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About mtls44555

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7zoVIsIT2A
  2. mtls44555

    Who wants to see bears is SA?

    http://a1.twimg.com/profile_background_images/12633062/bear.jpg Bearodactyl
  3. mtls44555

    Who wants to see bears is SA?

    you guys are beary funny
  4. I for one would love to have bears as a threat to survival. Maybe........ a zombie bear? :D
  5. mtls44555

    Road flares suck so how about...

    O sorry I did not see it my bad.
  6. A flare pistol like you would find on a boat I know they have M203 flares but I feel emergency boats flares would be better and more reasonable, the way it is right now is that you need to find a rifle in order to shoot a flare into the air. Also you could have IR type flares where you could only see it if you had night vision. Like this. http://static.ddmcdn...flare-gun-1.jpg
  7. mtls44555

    Vote DayZ goty (IGN AU)

    You would think so but they give you the option to vote for it in most of the categories.
  8. I find it weird that a very realistic game does not allow a very important function. When you are in a car there is no way to defend yourself. Even if you are moving at a high speed you probably won't be able to hit anything, but you still could lay down suppressive fire. What do you think?
  9. Well I just hope in the stand alone there will be a server option for wind. Also wind could add other elements to the game not just for snipping. This is a little crazy but, dogs could possibly lose a sent or something if the wind changes directions and making it harder to track.
  10. I still feel snipers are to easy to use and if this game is built of a simulator it should have something simple as wind.
  11. Well I am tired of getting sniped so easily even when running at full sprint. Snipers are to easy to use so what i was thinking is they also need to add a wind factor to make targets on the moved harder to hit.