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kreatura (DayZ)

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About kreatura (DayZ)

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  1. kreatura (DayZ)

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    that is also a really good idea, knowing people though they are eventually going to figure out the spawn points points regardless and just roam around checking them all like the heli sites.
  2. kreatura (DayZ)

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    i dont think it's going to force people to use them less at all, i dont mean to just have like 1 fuel station in the whole map, maybe a few spread out nicely but just not a gas tank in every single random town. I dont think i should need to hunt down clans just to get vehicles. Yes obviously clans are always going to have an advantage if they are smart and work together but i dont think that advantage should result in them having every vehicle within the server and then them restarting the server every time i do manage to find one myself. Yes i could easily join a clan or find other people to play with if i wanted to but i dont think i should be required to do this to be able to use the vehicles
  3. kreatura (DayZ)

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    Alright guys im just going to go outright and say it that the current vehicle system is just awful. Basically with every single damned server owned by massive clans now and vehicle hoarding becoming ridiculous me a regular player who plays with just my one friend it is near impossible to actually get any vehicles especially the useful ones such as ural jeeps etc. Now i get that the vehicles are supposed to be rare and everything but i think having only a couple of vehicles per server is not the way to go. With the low amount of vehicles it seems the only way to actually get any vehicles is to join up with a clan instilling a mob mentality that just results in more vehicle hoarding. This wouldn't even be so bad except for the admin abuse where if i ever do manage to find a vehicle someone has hid (seeing as they never actually spawn anymore) the server just gets restarted by butthurt admins and i lose it again. So basically my solution is that we implement a lot more vehicle spawns but we take away the majority of gas tanks. This is going to make for a much better experience if you ask me and make people a lot smarter about how they use their vehicles at the same time. The lower amount of gas is also going to create more pvp hotspots which i guess is going to be good or bad depending on how you play the game but i personally like the idea of this seeing as no one even bothers to go up north anymore. anyway tell me what you guys think tldr: more vehicle spawns less gas spawns.
  4. this is interesting but lets be honest here the majority of people who do not speak english as their predominate language are going to understand basic english anyway especially europeans. when i went to germany even though i speak basic german people could always tell i wasnt really german and just spoke english to me anyway haha.
  5. think this would be awesome. so sick of going into any military spawn and just finding like 5 akms, sure its a good gun and all but some variety is always nice.
  6. kreatura (DayZ)

    The one thing that stops me from playing atm...

    if we are talking realism here then yes there should be cars everywhere but no fuel. I think a nice balance would be best, have more vehicles spawn then there currently is and take away the majority of fuel tanks
  7. kreatura (DayZ)

    New idea : Real Time Events

    this sounds like a good idea to me, think it would be best to have more than just 1 though to stop every person in the server camping it
  8. kreatura (DayZ)


    looks awesome but dont know if i could handle people killing my dog
  9. kreatura (DayZ)

    Ghillie still bugged or something else?

    i appreciate the replies but im fairly sure it wasnt due to the server not updating as i said earlier i picked up all the gear about 2 hours before this happened and logged off and on inbetween then, so im guessing we can just write it off as a random bug and i got unlucky :( never even got to use my svd yet
  10. kreatura (DayZ)

    Ghillie still bugged or something else?

    lol calm down bro. i picked up the gear about 2 hours before this happened and i wasnt server hopping i meant that i had logged out before to eat etc and come back in with no issues then my friend wanted to change to a day server cause he didnt have nv's so we changed and everything was still fine then randomly when i log in and out to fix the graphics issue where the textures go all weird then it happened and it didnt spawn me at the coast i just lost everything for no reason
  11. Hey everyone long time reader first time poster but i had to ask someone about this. me and my friend were playing tonight (i'm australian) and stumbled on some pretty damn good gear. NV goggles, svd camo, rangefinder, gps etc. anyway ive had a ghillie on the whole night while changing servers logging out etc and except for a random coast spawn that happened to my unghillied friend as well i had no issues. Then all of a sudden i log out and back in to fix that stupid graphics issue and ive lost all my weapons, my pack, all my tools and rangefinder/nv's. I still had all my ammo for secondary and primary slots and my ghillie was still on but everything else gone. can anyone tell me if this is because of the ghillie or just another random bug?