something. And only then you could use the retractable rope ladder to get down for supplies or to allow your friends up. It could allow making strongholds, shelters, safe zones and entry control. As long as server hoping is also resolved. Of course it can be used by bad snipers for kamping - like everything in this game including weapons, food, binoculars ect. You want to reduce camping ? Better remove sniper rifles or make it extraordinary rare... The Dawn of the Dead...