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Everything posted by porkus_maximus

  1. porkus_maximus

    A solution to the "bandit" problem

    False. Players who adopt the KOS mentality and protected by the simple fact that if/when they eventually fuck with the wrong people and get themselves killed they just respawn, grab the first gun they find and get back to shooting people.
  2. porkus_maximus

    Cheater problem is getting bigger!

    My personal experience is that if I try and play on a server with more than 20 people @ the weekend I will encounter hackers in one form or another. Sometimes avoiding populated servers isn't even enough, I specfically joined a night time server with 0 people on it, over the next hour 5-6 other people join. All of a sudden I get point-blanked by an as50 in the spine then I see everyone else on the server start dying 1 by 1, seems the hacker was systematically working his way down the list of players executing them.
  3. Considering the amount of perfectly legitimate gear I've lost due to the various bugs this mod has I would consider a hacker crate fair game, although I'd only take what I need.
  4. I don't personally use the .50 cals since they're not my style but if I wanted to use one I know countless tent locations where I could easily find one.
  5. porkus_maximus

    Remove the Murder/Bandit Kill count

    As BuffJesus demonstrates, on the internet people act like cunts for the sole purpose of being cuntish to other people. Removing the debug menu isn't going to have any effect on the people like him who kill people just to shit in their cereal.
  6. It's pretty typical of basement dwelling admins to only see the world in extremes, black or white with absolutely no shades of grey in between. For example I've been banned from a server for using an m4 holo SD which I found on a corpse, at the time I didn't even know which guns were legit and which ones weren't but functionally it's no different from the m4 cco SD. However as far as mr. high and mighty admin was concerned, using a scripted weapon makes me no better than someone who nukes servers or teleports people into the ocean. People seriously need to loosen their rectums when it comes to items in this game. As people are so fond of point out "THIS IS STILL AN ALPHA", your immersive gameplay experience is absolutely the LAST thing that anyone should be worrying about. There are 101 ways to lose your items in this game through absolutely NO fault of your own, so if someone wants to say "screw it" and script in some gear to goof around with or maybe spawn themselves a vehcile that functions no differently from any other vehicle in the mod It's not going to bother me one bit.
  7. It would be a lot easier for people to help you if you just admitted you clicked on a bad link, or tried to download something. People always use the excuse that it's their kids/brother/friend/some one else.
  8. porkus_maximus

    What's the point of helicopters?

    On a couple of servers I play on I've noticed tents placed near chopper spawns filled with all the parts needed to repair them. Personally I have no objections using duped vehicle parts to repair a chopper at the moment since the chopper will be gone as soon as the server restarts anyway. Repair it up, take it for a joy ride then leave it for someone else to enjoy next time.
  9. porkus_maximus

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Have you actually tried using the as50 from the hip? It will still hit a target dead-centre of your screen, and as Frankie pointed out above me with a 10 round mag it's extremely deadly in CQC.
  10. porkus_maximus

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    Assuming the damage numbers are the same as the m4 cco sd, I personally wouldn't get too concerned about using an m4 holo sd.
  11. porkus_maximus

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    I consider this weapon a necessary evil in the current situation we have with so many duped/hacked .50 cals, unfortunately there's nothing stopping the snipers from also using the weapon. Once the sniper situation is under control I'd be quite happy to see the l85 gone. It's absolutely awful as a close/mid range weapon anyway, the thermal scope is the only reason people use it. Ditto, it's because the as50 has pin-point accuracy even when being fired from the hip. It's deceptively effective for running and gunning at close range.
  12. porkus_maximus

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Please explain to me how this is a problem exclusive for snipers. ANY player, with ANY weapon, doing ANYTHING can be shot in the back and die without warning. Any player who risks their life looting a town/city/airfield is 100x more vulnerable than a sniper.
  13. porkus_maximus

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    That is not a weakness exclusive to snipers. It doesn't matter what weapon you have, if someone gets the drop on you then 99.9% of the time you're dead. Because bullets dont magically cause instant death if they hit you in the torso? Granted a bullet through the lung would probably send most people into unconciousness and/or shock, causing them to bleed to death in minutes but surviving a shot to the torso isn't impossible.
  14. porkus_maximus

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    The way I see it the M107 and as50 should be removed from the mod, there are no requirements for anti-material rifles since all vehicles in DayZ are easily disabled by shooting out wheels/the driver. There is absolutely no requirement for sniper rifles that insta-kill with extremity shots, they're just a crutch for bad snipers who can't compensate for range and bullet drop; just aim centre of mass and fire for a guaranteed kill no matter where you hit them. Skilled marksmen use the regular rifles. wannabees who upload "420 no scope sick frag" videos on youtube use the as50.
  15. I actually sat and read every single post in this thread, hurray for insomnia I guess. At first I thought the OP was just being an upstanding member of the community reporting crooked admins but after a few pages I got the impression that the OP had specifically set out to fuck with the admins with the goal of getting the server blacklisted. Very sad thread overall.
  16. porkus_maximus

