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Everything posted by porkus_maximus

  1. porkus_maximus

    Dayz koS would be rife irl if there was an apocalypse

    No one in this thread is trying to apply civilised morals to a zombie apocalypse although it seems cunt-chops above me just decided to turn this thread into his soap-box and mock people who do. In this thread people are trying to claim that the KoS behaviour in DayZ is actually "realistic" which is a complete joke because DayZ simulates a survival situation extremely poorly, with infinate resources available.People in DayZ kill each other because that's all there really is to do, and the constant threat of PVP interaction is a heck of a lot more thrilling than the threat of watching your food/drink meter slowly turn red while you hide alone in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. While I'm sure there would be some people who would chose to simply murder for the sake of murdering in a "realistic" apocalypse I do not think that it would be the status quo as we see in DayZ.
  2. porkus_maximus

    Dayz koS would be rife irl if there was an apocalypse

    Obviously you're not going to be welcoming every stranger you meet with open arms but at the same time you're not going to simply murder everyone you see because you're feeling hungry, especially since bullets may be just as valuable as food. This post has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.
  3. porkus_maximus

    In combat with heroes and bandits.

    The purpose of a ghillie suit is to conceal yourself from players and is most comonly used for PVP sniping. I would not trust a player in a ghillie suit to be friendly no matter how many times they said they were. I might not shoot them without warning but yes, wearing a ghillie suit DOES make a difference.
  4. Load times increase on highly populated servers and/or servers that do not get reset regularly but since you admit your connection is shit and you encounter this problem on almost every server I think we can conclude that your problem is not the server joining process. On a well maintained server I can get into the game in 30-60 seconds, high populated/badly maintained servers can take 5+ minutes.
  5. porkus_maximus

    Dayz koS would be rife irl if there was an apocalypse

    This is not how DayZ is played though. The DayZ version is more like; "2 Families living nearby in seperate houses in an apocalypse Your family is one of those families Both families have infinate food and drink The other family has some night vision goggles Your family has none You can't be bothered to find your own night vision goggles" Trying to argue that people kill on sight to survive in DayZ is a load of bullshit. People kill on sight because engaging another player in direct combat is far more interesting than playing a hermit that can survive indefinately due to infinate natural resources.
  6. Basically people realised that DayZ is a really bad survival simulator. There's an infinite supply of food and water which is extremely easy to obtain, while vehicles may be rare (at least on vanilla hives) fuel is also infinite and vehicles can run forever with little need of maintenance. Once people figured out that survival was a piece of cake and a character could achieve all the essentials for survival in less than an hour of play time, they realised that the real challenge/entertainment would be found in player vs player combat. I mean honestly whats the point of going all the way up to the NWAF to get funky military grade loot if you're not going to try and kill another player? Are you really going to go all the way to the barracks for an m240 just so you can kill zombies and random animals? When it comes down to it the unique game play elements of DayZ are very shallow and the standard Arma2 mechanics are what most people experience. Hopefully the stand alone can change this.
  7. porkus_maximus

    Dayz koS would be rife irl if there was an apocalypse

    If the DayZ KoS mentality was realistic then chances of a human race surviving in a post-appocalyptic environment would be 0.1%. No one kills other players for supplies in DayZ. NO ONE. In DayZ you kill people because they have a cooler gun than you, a coyote back pack, a range finder, NVGs or maybe a vehicle. Food, water and fuel are all in abundance. Even on a 60 player server there is more than enough beans and soda to keep everyone fed and hydrated. DayZ is actually a very bad simultation of a post apocalyptic environment because there is an infinite supply of everything you need, there is actually no requirement to kill any one to survive, people simply choose to play murderous psychopaths because It's a heck of a lot more entertaining than playing a hermit in the black forest who only kills boar and rabbits.
  8. porkus_maximus

