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About ancronym

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    On the Coast
  1. ancronym

    SE #500 Possible hacker

    Roger, thank you. My overreaction in that case. I'm terribly sorry.
  2. Me and my friend were playing and only one more person was on the server and I saw the horizon ablaze which as I recall implies som hacking. For some reason my print screen captures only the desktop so I made a picture with my phone. Sry. Impossibly bad quality, but, the players name was Tobias Walk. Time around 0900Z.
  3. I'm a long time OPF/ARMA fan and was planning to visit Lemnos this year in advance of the Arma3 release. I chose not to, but just because I wanted to visit RL Chernarus before and did so in this august (Recommend to the max). Glad. Because I in the particular Czech area I did a lot of photographing and hiking - had I done that on Lemnos ...bloody hell. I signed, but I believe it will have little effect though. I have little faith in such attempts. I'll try to see if I can contact our local Greece representative. I'm from Estonia, a small country - usually we can here easily access high level politicians. I'll try contacting Polydore Kokonas - the Greek embassador here. Seems likely to have the biggest impact I could make. Maybe there won't be any effect because I will be ignored. Rather likely, but still - an effort I shall make.
  4. I remember this one time I was on patrol and fell into a ditch 2 m deep, although I was progressing really slowly. The only thing I could see was movement - the ditch was not dancing about so that might have helped him score. But yea, in that sense the really dark night in the woods is different, because standing still I can see really just sensor noise and a vagely distinguishable sky, but when I'm moving the space lets outs its shapes and shadows dance about and so I get some sense of the surroundings. I think I am gonna go to the woods the next time it's overcast and moonless ... got me damn curious now, have to retest.
  5. It is an anti-game, as they say. I love it. But, it's actually darn realistic. In the army when I was, patrolling the camp, on an overacast moonless night - the same shitless shitty black is what I saw. That's why I love arma. It makes you suffer as much as real life!
  6. ancronym

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    I have not played too long the z mod, but steam shows hours spent in arma over 900. I have only died once and my first survival lasted 15 hours. I died shortly after leaving my winchester in a military camp north of Berezino because I got charmed by the shine of an AK74. Actually not because of that, but because I had just 3 mags and when a horde jumped me I did not want to spend them right after acquiring them. So I took out my revolver and whilst doing that got knocked down and never managed to get up again when the 10+ zeds feasted on me. The Winchester is good against zeds. I had pellets loaded and was approaching a barn when a 15ish bunch spawned on top of me. Piece of cake with the Winchester - took me 10 rounds to finish them. So far the Winchester has been my best friend, then again I have not been engaged by bandits or else PvP. I saw just one other player in the beginning of my survival and after that I have just rarely heard shots in the distance - which I try to steer away from. So so far I agree - at least for noobs who can keep their head down and be patient, the Winchester is absolutely lovely. As for sidearms, the revolver does a nice job.