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Everything posted by mtls44555

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7zoVIsIT2A
  2. I for one would love to have bears as a threat to survival. Maybe........ a zombie bear? :D
  3. mtls44555

    Who wants to see bears is SA?

    http://a1.twimg.com/profile_background_images/12633062/bear.jpg Bearodactyl
  4. mtls44555

    Who wants to see bears is SA?

    you guys are beary funny
  5. A flare pistol like you would find on a boat I know they have M203 flares but I feel emergency boats flares would be better and more reasonable, the way it is right now is that you need to find a rifle in order to shoot a flare into the air. Also you could have IR type flares where you could only see it if you had night vision. Like this. http://static.ddmcdn...flare-gun-1.jpg
  6. mtls44555

    Road flares suck so how about...

    O sorry I did not see it my bad.
  7. mtls44555

    Vote DayZ goty (IGN AU)

    You would think so but they give you the option to vote for it in most of the categories.
  8. I find it weird that a very realistic game does not allow a very important function. When you are in a car there is no way to defend yourself. Even if you are moving at a high speed you probably won't be able to hit anything, but you still could lay down suppressive fire. What do you think?
  9. Well I am tired of getting sniped so easily even when running at full sprint. Snipers are to easy to use so what i was thinking is they also need to add a wind factor to make targets on the moved harder to hit.
  10. Well I just hope in the stand alone there will be a server option for wind. Also wind could add other elements to the game not just for snipping. This is a little crazy but, dogs could possibly lose a sent or something if the wind changes directions and making it harder to track.
  11. I still feel snipers are to easy to use and if this game is built of a simulator it should have something simple as wind.
  12. Age: 20 Skype: mike445551 Was just killed by a hacker. HE SENT ME TO A BEAR TRAP MINE FIELD. SO MANY DEAD PEOPLE :( so many