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About Anon88

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Anon88

    Grounded the little turd

    Good and all, but why bring family matters in this forum. This is a cheating report forum.
  2. Anon88

    Banned from a server.

    Not quite, server admins ban people for it warning or not. the tools or plugins they use for example removing inventory was never approved as it is a third party plugin and the creators don't have anything to do with it. I beg to differ that nothing will happen if you kick/ban people for using illegal weapons as they do not follow the rules and make up their own rules. You can not deny that some admins feel more important than they truly are. I've been on servers and killed the admin and got banned for it cuz they couldn't handle it even though he kept killing other people. They are allowed to use but that doesn't mean you will keep them forever. Ofcourse he is going to remove them once and a while to clear it from the database. But that doesn't mean the rules have changed that it suddenly became illegal to use them. Like I said, if you want to use them fine, but if you're gonna login some day and it turned into a makarov that's what you choose. Banning people for it on the other hand is/should not be allowed. If he truly wanted the illegal weapons to be gone he could have easily made every illegal weapon a makarov and after that if someone still makes illegal weapons get globally banned so they can't spread it like that anymore. But that kind of action doesn't seem to happen. So somewhere it's not one of their greatest concern as hackers are a bigger concern than the actual people who find it legit. None the less people tend to make servers but aren't aware of the server rules. And unless rocket elaborates on the fact what is "cheating" then it could be anything what the people want it to be. Cheating has never been defined as using illegal weapons, people see it that way just to ban them. Which is wrong. As long as he doesn't clarify what he means by cheating this conversation will go in a circle. And since rocket already gave the green light that using illegal weapons is ok as long as you find them overrides your argument. If rocket says it's okay that means people need to accept it that there will be people using it. But people can't accept that and make up rules just cause they think they're above the rules of the actual dayz server rules. I'm against hacking and it truly needs to stop. but if rocket or the creators don't actually stop the weapons from spreading then it's kind of their own fault after all HE SAID IT'S OKAY TO USE THEM. No matter what argument you bring, that sentence will keep getting slapped in your face. He may not want them in the game but he still says its okay, so it's not up to players or admins to decide whether they can/should ban people for it. As long as the creators allow people using them they should NEVER be banned.
  3. Anon88

    Banned from a server.

    If rocket allows them to be used as long as they are spawned, it is not cheating as they are allowed by the CREATOR. Even if you don't approve of it, that's your problem. If you can't follow the rules of the servers then there will be consequences. And clearly note that SOLID evidence, owning a weapon that is not in the game is not evidence as I said is allowed by rocket to use hence overwriting your opinion on the case. Nor are you allowed to ban cuz they have it, If you have proof he spawned them in the game on a server. Then it's a different story. though it says that if you find a hacked in weapon it becomes a legit weapon to use hence not banable. It seems you people can not gasp that. qouting rocket: Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself. If rocket doesn't ban you for hacked weapons, what makes you admins think you're above that? And AS50 TWS was a legit weapon in a previous version of dayz, so some of them could have been legit and remnants of that
  4. Anon88

    Banned from a server.

    You're wrong. Admins never read the server rules. Most admins make up rules. It doesn't you're allowed to ban people for it nor against it. Nor is it really cheating as the weapons are easily found on other players + they get turned to makarovs every so often. So it is their choice if they want it or not. Besides i've been servers that remove your whole gear if you have a hacked in weapon, removing gear should be considered hacking. You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs. And seeing a hacked in weapon in the logs is NOT proof, as it is not cheating not matter what you say. you are not allowed to ban them and even so you would need to post the proof in the forums and not take justice in your own hands. Because admin's judgement are more emotional than objective.
  5. Anon88

    Huey keeps crashing

    Day 8 and it's still falling =/
  6. Anon88

    Huey keeps crashing

    If its off the map then it should respawn within 24hours I think.
  7. Anon88

    Huey keeps crashing

    And it stopped after 8 days? but I wonder if the server needs to be up that long. or that the hive is just counting 7 days even if the server is down?
  8. My friend runs a server. we found a Huey, we prepared it and when someone was flying it, his game crashes. Later when we started up the server again the next day, the helicopter was falling from the sky to the ground making it blow up where he left. This keeps happening and it has been happening for 7 days now. So I was wondering when it would respawn or how to fix it somehow. Also the respawn time says 7 days, but does the server need to be up for 7 days or is it just counts as days?