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About WilfordGrimley

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Here's a link. The subreddit's goal is to help survivors more quickly recover from death, by arming them with whatever a kind Spawn Helper is willing to offer. It follows a pay it forward philosophy, if someone gears you, you are expected to gear someone else in the future. If you think this is game breaking, then simply don't use it. Also, if this is a success, I'll need an avid DayZ player with css skills to help me moderate.
  2. WilfordGrimley

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    I tried to crawl out of a building while at full blood. Upon getting half way through the door, I broke my legs, and died a second later. I had some good stuff on me too. :/
  3. WilfordGrimley

    New Spawns Guiders [Recruiting]

    First Name: Bronson Age: 16 Teamwork (1-10): 9 (speculative, as I have never grouped before) Why do you want to join: I think that yours is an extremely noble cause. It's one that I would love to be a part of. How long have you played DayZ (be honest): about a week Have you ever hacked/exploit glitches: nay Skype: bronson.richard Steam: WilfordGrimley