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Everything posted by porkus_maximus

  1. porkus_maximus

    DayZ comes up as a trojan

    I always download DayZ commander from the official website. Every now and again, Norton 360 (I know... I know) will suddenly decide it's a virus and delete it post haste.
  2. porkus_maximus

    Game is a challenge again, good patch!

    Is this some kind of ruse? Am I being tricked? The game is only a challenge because the zombie AI is unpredictable. Sometimes you get zombie-Daredevils who locate you with their sonar, then communicate your position to every zombie in the city via their zombie telepathy. Other times they're so stupid they lose track of chasing you through an open field in broad daylight.
  3. porkus_maximus

    Anybody Else Noticing This?

    A few days ago I broke my legs opening a door in the NWAF barracks. I'd just found a British assault pack and a mk48 with ammo. Guess what I hadn't brought with me.
  4. porkus_maximus

    is dayz 100% PvP on the long term?

    Basically yes. DayZ is a sandbox but its an empty one, all there really is to do is loot chopper crashes and hunt players.
  5. porkus_maximus

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    Reductio ad absurdum.
  6. porkus_maximus

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    If you're going to start throwing road flares you may as well run through the middle of Cherno firing your AK into the air while playing Gangnam style through direct coms. NVGs giving a huge advantage would be acceptable if they actually took some kind of skill to find or use but up until now the only "skill" they required was hopping to an empty server and recycling barracks loot until you got them. Now that they're on crash sites only it's simply a case of getting lucky, I've been playing DayZ on and off for about 6 months and I've only ever found ONE pair of NVGs that I can confirm were 100% legit because I didn't want to meta-game and recycle loot spawns. Basically something needs to change with the night cycle and/or NVGs and/or alternative light sources because right now NVGs make you essentially unstoppable against people without them. Realistic? Yes. Fun? Not for the guy without NVGs. There's a reason that night time servers are always less populated, most people who stay on them either have NVGs or they're ramping their gamma up.
  7. Only because their behaviour is buggy and unpredictable. The biggest threat from zombies come from the fact they they will all of a sudden detect you from 100m away while you're laying prone inside a building in the middle of the night, teleport through a wall and knock you out with a single hit. If the zombie AI acted the way it's supposed to they'd be more dangerous than in 1.7.4 but only slightly.
  8. Explain how it improves the survival game please. Survival is no easier or harder than it was in 1.7.4. I need exactly the same tools to survive with the addition of needing 1(!) empty tin can to boil my water with, matches just seem to take a little while longer to find now. If I want to play a mountain man that spends 100% his time in the forest eating animals and drinking pond water then I do everything exactly the same as before, only now I have to boil my water.
  9. Indeed. I just spawned fresh on a server, ran around obtaining the essential survival tools which took me roughly an hour. I was on the top floor of some flats looking for food/drink when suddenly a zombie somehow detected me even though it was pitch black outside and I was crouch walking. Before I can run downstairs and get out the zombie enters the building and then promptly teleports up some stairs, instantly knocks me unconcious and breaks my legs. I wake up after losing about 6-7k blood and I'm forced to shoot him with my revolver which attracts at least 10 other zombies which eventually kill me because I keep passing out from blood loss. It's the kind of thing that's been happening since the mod was released and it's a bit disappointing to see that it still hasn't been fixed. At this point I'm assuming it's impossible to fix.
  10. porkus_maximus

    Every hero skin is a duck?

    Aye. On one of the private hives I used to play on I was a bandit but every time I died my skin reset back to survivor, so people thought I was a regular bambi and would try to help me. My buddy who I was playing with always kept his bandit skin tho, so he was shot on sight 100% of the time.
  11. Name: Chris Location: United Kingdom GUID: 88da96107979caed26633f8e4e31f8f5 Why I wish to play on UK#10: I took a couple of months away from DayZ and most of the servers I played on are either dead or poorly administrated. The whitelisted server that I used to frequent barely has an admin online so any hacker shenanigans rarely get dealt with. Public servers are a complete cesspool, I've spent about 5 hours over the weekend trying to play on public servers and I've encountered hackers on any server with a population higher than 20. I just want a server where I can play with minimal hacker shenanigans, with admins who are capable of dealing with problems if they arise.
  12. porkus_maximus

    How are things?

