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Everything posted by secret1962

  1. secret1962

    People using Tree /Grass exploit.

    Or their files were just corrupted. One time I had a error about a .pbo (rocks2 I think). I didn't modify anything. It just corrupted randomly as I had to verify files with steam option. I totally approve this.
  2. secret1962

    Paranoia after murders?

    It's cool but no, I don't want. -1 Emotions get from game to person because people feel them. Emotions musn't be forced.
  3. secret1962

    Hacker in Dallas 27

    Please also provide time and a proof. And a name if you can. Or they won't do anything.
  4. secret1962

    Spawn hack. Need to ban a hacker.

    Are you reporting yourself ? Because that's your nickname.
  5. secret1962

    Change name for player

    You can change name by creating a new profile in arma 2. Don't know if it works for Dayz. It works in other mods and vanilla.
  6. secret1962

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    273,15 F = 0° C
  7. ACE mod improves wind mechanics.
  8. Faster ? Are you serious ? Are you mad ?!!!!!! Once the temperature system is fixed and fully functional' date=' of course. [/quote'] Yea you're definitely crazy. It's already too fast.
  9. Faster ? Are you serious ? Are you mad ?!!!!!!
  10. I don't want any kind of restrictions at all as it could cause you a death even if you aren't disconnecting to prevent to be killed by zombies.
  11. secret1962

    How to Rule [The Troll Guide to Play]

    And if you really have to leave ? Seriously ? This has no sense. Or even losing something if you leave. No sense. I'd stop playing dayz definitely if they'd implement these things.
  12. secret1962

    Eat less, but spend more time doing it

    If you stop eating you lose the food ? Seriously ? This has no sense. And seriously 1 or 5 mins ? That's too much.
  13. secret1962

    Buddy committed suicide.

    That's really scary... (no sarcasm)...
  14. You can put -window in the parameters of the shotcurt you use. Not sure if you can resize it anyway.