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About Dixegu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yup absolutly sure, i went to the motorcycle, used the mouse scroll menu to pick something like "Refill Motorcycle" (not sure what exactly it was) - then ive receiver a white message as confirmation "Bla bla 20 litres filled" and my jerry cans were empty. I guess thats buggy then? Or might the tank be broken and leaking? Ive really dodged vehicles untill now, so excuse me.
  2. Alright guys, now im in serious trouble - ive managed to fill in 2 Jerry cans yet still the HUD is the same as before. Whats wrong :/
  3. Heyo! Just found my first motorcycle, repaired the wheels, repaired the hull and now after like 3-4 miles suddenly the engine stopped. I was wondering whats up, since the HUD on the top left is completly green (Means its all fine isnt it?) Anyways, ive filled up a jerry into the tank just for the saftey but the bike still doesnt start, Now im running out of ideas.. Well.. tl;dr: Motorcycle engine stopped suddenly, hud completly green seems fully repairde, fuel filled - heeeelp! :)
  4. Hm, Im having the problem that after installing manually.. starting six-launcher "upgrades" my dayz files back to Any ideas? -nvm another thread explains that problem already. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68463-attention-fix-for-six-launcher-users-regarding-new-patch/