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About CRF250Rman56

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    MX, R/Cing
  1. CRF250Rman56

    Servers disappearing?

    I've heard that it's a problem with gamespy's servers. Sometimes they show you certain ones sometimes they don't. Launcher type doesn't seem to make a difference (I've used six, commander, etc.). Now I just use the ingame server browser and hope my server that I like shows up.
  2. CRF250Rman56

    uh... battle eye?

    Yea just happened to me too in US 603
  3. CRF250Rman56

    Mongrel Dog Thing With Sweet Loot?

    I mean binoculars. But the map was called Evidence (map). Had a different item picture than the normal map, still worked like a map though.
  4. CRF250Rman56

    Mongrel Dog Thing With Sweet Loot?

    Good thing I shot him then. lol
  5. I was running into Polana with a friend, and a dog (named Mongrel in the gear thing) just passes me. So I popped it with the M16 and it had a GPS, Bo-nocs, evidence map, and a couple other nice things. It looked like a pit-bull or something. Anyone know what it was? I can't find anything on it with google. Also a zombie soldier was kind of like creeping on us the whole time, wasn't really aggroed, he just followed us and I shot him too.