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Everything posted by donsteffa

  1. Hey, i was banned on a server hosted by some =TWS= clan or something, me and my buddy took them out, and we got banned. And now.. alot of servers give the same message to us, what should i do?
  2. donsteffa

    DayZ - Low FPS since 4 Days

    1. Update drivers, 2. (or) Downgrade drivers (Could work since arma has been out for quite a while and sometimes new drivers dont support older games that perfectly with some graphic cards) 3. Check for malware/virusses etc, 4. Remove every unnecessary parameter in the start up line, 5. QQ at a local computer store and demand them to fix it. 6. ???? 7. ??? 8. maybe profit.
  3. donsteffa

    Banned from various Servers.

    When i got kicked, they kicked me for having "Soldier clothing" that i found.. and later when i wanted to join the server again and it said Something about #33 Dwarden. I don't get it cause if i was hacking Battleye would've banned me :S