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Everything posted by psycorevolution

  1. psycorevolution

    DayZ Kickstarter

    A lot of people make DayZ videos on Youtube, but for some reason there aren't very many parody songs for the game, especially when compared to a game like Minecraft. I'm working on making a parody music video in DayZ, but I need some help in the music department, so I launched a Kickstarter a couple days ago to help make this video happen. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/psycorevolution/were-bandits-dayz-music-video The page explains the project fully if you have any questions, and thanks ahead of time for taking a look.
  2. Since I started playing DayZ, (a couple weeks after release) I have been killed many times by players, as well has killed my own collection of them. With the standalone game on its way, I started thinking about what could be done to the game to lower the amount of murder we do in the game. But before you can decide how to fix a problem, you must first know what's causing the problem. So I did some reflection and investigation, and created a list of seven causes that contribute to the rampant and pervasive player killing in the game. What could Rocket and company do to the game to help remedy some of these causes?
  3. You Cannot Play/Edit this mission; it is Dependent on Downloadable Content it has been deleted.cacharacters_pmc Why am I getting this and how can I fix it? Important Info: Steam version Launched as Combined Ops Own PMC DLC This is 2nd steam account on the PC that owns ARMA/Dayz Other Steam account has no issues joining servers
  4. psycorevolution

    Having Multiple Characters

    I wanted to have 2 different characters in the game.... 1 for normal playing with friends, and a second for character to use for my youtube videos(not for muling and all that jazz, yadayada) Anyway, so I read that it might be possible to have 2 characters if I owned a retail disk, as well as my copy on steam. Well I got my retail disk and tried it and....well it failed. It seems you cannot have 2 characters by owning 2 different copies of the game. So my question to you IS: If I create a second steam account and buy the game on there, will it work without a problem? To me it seems that this should work without fail, but buying a retail disk seemed like it should have worked as well....so yeah... I'd just like confirmation that this will work before I go spending more money on something that won't work. Thanks- Psyco
  5. psycorevolution

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I made a video outlining and showing off the biggest features of the update
  6. psycorevolution

    Having Multiple Characters

    Still no response :/
  7. psycorevolution

    Having Multiple Characters

    Well I definitely don't want to mess with my registry every time I want to play.....and then you're 100% sure that 2 different steam accounts will work? I don't wanna waste another $30
  8. psycorevolution

    Having Multiple Characters

    Uhhhh can't you just use different Profiles? Nope, all that does is change your name/appearance.