    This is not true at all and I really wish people would stop acting like whitelisted servers are hacker-free zones. No matter how many anti-hack tools you have on your server the hackers will always be working to stay 1 step ahead of you. Regardless of how secure you try to make it a hacker can still teleport everyone or insta-kill the entire server if they really want to, the only difference is that private hives have varying measures of damage-control and can (hopefully) reset a server or roll it back to un-fuck whatever the hacker did. Whitelisted servers are 1000000% better than the default public ones but they're still not completely safe and people should be aware of what they're getting themselves into. For a whitelisted server to be most effective it needs very active admins.
  13. "anti-game" has definately got to be the most ridiculous buzzword to come out of 2012.
  14. So many people posting whatever useless shit pops into their heads.
  15. doesn't make things "complicated" it just makes things tedious. Spawning an empty tin/soda can every time I eat/drink? OK sure it's realistic, but it's also tedious that I have to drop them every single time. It feels like adding a few extra mouse-clicks just for the sake of it and it's not like there aren't enough empty tin cans lying around in almost every single spawn point already. Do we really need even more junk clutering up servers? Needing to boil my water before I drink it? Yeah sure it's realistic, but ultimately it doesn't exactly make the survival experience super exciting or anything. Worst case scenario is it wastes about 5-10 minutes of my time while I try to find a tree that the game will allow me to chop down. Finding an empty tin can isn't difficult since it's the most common loot item in the game. Zombie AI "improved"? Sounds good to me. Oh wait, the zombie behaviour is still extremely erratic? The AI is now even MORE buggy than before? Well nothing has changed then as far as I'm concerned. Can't log out because I'm standing too close to my buddy? That's just asinine.
  16. porkus_maximus

    are hackers still rampant?

    I haven't played DayZ for roughly a month. Within an hour of playing on a medium populated server I was transformed into a pig. Private servers are no safer from hackers unless an admin is literally online 24 hours a day. As soon as a server reaches medium/high population (lets say 30-40+ players) you WILL get targetted by a hacker or script kiddie. Even if an admin is very active there's really no way to stop the hackers, there are only various levels of damage control once they've had their fun.
  17. My router is neither old, nor "cheap". I couldn't honestly say when this problem started since I play DayZ sporadically but it didn't always do this. All I can tell you is that regardless of how low I put my max connections, DayZ commander still nukes my internet temporarily.
  18. porkus_maximus

    What is DayZ to you?

    Field running simulator 2013. DayZ for me was awesome until I realised all the most intense and exciting elements that occur in DayZ don't really utilise any of the mechanics from the DayZ mod. I realised that all the game play elements I was enjoying in DayZ could be found in other mods like Wasteland for example, or just vanilla ARMA 2.
  19. porkus_maximus

    What would you do in a close engagement?

    Too many things to think about. Is his gun pointed at me? If yes, I shoot him. If no, I probably shoot him anyway because he could still point it at me in the next few seconds.
  20. porkus_maximus

    Public or Private Hive?

    I wish this was true. I've been playing on a private hive run by a clan on and off for a few months now. Over the last 2 months the server has increased in popularity and is full on a regular basis... which has made it a target for hackers. I see hacker shenanigans occur on a regular basis and if an admin isn't around to roll back the server then you're fucked, it's gotten so bad that I've just given up playing on that server. A lot of hackers have been eliminated by battle eye and DayZ anti-hax but now we're left with the hardcore, dedicated hackers and there's still no effective protection against them, their hacks completely bypass any server protection and the only way to stop them is if an admin catches them red handed and manually bans them.
  21. Haven't played on a public server for 2-3 months. Log in, standing at the edge of a tree-line, I think I see something about 100 metres away, try to go prone My dude sprints forward and hurls himself to the ground 10k+ damage, KO, broken leg, bleeding u r ded
  22. porkus_maximus


    Other than the fact it has incredible on and offroad capabilities compared to any of the standard vehicles and it's incredible quiet for its size. The only downside to the SUV is it's a little big so it can be awkward to conceal but beisdes that it has everything... AMAZING on road speed, good offroad, quiet engine, very resilient, good item capacity, good seating capacity, good fuel capacity.
  23. porkus_maximus

    There are friendly players out there.

    Hero skin proves that you blood bag a lot of people, that's about it.
  24. porkus_maximus

    I returned from a 3 month break.

    Namalsk is an enigma of a map. On the one hand food and survival tools seem to be incredibly rare, making genuine survival much more difficult especially when you factor in how cold the map gets. On the other hand the sheer abundance of military loot feels like it encourages deathmatch/KoS game play. Life is even cheaper on this map because you can be geared up in less than 10 minutes if you get a good spawn point. Overall I think it's a refreshing change. I like that basic survival is more difficult and that you have to keep yourself warm and stuff, although I think Namalsk goes a little bit TOO far at times. I'm almost always shivering when I spawn and sometimes I catch a cold before I even find a gun.
  25. Sure. Professional soldiers who are trained to kill end up traumatised for the rest of their lives from their experiences, but I'm sure a bunch of internet super heroes would adapt to become cold, emotionless killing machines with the greatest of ease. Skins are pointless anyway. Today I fresh spawn in Cherno with my hero skin, run around with a hatchet because who gives a fuck. I see another hero running towards me, appears to be unarmed so I try to hatchet some of the zombies that are chasing him. I hear something behind me and catch a bandit trying to hatchet me in the back, I start circle strafing and then the hero pulls a hatchet and also starts trying to kill me, eventually one of them breaks my legs but I manage to take the hero down with me, who dies seconds before the bandit and myself are swarmed by zombies. Point is you don't get a hero skin by being "good" or a bandit skin by being "bad". That "hero" was probably just acting as a medic for one or more friends, as a squad they most probably murder all players without question but as long as he transfuses his buddies enough he can murder the occasional player while maintaining the appearance of a "hero".