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Morda (DayZ)

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About Morda (DayZ)

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    Game design, programming, social science

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  1. Morda (DayZ)


    So pens were really removed because it's actually allowing people to write what they want? Still no in-game paper notes anymore on vanilla/official servers?
  2. Morda (DayZ)

    Masked robbery\assasination (bandit skins)

    Knollte, I vote Yes for your idea. :thumbsup: Simple, obvious and realistic. You have my beans! :beans:
  3. That's why I do not support humanity system.
  4. Morda (DayZ)

    Social Network DayZ

    You have exactly same idea as I try to promote. I'm glad to see somebody else with same opinion. Social network opens great opportunities. Server selecting, clans, alliances, well-developed system of "friend or foe" marks like "my friend", "enemy of my friend", "allied clan member" and etc and etc. Personally I do not support "one-side" skin changing since I believe that clothing/skins should be same both on server and all clients to prevent confusions and allow fine outfit customisation. However features like player's identity recognition while projection of his character face reach certain square and using mask to hide your own face seems really fine for me. :thumbsup:
  5. I see. Actually this excessive player killing is result of mere boredom to a large degree. In current game version once you get enough equipment to survive you will face serious lack of challenge and fooling around become your only joy. I would like to promote two mutually complementary means to resolve this issue correctly: 1. General game development, like implementing more features and content to keep players well entertained. 2. Improving means of socialisation and communication to launch natural social processes which actually prevent outrage and extreme violence in real life. It may be social network with shared friend and foe lists for example. As you possibly noticed I'm against crude technical penalty for formal immorality.
  6. If you do not agree with other players' gaming style you always have your gun to give them lesson or two. So take you guts and have a real fun. It's no need to call police hordes of dead to punish bandit.
  7. Just read these posts and I hope I did not missed something. So you are suggesting to implement complicate mechanics with will allow system to judge and interpret players’ behavior. Personally I would like recommend everybody to avoid spending your time on polishing all this humanity system since it’s doomed to fail. I understand your motives but want to remind that laws and jurisprudence never can be fair. It’s just technically impossible. I think that instead of these automated "humanity" system the strong socialization and communications features should be developed. For example, integration with some kind of social network will make possible implementation of manual marking other player as “enemy” or “friend” and so on and share this info with fellows. I’m pretty sure that dividing players into bad and good guys is naturally poor idea. Since you are trying to make machine judge it makes things even worse. However manned “friend or foe” system will be fully objective since it’s no moral assessment here.
  8. Morda (DayZ)

    "QEQE or Kill on Sight?" international poll

    Actually you always may just step backward and let stranger go instead of shoot him or approach with your unasked friendship. It's game about surviving BTW. I played this game near month so i joined after bandit skins was already removed. But personally I suffered very few attacks while being played this game. Maybe it's because I always try to evade troubles and notice other people before being spotted? ;)