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    For me the strange thing about people who are good at DayZ is that they kind of stop playing DayZ and are just kind of playing Arma2, unless they happen to be doing a lot of QCQ in a city where large numbers of zombies may actually be a factor. When I see squad vs squad combat that happens up north/in the wilderness it occurs to me that what I'm seeing is essentially Arma2 gameplay. Also I think people get their jimmies rustled when they see "squad vs 1-2 random dudes" rather than proper squad vs squad.
  9. So recently I've been looking at joining private hives and it's given the mod a new breath of life for me. Unfortunatly the hives I've joined almost always end up being the stomping ground for some clan who are really just using the private hive as an excuse to control 1 or more helicopters which in turn allows them to find any and all vehicles, camps and crash sites. Playing cat and mouse with a clan can be fun for a while but it can get tiresome if you're always the mouse, dying and being sent back to the coast on an almost daily basis. So really what I'm looking for is a medium-high populated server where I could play solo or duo with a friend, where we wouldn't just get obliterated over and over again by a single dominant squad or clan. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  10. porkus_maximus

    Are you still enjoying dayz?

    The problem is the mod hasn't had a MAJOR content update for a long time. Bear traps? Dogs? Big deal, those aren't going to impact the shoot-on-sight metagame that has developed. Personally I LOVE the thrill of DayZ pvp, the spontaneity and intensity of it is enough to cause my heart to practically explode out of my chest with the rush it gives me. However I still dislike the fact that there are zero consequences to shoot on sight play styles, when you can be 99% sure that the other guy is going to try and kill you it can get a bit tiresome.
  11. porkus_maximus

    Best Random Find in DayZ

    Spawn fresh in Kamenka, run north visiting all the deer stands + Zelenogorsk market. Found all the survival essentials in the market + alice pack. Found a DMR + 3 mags in a deer stand NW of Myshkino. Found an AS50 with no ammo @ a helicopter SW of Stary. Found 3 M107 mags @ the military tents. Found the Heuy spawned at the miltary tents (I had to log out for 10-15 minutes and in that time the clan who run the server fixed it up and flew it away, DOH!). Found a green car hidden in the forst North of the NW airfield with a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 + 3 mags in storage. Today was a good day, only way it could have been better is if I'd found some NVGs.
  12. porkus_maximus

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    My main issue with watching his videos is he acts like a control freak towards his squad, He tries to micro-manage everyone whenver they get into combat and sometimes you can tell the other guys don't really appreciate it. I'm pretty sure the guys he plays with are perfectly capable players but for some reason he feels the need to shout at them to do very basic tasks that they're obviously capable of doing under their own initiative, like zeroing a rifle or taking cover behind something. I would not be able to play with someone like that without eventually snapping and telling them to stfu. Chris is Sacriel.
  13. porkus_maximus

    Stream Snipers?

    Step 1: Be an insufferable cunt Step 2: Find out what server a streamer is playing on Step 3: Do whatever comes naturally to an insufferable cunt
  14. porkus_maximus

    Being a nice guy...

    Today I spawned in Balota on a 60 player server, figured screw it I'll run to the airstrip then head to Cherno for shits and giggles. The server time was GMT+1 so it was almost pitch black by the time I got there and I ended up running into a guy with the bandit skin and a hatchet, I panicked and lit hit up with an AK-SU breaking his legs. He begged me not to kill him, so I told him to drop all his weapons and I'd give him some morphine for his legs (found some in the deer huts @ Balota). As I was giving him the morphine, some random civie with a double barrel comes running around the corner and plugs me in the back KO'ing me, then he shoots the other guy killing him. I don't think he figured out I wasn't dead until he realised he couldn't loot me, I was seconds for waking up before he finished me off. I obviously didn't lose as much as the OP but man did I feel gutted.
  15. porkus_maximus

