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Everything posted by porkus_maximus

  1. porkus_maximus


    99% of fresh spawns/"beaners"/civilian clothing players have tried to kill me since getting the hero skin. The way I see it, civilian/camo/ghilie players are an unknown factor and you just can't really predict how they'll react, but having the hero skin basically sends out a message "I wont shoot first". So anyone who wants to take advantage of you can do so. The only reason I have the hero skin in the first place is because I'm playing on an outdated rig that's getting replaced ASAP, I'm useless in combat because my framerate is too choppy but I do spend a lot of time distributing medical supplies. I would quite happily kill more players if I thought it was necessary for my survival, which 99% of the time it usually is.
  2. porkus_maximus

    Hackers Outta Control...

    Too little too late, the damage is already done. Yeah it's great you can ban a guy from your server... AFTER he's already killed everyone and destroyed potentially hundreds of hours of effort by executing a simple script, and there are always more ready to take his place. Arma2 was never designed to be protected against such rampant hacking/scripting, and unless you can provide actual video proof of someone hacking you can end up getting your server blacklisted for banning people without legitimate evidence. There's really nothing we can do until the stand-alone comes out, either suck it up or move onto something else. Time spent trying to win an arms race against hackers is time wasted, hackers will always be 1 step ahead and I'd rather see the time spent on the stand-alone.
  3. porkus_maximus

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Imagine what the parents of "bronies" feel like when they find out their son watches little girl cartoons. I feel absolutely awful just thinking about it, all that shame and disappointment they must feel deep down. :(
  4. Here's the thing, lets say I'm moving from A to B and someone starts shooting. I don't know where the shots are coming from, or if they're even aimed at me so I dive for cover, and the shots stop. I look around trying to figure out where the shots came from but I don't see anyone... how long do I have to wait before I'm a "combat logging sissy"? 10 seconds? 30 seconds? 60 seconds? Or am I only allowed to log out after I kill the guy shooting, or die trying?
  5. porkus_maximus

    Vehicles Question!

    Today myself and a friend were fixing 2 ATVs on top of "Klen" mountain, we got 1 fully functioning but needed another wheel to get the 2nd one working. We put some items in the one we fixed and started to drive off when suddenly there was an un-anounced/un-scheduled restart. When we logged back in; ATV 1 was fully repaired but the items inside were gone. ATV 2 had reset and needed to be fully repaired again. ATV 3 had spawned in the same condition as ATV 2. So.... yeah I dunno what is up with that. One of the ATVs saved but the items are gone, one of them reset and a 3rd one seems to have spawned. My friend is not going to be happy when he wakes up tomorrow to find his M107 has gone. :(
  6. I've been playing for about 14 days now. I have played across 4-5 servers in that space of time and I've encountered at least 1 script/hack incident every 48 hours, which usually results in the death of my character directly (mass-server kill command) or indirectly (all players teleported together, people panic and start shooting)
  7. Just had this happen to me for the first time today. Date/Time: 21 August 2012,12:00am GMT What happened: Loaded up a server, then it said I was killed. Spawned in debug land, I still had my 24 slot coyote backpack but EVERYTHING else had disappeared. I logged out, logged back in and respawned on the coast. My thirst and hunger had no updated or reset since dying. Where you were: "Klen", grid reference 116 040 What you were doing: logging in Current installed version: v1.7.2.5 beta 96016 Server: UK 219 Getting my stuff back is going to be awkward since UK 219 is GMT+1 and it's already 12:30am and I don't have NV goggles. D:
  8. porkus_maximus

    are vehicles saving?

    Yesterday I found a pickup, started repairing it, logged on later and my repairs had reset, items inside vanished. Today a friend found a hatchback, started repairing it, server reset and so did all the repairs, items inside vanished. Didn't seem to matter how many times we tried to save the vehicles.
  9. porkus_maximus

    Server restarts -> Vehicles gone/changed

    I have experienced this myself. I spent several hours today fixing up a hatchback, literally just before I could put the final wheel on the entire server gets killed and before I can make it back to the vehicle, the server restarts. Upon returning to the vehicle I found it had reset to its original status IE everything red/broken/missing. Absolutely gutted because I clicked save many times during the repair process and I doubt I'll have the time to fix it up again.
  10. Server this happened on: UK 239 vetern server hosted by [GoT] clan. Time that it happened including your timezone: roughly 2100 GMT What happened during the incident: 30+ players including myself instantly killed, although it was pointed out over voice chat that the members of the clan hosting the server, [GoT] were not killed. I heard some voice chat from players afterwards, there were a lot of people talking at once but it sounded like a person or group of people had stolen a vehicle or possibly raided a camp belonging to the [GoT] clan. Nothing more than hearsay at this point so hopefully people who were online at the time will see this post and shed some light on what happened. Unfortunately I have no real proof at this point. I was in the process of putting the final wheel on a vehicle that I'd spent SEVERAL hours fixing up, I was actually joking with a friend over skype that I'd get killed, I was so shocked to see everyone getting killed in chat that I didn't think to take a screenshot until it was too late. Again, hopefully someone else who was online at the time can verify or shed some light on the situation. EDIT: Also, the server was restarted at roughly 2125 GMT. After spending an hour getting back to the vehicle, everything had reverted back to its original state IE broken hull, broken engine, broken fuel tank, all 4 wheels missing and my corpse was no where to be found, not even the sound of buzzing flies.
  11. According to DayZ Commander 10% of servers running version 95950, any idea why this is? I can't find any information on this version, official link says 95948 is the latest release.
  12. porkus_maximus


    Step 1: find a low population server Step 2: Hit up the Balota Airfield and/or a couple of fire stations for military spawns Step 3: Get all necessary utility items from markets/schools Step 4: Move inland, eat meat from animals and fill water canteens from lakes Congratulations, you never have to go near Cherno or Elektro ever again.