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About Xavach

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Xavach

    FPS Problems please help!

    Yea, I realised that today, im just going to go ahead and start looking for a new computer. Thanks for all your guys help.
  2. Xavach

    FPS Problems please help!

    Been there, done that. Yea I did this before I even had the games and after I easily have all the requirements.
  3. Hello everyone, I have been getting very annoying fps lag whilst playing on low settings and low resolution my system specs are: Laptop: Dell M1730 IntelR CoreTM2 Duo CPU T7700 @2.40GHz 2.40GHz RAM: 4.00GB Operating System: 32Bit Graphics Card: NIVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT Its so goddamn annoying its playable but I dont think that its my system specs that are causing this to happen, I have already tried different servers, I have tried editing the .cfg files, I have updated my drivers, and I have tried with game booster, Also I get this on ArmA2 and ArmA2 OA which I must say are great games that I will play but atm im looking to play DayZ so any suggestions would be highly appreciated. My ultimate goal is to get DayZ's 3D resolution and interface resolution both running at my native resolution which is 1900x1200, Thank you,
  4. Xavach

    FPS freezes

    How did you get it to run smoothly?
  5. Hi, so iv been getting pretty bad fps whilst in towns and around clusters of trees and I dont think its my laptops specs which are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laptop: Dell M1730 IntelR CoreTM2 Duo CPU T7700 @2.40GHz 2.40GHz RAM: 4.00GB Operating System: 32Bit Graphics Card: NIVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So please let me know what you guys think I should do, I run my interface res and 3d res both at 1024x768 with every possible related setting put on low or disabled, While the settings are like this it is just playable but im not happy with it because of how it limits my ability to kill zombies chasing me. It also is exactly the same on ArmA 2 OA. So if you guys have any suggestions on how I can play at my native resolution which is 1900x1200. Then please please leave a comment. EDIT: Also I forgot to add that apparently I should be able to play with max settings and that theres something else causing this FPS lag. And that I have tried multiple servers.
  6. Xavach

    FPS Lag

    With what settings?
  7. Xavach

    FPS Lag

    Have noticed that alot of people have been getting this problem my FPS as soon as I entered the game was 6-10 and not rising, This is with everything on low besides resolution and 3d resolution because I made them both the same. I also have already tweaked the .cfg files in ArmA2 folder which is in documents. My laptop is a Dell XPS M1730 Specs are Windows Vista Home premium service pack 2 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T7700 @ 2.40GHz 2.4 GHz Memory RAM: 4GB System type: 32 bit Operating system Graphic Card: Nividia GeForce 8700M GT What else can I do?!?!?!?