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    needs more no-scopes and 420 BLAZE IT references.
  16. So, driving along through an empty field in a UAZ with my buddy when suddenly... BOOM. Wheel status - green Engine status - green Hull status - green Fuel tank status - orange, not damaged enough to start leaking fuel I was under the impression that only a damaged engine could cause a vehicle to explode, have I been mistaken? I thought that we might have been sniped but I didn't see any bullet impact and we were vulnerable for a good 60-90 seconds while we were KO'ed/bandaging/blood bagging, and no one took a shot at us. Is this just one of those things that happens quite frequently and I've only just noticed? Pretty gutted, was the first time I'd found a UAZ and we had quite a lot of gear in it when it exploded.
  17. porkus_maximus

    Is server hopping bad?

    Exactly anyone can do it, it's not some kind of super secret exploit, it's not some kind of hack you have to pay for, it's a simple mechanic that anyone and everyone can use. The only people I get an advantage on are the people who prefer to play Garbage Man Simulator 2012 and pick up/drop tin cans over and over again. You have the moral compass of a 5 year old. If you are the example of people who play the same "the way it should be", I'm glad I don't play that way.
  18. porkus_maximus

    Is server hopping bad?

    I don't have an issue with server hopping. I spent weeks and weeks on a public hive trying to find a vehicle because they were always hoarded by clans, or teleported somewhere by hackers. Then I spent hours looting tin cans at the NWAF to try and compete against dupers and hackers with an infinite supply of as50s, NVGs, Coyote packs etc, finding crashed helicopters is an absolute chore because I don't have a vehicle... So yeah, if that's the kind of BS I have to compete with on public hives I'll server hop if I want to have some fun in a vehicle, or look for helicopter spawns for example.
  19. porkus_maximus

    Why I quit (yes another one of those threads)

    I think what truely frustrates people is that realistically this mod will never advance beyond the alpha stage, unless someone else is given full control of it while Rocket works on the stand alone. But yeah... for me personally private hives are what keep this mod alive and interesting.
  20. porkus_maximus

    Endgame content in Standalone

    For me personally I've found playing on a private hive has given the mod a breath of fresh air. Even Cherno deathmatch feels more interesting when you know you're up against a solid squad of players with a mixture of legit scavenged gear, rather than a bunch of random server hopping, combat logging as50 snipers.
  21. I think the loot spawns on some servers do break after a period of time. I've had situations where I'll run into a town and just NOTHING will spawn ANYWHERE. Market empty, houses empty, barn empty, nearby deer stand completely empty, not even tin cans or chem lights. The other day I spawned in Kamenka, ran up to Zelengorsk via Pavlovo checking deer huts along the way and literally every loot spawn was completely empty.
  22. porkus_maximus

    Endgame content in Standalone

    "end game" is something that's generally associated with MMORPGs, there needs to be a constant and evolving stream of fresh content to keep players paying their subscription fees. I dunno why people have just started expecting all games to have an "end game".
  23. porkus_maximus

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    Started playing on a private hive at the weekend where a squad of players have control of the huey, they've already killed me and a friend several times due to the fact we've never been equipped to bring it down but tbh I don't give a fuck, it just gives me more incentive to hunt for something I can use to shoot it down next time. Sooner or later I'll find a high powered sniper rife and then we'll see who's laughing.
  24. porkus_maximus

    Vehicles spontaneously exploding

    Possible although unlikely. We were playing on a private hive, the admins were online and there were only about 10-15 people on, most of which are regulars who are familar with each other. I dunno I guess we can just chalk it up to "it's an alpha", we have an ATV now so we'll drive that around until it randomly flips and gets stuck. :D
  25. porkus_maximus

    Falling damage, very unrealistic!

    Fall damage and injury being inconsistent feels more realistic, to a point. Anyone who has broken bones in real life will tell you how easily you can injure yourself if you land awkwardly, heck I know people who have broken bones simply from slipping over from a standing position and landing badly. So falling off a 6ft ledge, or falling down some stairs? Yeah that could definitely break a bone in your leg.