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    I honestly don't see the point is fighting against hacks or scripts etc when the game is supposed to be in an alpha stage. My latest character who I'd invested roughly 15 hours in, was just killed due to the simply action of... logging onto a server. 15 hours wasted because there is a bug in the game that can kill your character when you log onto a server. Shouldn't THAT be a priority for being fixed? Since this is an alpha, why is it so important to stop people scripting in loot? Considering there are 101 ways for the game to arbitrarily take your loot away, why shouldn't I google for some scripts to replace my gear? Seriously, this is a fun game to play but I see absolutely no reason why I shouldn't script myself some items since this is now the fourth time something like this has happened. Fair is fair in my opinion.
  17. Haven't managed to survive for more than 3 days so far, my last few deaths; 1. Shot in the back while searching for vehicle parts @ Berezino docks. 2. Sniped by someone with a thermal AS-50 TWS during the night while moving through the woods around Olsha, on a server that only had 4 other people on it 3. Killed by (I'm assuming) a teleporting hacker while searching a deerstand @ 083 046 So yeah, travelling north and avoiding hot-spots hasn't really worked for me.
  18. porkus_maximus

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Cows are notorious combat loggers. They either despawn after I fire my first shot or they despawn after I gut them so I can't get their delicious meats. Fuck cows.
  19. porkus_maximus

    DayZ Gameplay lately...

    Uhhhhhh no. Besides random curiosity there are very few reasons to go anywhere on this map except for the hotspots. Sure the first few days of playing I wanted to explore eeeeeeeverything but I soon learned that there's really very little value of going anywhere else. Why bother going to some village in the middle of bumfuck-nowhere just for a couple of minor residential spawns? Why risk dying and losing everything just to see a small town that's essentially identicle to all the rest? Vehicles are really the only reason myself or friends explore the map but most of them are already taken by sever hosts and/or clans.
  20. porkus_maximus

    I am the manhunter.

    Why do people always use this excuse to justify acting like a total cunt. The next time I see some children playing football in the park I'm going to take their ball and kick it over a fence so they can't get it back. If they start crying I'll just tell them to suck it up it's just a game.
  21. porkus_maximus

    I am the manhunter.

    OP sounds about as edgy as a 15 year old who just discovered his first nu-metal band.
  22. It's much, much easier to remain completely undetected when you can shoot them from 800m+. And hell, even if someone does spot you there's nothing they can do about it unless they also have a sniper rifle. Getting close enough to kill someone undetected with other weapons is much more risky. The odds of them seeing you or being able to retaliate are much higher at that range.
  23. Having this problem right now. 23/8/12, 10:17pm GMT. Got killed by some random bandit so I logged off, tried to join a different server since I didn't want to play @ night as a fresh spawn but got kicked for script restriction #98. Now every server I try and join just gets stuck on the loading screen.
  24. porkus_maximus

    Is this game dying?

    Perhaps in a real-life situation where someone is pointing a gun at me, I'll do whatever I'm told. In a video game where the person shouting at me sounds like a nasally child trying to act like a hard-case, I'll take my chances.
  25. porkus_maximus

    People Leaving DayZ

    I can see why people would want to walk away at this point. This mod is following absolutely no development structure, it's simply a case of Rocket throwing in random stuff to see what happens. There are currently a myriad of issues that could cause you to lose all your items, vehicles, tents etc. Worst case scenario? Simply logging on to a server could kill you and respawn you outside the map. Over the last few days myself and some friends have invested 2-3 hours per evening trying to aquire tents, items and just ONE vehicle to set up a base camp on a server we want to call home. Thanks to the issues created with all that effort was lost when the server admin decided to make an unanounced server restart. The mod is currently so buggy that almost ANY player action can result in death. Open a door? death. Climb a ladder? death. Vault a fence? Death. Walk onto a rock? Death. Log into a server? Death. These are key issues that need to be addressed. Honestly, who gives a flying fuck about adding in dogs when there are all these issues at hand? It's probably just going to be another game mechanic that kills me or at least breaks my legs anyway. I'm hoping with Rocket being employed by Bohemia Interactive, the standalone will follow a more professional development structure. I'd personally be quite happy if all work on this mod stopped today, if it would be beneficial to the development of the standalone.