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About str33tsuite

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. str33tsuite

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    I listen to this:
  2. str33tsuite

    DayZ Rmod get now!

    I played Rmod, sure its fun for a few hours but it gets really boring, it seem Rmod is trying to turn DayZ into BF3 which is fine for some people but in my opinion it removed the true spirit of DayZ
  3. str33tsuite

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    Sorry to hear than mate, I play a good gaming community, not a clan but rather a group of like minded players, we help each other quite often, myself on more than one occasion have picked up players from the edges of the map and flew them where they wanted to go, we share gear and vehicles on a regular basis so your experience is based on one particular bad clan.
  4. str33tsuite

    Survivalists vs Bandits

    You can't be totally one thing mate, you have to draw from both worlds as Pendragon said, there are situations where you will inevitably find yourself into a gunfight. Or you see someone trying to take that chopper you've been gathering parts for and you can't just let him take it, you have to take the shot, this pool needs more options
  5. Not sure what to do.. .feel sorry for you or despise you.
  6. str33tsuite

    Starting a competitive Dayz Community!

    Played on your server, got shot on the coast as a fresh spawn, so much for fair play
  7. str33tsuite

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    It's an end game item... it was supposed to be superior to everything else, there only one per server (excluding private hives and new maps) shooting people from the heli is not as easy as you think. End of
  8. I've asked one of my clan server admin to sen you my GUID, your mod looks interesting. Just one small suggestion...you might consider hosting the mod files on mediafire or a similar hosting provider, downloading with 8 kb/s is a pain .
  9. str33tsuite

    ATV has mad hydraulics

    Funny thing is that the ATVs are also death traps in BF3 as well, i sense a conspiracy here
  10. str33tsuite

    So i spawned in novy sober

    Same here, only it was Novy Tipsy
  11. str33tsuite

    Grounded the little turd

    These two keep bringing the same old sentence "the kid just wanted to have fun" , really ? how was it fun for the other people on the server, do you think it was fun fro them ?, if you let your son thinking that having fun at the expense of others is ok he will end up getting 25 to life. Parents are meant to be harsh, they weren't supposed to be your friend and what teenager kid doesn't "hate" this parents at that age ? You were talking about the harvard kids that cheated on there tests, well when they do get a job for there specialization the employer expects you to perform the job and not just give you a high five for "overcoming" the test, get real and see a specialist for your issues, you seem to have a lot of them
  12. str33tsuite

    Any PvP/clan PvP servers?

    We have regular firefights with other clans on our home server LU425 , server is admined by clan members , no Alt+F4 or ghosting but expect heavy resistance
  13. str33tsuite

    How to start DayZ

    80% of the map is urban with some buildings that you can enter, the only place worth checking out is the airfield, it has like 10 barracks and lots of hangars + some firestations and control towers, another thing... the fence surrounding it has no holes in it and you only have two access points, easy to lock down. So far I liked it but personal taste