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About Dalt0n

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    Sgt Dora

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  • Bio
    Sgt T.Dalton {RCR} airborne jumper who was posted over seas when the initial outbreak happened,after 1 year of convincing hes officers to let him jump in the hot zone to try and find hes brother he finally gets the green light,before the jump satellite shows human movement still active in hot zone ( 1 hours latter ) all of a sudden a big bang!!! were going down the pilots yells, i quickly find a parachute and make my way to the door i jump, i was only about 300m above sea lvl next thing i new i was in the water on the shore line with nothing!!! but a bag that i was able to grab from the debris, i lost all my gear in the jump! even my compass i don't know were i am if im even in the rights country, i hear a noise ( nothing Ive herd before) then i knew im in the hot zone. So i must find a weapon or im not gonna make it anywhere!! ( i remember capt telling me " go to cherno my sister lives there shes a doctors at the hospital on the edge of town!! her apartment is across the road, u should be able to get all your supply there! and she will help you find your brother tell her i sent you )

    basically i am
    a basic field medic!
    military trained
    combat vet

    3 weeks after landing i found my brother! in a body bag in hes basement with hes wife and kids lying there beside him all dead!!! :(

    !!! so know with no way out i must survive!! looking for groups or clans!!! a home since everything i once new is gone :(
  1. i had the same happen to me but he got the hole server :(
  2. Dalt0n

    DayZ - A Brutal Democracy

    like really? i play alone or with groups and alone with in the first hour maybe 2 of a new characters spawn! im pretty much got all the basic gear i need to go on, from primary to maps!! sooo idk what your talking about with 25 ppl how the hell are you gonna get hear when 25 other ppl are beside you going i want it/i need it, well i took it, in my opinion if your in a group its cuz you know how to survive on your own!! you MUST learn to live on your own before you get your self in a big group!! they are easier to spot! easier to kill ( in my opinion ) and alot of fun to hunt :)
  3. Dalt0n

    How Do You Roleplay?

    Sgt T.Dalton {RCR} airborn jumper who was posted over seas when the initial outbreak happend,after 1 year of convinsing hes officers to let him jump in the hot zone to try and find hes brother he finally gets the green light,before the jump satalite shows human movement still active in hot zone ( 1 hours latter ) all of a sudden a big bang!!! were going down the pilots yells, i quickly find a parachute and make my way to the door i jump, i was only about 300m above sea lvl next thing i new i was in the watter on the shore line with nothing!!! but a bag that i was able to grab from the debrit, i lost all my gear in the jump! even my compas i dont know were i am if im even in the rights country, i hear a noise ( nothing ive hurd before) then i knew im in the hot zone. So i must find a weapon or im not gonna make it anywere!! ( i remember capt telling me " go to cherno my sister lives there shes a doctors at the hospital on the edge of town!! her apartment is acrose the road, u should be able to get all your suplys theres! and she will help you find your brother tell her i sent you ) so im basicly i am a basic field medic! military trained combat vet 3 weeks after landing i found my brother! in a body bag in hes basement with hes wife and kids lying there beside him all dead!!! :( !!! so know with no way out i must survive!! looking for groups or clans!!! a home since evrything i once new is gone :( :)
  4. i have a m14 aim with 3 mags/ or a dmr your choice i would like the m4a1 cco sd let me know
  5. Dalt0n

    [The Cure]: An Introduction

    well sounds like you got a idea on your hands!!!!! know the only thing your missing is protection, in order for you to get your supplies for you job your gonna need raiding parties/protection/storage/ so on and so on!! i think it can be done but the questions is for how long??? get in tuch if you would like sum help!
  6. Dalt0n

    US 1111 Hackers Spawn & Rocket Launch Camp

    u think thats bad!!!! i was on a server today when evryone playing on the server spawnd right in on each other
  7. Dalt0n

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    and whats your discription on a NOOB SNIPER? cuz ive seen ( played with been the ,shooter,spooter,retrever) hitting players at 400-700m away moving targets from the hills or rooftops! its not easy, and with any arma 2 practice its not hard to be a good shoot at thos distances, just takes time, and the perfect moment to take the shoot soo..... for that matter i dont know what your disription is of a noob snipner is cuz if he can make that shoot and collect your gear with out loss then to me thats a preatty good sniper? dont you think?
  8. Dalt0n

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    honestly i think you need to stop crying cuz i mean in real life! if i was on a hill top with a sniper rifle and i saw the chance to take a shoot at sumone with or without loot cuz theres a 50% they have loot may i add ( were in a zombie apocolips) i would, or im in cherno and ive been trailling this guy since elektro and waiting for the perfect time to take him and hes buddy out with out getting spooted, its part of the game of life!!! ive been playing for over 700hours and bye all mean ive been stuck and i mean stuck in only 2 sniper fire fights,the rest ive maniged to escape, or eliminate! play with friends!! have overwatch! and for crying out load, dont stand out in the open in town anywere, use tree lines, building cover your self, tacktical is the only way to play this game! this game to me is a big pvp hunting ground
  9. Dalt0n

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    any one?
  10. Dalt0n

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    hey i have a bunch of things id be looking to get ride of m14+ammo akm+ammo m1911+ammo+ammo lol :) x2 g17 preatty much any medical suplies ( no antibiotics) smoke grenades meat looking for dmr/guille suits/sniper rifles pm me if interested can do medical runs