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Everything posted by chrisga

  1. chrisga

    Odd Gameplay

    Check out what happened in my video. Not sure what was happening and what caused it maybe lag maybe hacking who knows LoL. I made a video of me going out and hunting players which was my first time. Im more of a survivor/relaxed and avoid player killing but decided to give random player killing a try. So check out my video DayZ Murders and Craziness and tell me what went on during my gameplay!! Also check out my other dayz videos and support gamers and give a thumbs up and like the video !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coMrFYf6q8M
  2. chrisga

    Under 100K active players

    Hackers and Graphical issues seems to keep alot away. Before anything else is done those two things need to be fixed.
  3. i have the MSI GE70 runs this game with a few tweeks at 24-32fps no problems on normal to high settiings has the 2gb 660m graphics card. Paid $1200
  4. When I was riding an atv today I crashed. I got off of it but some reason I was stuck in the riding motion even off the atv I cant get back on the atv sense its flipped on it side. I tried restarting game restarting computer logging on different server its all the same stuck in the riding position. I cant stand I can move but very very slow. How can I fix this?
  5. chrisga

    My player is glitched out

    bump photos below. Do I need to be killed to reset my character?
  6. way to early for dogs. They need to fix hacking and graphical glitches before moving forward adding something else to the game. Fix whats broken and then you can concentrate on improving the game !!
  7. chrisga

    I need

    Looking for dayz version of please if anyone has it
  8. chrisga

    I need

    says file transfer server quota exceeded
  9. chrisga

    Chernarus Tactical Force ~RECRUITING~

    1. 1 month 2. 29 3. Favorite weapon is any weapon with ammo !! Favorite role is gathering supplies. Hiding in the bushes for sneak attacks if threatened ! 4. None 5. Yes Steam name : tater259
  10. Looking for an established clan to join. Im 29 years old live in the USA. Been playing dayz for a month. Loyal and trustworthy ( will not shoot you in your back ) . I have team speak. PM me or reply here. THANKS !!!
  11. chrisga

    Looking for a clan to join

    I searched many times. Including clans. Applied for 3 have not heard anything. Fastforward now my post. K thanks