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Everything posted by under_cover

  1. under_cover

    Low FPS on a high-ish end PC?

    To the OP: i dont think ur comp is to weak, mine is a lot weaker ( AMD Dual Core 2,6 GHz, 4Gig Ram, and my GPU is quite crap too ) but nonetheless it runs Arma / Dayz smoothly on low / medium settings, ppl on this board told me "ur CPU is too weak, u need an upgrade, buy a new Graphics Card" etc, dont listen to them i tweaked my pc with some 3rd party programms and launch settings for Dayz and made it run perfectly. I think ur fps problem is due to the servers, i sometimes get on a server that gives me 6fps, i change the server and it runs fine. Its unpredictable issues because Dayz is in development imho.
  2. So i logged in just a few minutes ago, i got placed on the coast ( though i logged of near NE Airfield ), all my stats, blood humanity z kills etc are shown correctly, but all my gear is gone, not even an empty backpack is left. ...I know "dont get attached to your gear", but i did, DMR, AK Kobra, PDW, Coyote Backpack, GPS etc etc ( no ghille suit btw ) - and i wouldnt mind if id have lost it in a gunfight, or getting into a dangerous situation by not taking care or sth like that, but thats just fuckiing annoying, log in = gear gone, i know noone of the staff can/will help me, but please work on fixing things like that :S
  3. under_cover

    Scripted helicopter chrashes

    I think this is a great start for adding more action into the game. I would suggest an altered version: Scripted helis flying around chernarus ( make it very rarely if u want ) that dont contain any npcs, but crash somewhere ( increase number of possible crash sites ( not amount of total helis ) ) The aim: people would see a chopper fly around, get in cover as it MIGHT be a group of players who are up to shooting everything up theyll see below, or it MIGHT be on of the scripted helis crashing so -> worth running towards where hes flying and maybe finda crash site with nice stuff. Of course it might aswell be a group of players that crashed, so youre never really sure ( make the heli fly in a straight line as if it is up to a destination far away, because imitating player-controlled hovering would be hard and reveal if its a script or real ) And about that "this is a zombie apocalypse where there are only survivors and no army"... well there are survivors, who do find helis and fly them, u dont need to aks for the reasons or the background story, as we are all providing it: everyone who flew with a chopper for fun, to kill or have fun with friends did provide a background story for why there are ppl flying around.
  4. Hello, i ask for help and/or explanation to why my dayz is running with that low fps ( from what feels like 6 to ~20 max ) My computer is quite old, but nonetheless cant handle dayz on lowest graphics settings everything to low / disabled resolution to 1440 * 900 ( native 1600 * 1050 ) view range 800m In the wilderness it is acceptable but stary sobor, cherno and elektro are no-nos for me I can play Arma 2 OA ( and other games MW1/2, Crysis, WoW ) with average settings ( dont have them in mind but way better than the ones in dayz ) very fluently ( though my GPU starts overheating because the cooler is retarded -> i use MSI Afterburner to manually run the cooler + Game Booster which closes unnecessary tasks and the like ) Im not that familliar with computers in terms of performance hardware etc.. but will try to give more details if necessary My comp: AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2.60 GHz ATI Raedon HD 3800 4Gb Ram DayZ is unplayable for me ( despite the stuck on loading screen problem :P ), so could anyone help me out?
  5. under_cover

    Weirdest Thing You've Seen?

    i saw a ghille / sniper at nighttime on the airfield near balota weaving his flashlight around -< extraordinary stupid for someone wiht that gear, i didnt have the guts to engage on him though, typed in chat "i see you, ghille sniper" and saw him running away :P
  6. under_cover

    My story with dayZ

    Sounds like a hacker, dont get frustrated - this game is unfair jsut like the real life :P i wa splaying so utterly carefull and boring, got shot by a guy on a server with 4 ppl aside form me next spawn i run into cherno aggro zeds, throw around literally 15 road flares ( night time ) -> dont get shot by sniper, loot weapons food backpack compass knife matches WTF and btw: this isnt /b/, why the fuck are you using the > for every new line ? it makes me sick seing this shit - sorry for the offense
  7. under_cover

    Low FPS - any advice / explanation

    please read my post carefully: arma 2 is running fluently even on higher settings than dayz, its only dayz that has low fps ( independant from the server i am on, btw - tried out many )