Hello, so I've seen talk of trades on the forums before and always thought of them as a sketchy business, but low and behold I am an unlucky man looking for two certain items that I simply can't seem to get my hands on. So I'm trying my luck on the survivor forums to hopefully find someone who will do good unto others with my offerings. I have acquired a hero skin through giving people the benefit of the doubt, and can assure you, I am here for a fair trade and will only bring the items in which I am offering. Looking for: The first item being a ghillie suit. I know you guys find them everywhere, but it seems I cannot. Secondly, I need an L85. Offering: Now for the ghillie, I am offering either Rangefinders or NVGs. Pick one. For I will only bring one or the other to the trade. For the L85, I am offering an M107, AS50, or DMR, Pick one sniper. PLUS Rangefinders. (because you aren't a sniper without rangefinders. right? right.) These trades can happen with two different people, or with the same person, I do not care. First come first serve. Private message me with which item(s) you are looking to trade for. We will be in skype for the duration of the trade. (Pacific Standard Time) Thanks, ER